Array Capacity Utilization Reports > NetApp Aggregate Summary
Version 9.1.01
NetApp Aggregate Summary
Detail reports are related to a specific enterprise object, such as a backup job or SAN fabric. You can only access detail reports through a link presented in the context of a main report, providing additional information that augments the main report. Detail reports cannot be generated, customized, or saved, as they are specific to the report from which they were derived. Therefore, they will not be available in search results.
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You can use the Explorer to browse through the StorageConsole templates, dashboards and reports. The navigation pane displays templates organized by products along with user created, and system folders. The main report is located here:
Next, click # Aggregates.
View this report for an overview of how your aggregates are configured to manage disks, RAID groups, and plexes. The Aggregate Utilization Summary displays one row for each aggregate, with links to Volume and Plex details.
NOTE: If the aggregate is mirrored, two Plexes will be listed.
The Aggregate number/ID
Storage Array
The NetApp system with which the aggregate is associated
Mouse over the usage thermometer to view the % available
Total Capacity
The aggregate’s total capacity
Allocated Size
Amount of capacity that has been allocated for use
Available Size
Remaining capacity available for use
raid0 (mirrored), raid4 (single disk for parity), or raid_dp (double-parity protection)
# Volumes
# of Thin Prov Vols
Number of thin provisioned volumes
List of Plexes
Lists 1 or 2 Plexes—2 if SyncMirror is licensed and enabled. Links to the NetApp Plex Details report.
In addition, the following Disk Type information is displayed:
Raid Status
RAID status
Number of disks
Total Capacity
Total capacity of the disks