Array Capacity Utilization Reports > Array Capacity and Utilization
Version 9.1.01
Array Capacity and Utilization
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Use the Explorer to browse through the StorageConsole templates, dashboards and reports. The navigation pane displays templates organized by products along with user created, and system folders. This report is located here:
Use this report to identify storage arrays that are under-utilized or highly utilized.
Several versions of this report display data relevant to the type of storage:
Dell Compellent - View details related to Array Capacity & Utilization - (Dell Compellent View).
EMC VNX (Celerra) - View details related to Array Capacity & Utilization - (EMC VNX Celerra View)
EMC VNX (CLARiiON) - View details related to Array Capacity & Utilization - (EMC VNX CLARiiON View).
EMC Isilon - View Cluster details in the Array Capacity & Utilization - (EMC Isilon View)
EMC Symmetrix - View details related to Array Capacity & Utilization - (EMC Symmetrix View).
Hitachi Arrays and Hitachi Dynamic Provisioning - View details related to Array Capacity & Utilization (Hitachi Arrays & HDP View).
Hitachi NAS Arrays - View details related to Array Capacity & Utilization (Hitachi NAS Arrays).
HP 3PAR - See Array Capacity & Utilization (HP 3PAR View) for details.
HP EVA Arrays - See HP EVA Physical Disks.
IBM Arrays - View array details, including Extent Pool, Array Site, and Rank capacity via the Array Capacity & Utilization (IBM Enterprise Array View) and Array Capacity & Utilization (IBM Modular Array View).
IBM SVC Arrays - See Array Capacity & Utilization (IBM SVC View) for MDisk and VDisk details.
IBM XIV Arrays - See Array Capacity and Utilization (IBM XIV View) and How Capacity Values are Represented in XIV Reports.
NetApp - Because NetApp uses a number of unique constructs—such as Aggregates and Volumes—to organize and access its storage, additional NetApp-specific data is available via this report. See Array Capacity and Utilization (NetApp View).
Other Storage Arrays - See the following example and field descriptions.
Figure 3.1 Example of an Array Capacity & Utilization Report
The report is organized into four columns:
1. Array Summary
2. Physical Summary or Raw Capacity/Raw Capacity - Raw capacity is the summation of the physical disks. Usable space is the space that is calculated from RAID groups and LUNs.
3. Raw RAID Group Summary or Usable Summary or Aggregate/Volume Capacity (for NetApp storage)
4. LUN Summary
Array Summary
The array information can be used to reference the array vendor’s capacity limits.
Storage Array
The name that you assigned to the array. Available values include all supported storage devices. From here you can drill down to the array. For a list of supported devices, see the APTARE StorageConsole Certified Configurations Guide.
The family classification of the storage array as assigned by the vendor. Use this name to ascertain the vendor’s product specifications.
The specific model of the storage array.
The name of the vendor that distributes the storage array.
The name of the product, typically shown as a series number. This field provides an indicator of capacity specifications, such as LUNs, hosts per array, and drives per array.
# Nodes
Number of SAN Volume Controllers (SVC arrays only), the providers of virtualization to the SAN.
# Disks
Number of disks for this storage unit (available for certain array vendors).
# Hosts
This is the total number of unique hosts that have LUNs assigned by this storage array, and the hosts have been successfully queried using one or more host resource policies. If zero, host resources data has not been collected. Click on the Hosts link to go to the Host Capacity & Utilization.
# Ports
The number of ports in the array. Click on this link to view the Array Capacity Forecast.
Host Usage
Total Free Space
For SVC arrays: Note that a small percentage of free space may be reserved for use by SVC.
% RAID Loss
For SVC arrays: Amount of space lost to RAID overhead, including mirroring and other overhead usage: (non-primary mirror extents + managed MDisks) - ((MDisk Group real capacity - MDisk Group remaining managed space)/MDisks Total).
Physical Summary or Raw Capacity
This column of information summarizes capacity and usage. The percentages, in particular, capture the essence of your current utilization status.
Hitachi Data System (HDS) Arrays
The following fields are described in:
Raw Capacity
Configured RAID
# RAID Groups
Note: When calculating raw capacity for HDS arrays, StorageConsole makes requests to the Device Manager for physical devices (PDEVs) for all Array Groups in a storage array.
Raw Capacity/Capacity
For EMC Symmetrix arrays: Sum of the capacity of all physical disks from all array groups—no spares. Note: When viewing raw capacity in EMC Control Center, disk group 0 (hot spares) is not included in the total capacity calculation—accounting for the difference between the EMC and Capacity Manager reported capacity values. For EMC CLARiiON arrays: Sum of the capacity of all physical disks from all array groups—including spares (drives that are not allocated to an array group). For HDS arrays: Sum of capacity of all PDEVs from all array groups. Capacity Manager assumes that all PDEVs are part of an array group, so PDEVs that are marked as--Not included in an array group--are included in the capacity calculation. That is, no disks are treated as spares.
Configured RAID
For HDS arrays: Total raw capacity of the LUNs in the array that have been mapped to a host. These LUNs are typically configured as volumes on the host and dedicated to an application.Unallocated storage is storage that is not part of an Array Group.
Total raw capacity of the LUNs in the array that have been mapped to a host. These LUNs are typically configured as volumes on the host and dedicated to an application. Unallocated storage is storage that is not part of an Array Group.
Total raw capacity of the array that has not been carved into a RAID group. The size is displayed in the units you selected with the Advanced option when you generated the report.
% Available
Expressed as a percentage, total capacity of the LUNs in the array that have not been assigned to a host and that are available for provisioning. This percentage is a better capacity indicator than the number shown as Available Size.
# RAID Groups
The number of array groups in the storage array. Links to Array Executive Summary.
Raw Usage
Expressed as a percentage, total capacity of the LUNs in the array that have been assigned to a host and that are not available for provisioning.
MDisk Summary and MDisk Groups Summary (IBM SVC Arrays only)
The number of MDisks associated with this array.
Total MDisk Capacity
Total MDisk (back-end storage) capacity
Managed Space
MDisks that are in Managed mode; click on the #MDisks to view the IBM SVC MDisk Summary, which lists the MDisks and modes.
Unmanaged Space
MDisks that are in Unmanaged mode; click on the #MDisks to view the IBM SVC MDisk Summary, which lists the MDisks and modes.
MDisk Usage
Total capacity of the LUNs in the array that have been assigned to a host and that are not available for provisioning.
# MDisk Groups
The number of managed disk groups for the VDisks.
Space in MDisk Groups
The capacity in the MDisk groups, derived from the SVC cluster pool capacity.
Space Allocated to VDisks
The amount of MDisk capacity that has been allocated to VDisks.
Space Available in MDisk Groups
MDisk Group total capacity minus the space allocated to VDisks. Note that some space may be reserved for use by SVC.
MDisk Group Usage
Mouse over the thermometer to view the percentage, derived from the Total MDisk Capacity divided by the Managed Space.
Raw RAID Group Summary or Usable Summary
Note: For Hitachi Data System arrays, this column is titled Usable Summary, with additional fields that supply array-specific details.
The RAID Group information can be used to identify array group statistics.
# RAID Groups
The number of array groups in the storage array. Links to Array Executive Summary.
RAID Groups Capacity
Total capacity of the array groups in the storage array.
RAID Groups Used
Total used capacity of the array groups (by LUNs) in the storage array.
RAID Groups Available
Available capacity of the array groups in the storage array.
Internal Capacity
Applicable to HDS arrays only - Amount of usable capacity from physical RAID groups.
External Capacity
Applicable to HDS arrays only - Capacity from a back-end system, derived from daisy-chained external storage (back-end systems). This is array group capacity that does not have PDEVs in the storage array.
Used Capacity
Applicable to HDS arrays only - Amount of internal RAID group capacity allocated to LUNs.
Free Capacity
Applicable to HDS arrays only - Uncarved RAID capacity. The amount of available capacity in RAID groups from which to allocate LUNs.
Usage/RAID Group Usage
Thermometer with mouse-over that displays the percentage used.
LUN Summary
Several LUN fields enable drill-down access to additional details so that you can determine the capacity of each configured LUN.
Hitachi Data System (HDS) Arrays
# LUNs
The number of LUNs that have been created on the array. Click on the Used link or the LUN link to go to the LUN Utilization Summary Report.
Total LUN Capacity
The total capacity for the LUNs.
# Open Reserved LUNs
For Hitachi arrays, these are reserved LUNs that cannot be assigned to hosts; for example, dynamic pool capacity. No paths can be set for these LUNs. Open reserved LUNs are relevant to the following AMS and VSP array families: D800, D850, R600, R700.
Open Resv LUN Capacity
For Hitachi arrays, this is the capacity of the reserved LUNs that cannot be assigned to hosts; for example, dynamic pool capacity. No paths can be set for these LUNs.
# Open Allocated LUNs
For Hitachi arrays, the number of open allocated LUNs links to the LUN Utilization Summary.
Open Alloc LUN Capacity
For Hitachi arrays, the total capacity of the open allocated LUNs.
# Open Unallocated LUNs
For Hitachi arrays, the number of open LUNs that do not have set paths.
Open Unalloc LUN Capacity
For Hitachi arrays, the capacity of the open LUNs that do not have set paths.
# Allocated LUNs
The number of LUNs on the array that have been mapped to a host. These LUNs are typically configured as volumes on the host and dedicated to an application. storage array --> array port --> host storage domain --> HBA port --> host. Click on the Allocated LUNs link or the LUN link to go to the LUN Utilization Summary Report.
Allocated LUN Capacity
The total storage capacity for the allocated LUNs.
# UnAllocated LUNs
The number of LUNs that have yet to be allocated.
UnAllocated LUN Capacity
The available LUN capacity.
LUN Usage
Thermometer with mouse-over that displays the percentage allocated, calculated as Allocated divided by (Allocated + Unallocated).
VDisks Summary (IBM SVC Arrays only)
# VDisks
The number of VDisks associated with this array.
Total VDisk Copy Capacity
Virtual capacity, including mirrors.
Total VDisk Capacity
Virtual capacity, excluding mirrors.
Total Used Capacity
Total VDisk used capacity.
% Over-Allocation
When this value is greater than 100%, it indicates that the VDisk is space-efficient. The percentage represents the ratio of virtual to real capacity.
# VDisks Allocated to Hosts
The number of VDisks allocated to hosts.
Alloc VDisk Capacity
The amount of VDisk capacity that has been presented to hosts.
# VDisks Unallocated
The number of VDisks that have yet to be presented to hosts.
UnAlloc VDisk Capacity
The amount of VDisk capacity that has yet to be presented to hosts.
VDisk Usage
Mouse over the thermometer to view the percentage, derived from the Total Used Capacity divided by the Total VDisk Copy Capacity.