Working with the SQL Template Designer > Configure a Stacked Bar Chart SQL Template
Version 10.3.00P13
Configure a Stacked Bar Chart SQL Template
A stacked bar chart represents data with vertical bars. Rather than individual bars per data point, the values are stacked within a single bar. This type of chart can display bars only or it can be configured to include a line that will be charted on the right y-axis. Bar charts are available as two types:
Dynamic: With this type of chart, you don’t need to know how many distinct values are available. Typically, this means that you do not select colors for the bars, but let the system select them. In some cases, colors are available for selection for a limited set of known values. A dynamic bar chart requires 1 Caption, 1 Bar, and 1 Legend.
Static: With this type of chart, you pre-define only the values and colors that you want represented in the chart—typically, a subset of the full set of values. A static bar chart requires 1 Caption and at least 1 Bar.
See also:
Example of a Stacked Bar Chart SQL Template: Host CPU Performance
Configure a Horizontal Bar Chart SQL Template
Configure a Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart SQL Template
Configure a Bar Chart SQL Template
Bar charts are all similar and rendering can be easily changed from one orientation to another (horizontal or vertical) or from stacked to individual bars.
Example of a Stacked Bar Chart SQL Template: Host CPU Performance
1. From the SQL Template Designer tabbed window, select Date Range and Host Groups and Client Scope .
2. Select Static Custom Combo Box and click Configure at the bottom of the Query window.
3. Enter the heading for the drop-down list in the Static Custom Combo box—for this example, Group by:
4. Enter the following comma-separated list of values and then click OK: Hour,Day,Week,Month,Quarter,Year
These will be the options that a user can select when generating a report.
5. Click on the Query tab and enter the following query:
trunc(log_date,DECODE('${freeCombo1}','Hour','HH24','Day','DD','Week','WW','Month','MM','Quarter','Q','Year')) the_date,
avg(system_processing_time_pct) avg_system,
avg(user_processing_time_pct) avg_user,
max(system_processing_time_pct) max_system
FROM apt_v_host_cpu_log
WHERE log_date between ${startDate} AND ${endDate}
GROUP BY trunc(log_date,DECODE('${freeCombo1}','Hour','HH24','Day','DD','Week','WW','Month','MM','Quarter','Q','Year'))
6. Click Validate Query and then Next.
7. In the Formatting window, select Stacked Bar and set the Caption field to the_date with the Axis label set to CPU Utilization%
To create a Dynamic Stacked Bar chart, select the Caption field and choose a different String field as a Legend. Legend can be selected from the Formatter.
8. Check all four fields: the_date, avg_system, avg_user, and max_system.
9. One by one, select the bar fields, avg_system and avg_user, and click the Formatting button (at the bottom of the window) to configure the color of the bar. And, enter a relevant label for each field.
10. Select the max_system field and click the Formatting button (at the bottom of the window) to configure the color of the line.
11. Save the report to a report menu group. Then, click on the saved report to generate it.
The output for the stacked bar chart will look something like this: