Array Capacity Utilization Reports > NetApp Disk Summary
Version 10.3.00P13
NetApp Disk Summary
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Using the Scope Selector, you can filter the output of this report using the following parameter selections:
Storage Array
RAID State
Disk Type
The Disk name
Storage Array
The name of the NetApp storage system
The name of the associated aggregate, with a link to the NetApp Aggregate Detail.
Disk Type
Disk Type: ATA, EATA, FCAL, LUN, SAS, SATA, SCSI, XATA, XSAS, or unknown.
The Disk’s total capacity
Disk Vendor
Disk Model
Disk Model
RAID State
RAID state: broken, copy, partner, pending, present, reconstructing, spare, or zeroing
RAID type: pending, parity, dparity, or data
RAID Status
Possible status: copying, degraded, foreign, growing, initializing, invalid, ironing, mirror degraded, mirrored, needs check, noparity, normal, out-of-date, partial, raid0, raid4, raid_dp, reconstruct, resyncing, snapmirrored, verifying, unrecoverable
Serial #
Disk serial number
RAID Group
The RAID group to which the disk belongs
Firmware Revision
Disk firmware revision number