Pre-Installation Setup for IBM Tivoli Storage Manager > Adding an IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Data Collector Policy
Version 10.1.01
Adding an IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Data Collector Policy
Before adding the policy: A Data Collector must exist in the Portal, to which you will add Data Collector Policies. See Adding/Editing Data Collectors. For specific prerequisites and supported configurations for a specific vendor, see the APTARE StorageConsole Certified Configurations Guide.
1. Select Admin > Data Collection > Collectors. The list of currently configured Portal Data Collectors is displayed.
2. Search for a Collector if required. See Searching for Data Collectors and Policies.
3. Select a Data Collector from the list.
4. Click Add Policy, and then select the vendor-specific entry in the menu.
5. Enter or select the parameters. Mandatory parameters are denoted by an asterisk (*):
Collector Domain
The domain of the collector to which the collector backup policy is being added. This is a read-only field. By default, the domain for a new policy will be the same as the domain for the collector. This field is set when you add a collector.
Policy Domain
The Policy Domain is the domain of the policy that is being configured for the Data Collector. The Policy Domain must be set to the same value as the Collector Domain. (The Collector Domain is the domain that was supplied during the Data Collector installation process.)
The domain identifies the top level of your host group hierarchy. All newly discovered hosts are added to the root host group associated with the Policy Domain.
Typically, only one Policy Domain will be available in the drop-down list. If you are a Managed Services Provider, each of your customers will have a unique domain with its own host group hierarchy.
To find your Domain name, click your login name and select My Profile from the menu. Your Domain name is displayed in your profile settings.
IBM TSM Instances
Click Active to indicate the IBM TSM server/instances to use in the data collection policy. Multi-select is supported. If additional fields must be configured, the Configure Server dialog is automatically displayed when you make your selection.
Click Add to add an IBM TSM server/instance. The IBM TSM servers added to this table using IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Data Collector Policy screen are also displayed in the Inventory
Note: Data Collector policies can be in place for multiple instances, but an instance cannot exist in multiple policies.
Select a row in the IBM TSM Instances table. Double-click or click Configure to revise or add information to the TSM server/instance you selected. See also Adding/Configuring an IBM TSM Server within the Data Collector Policy.
Click Import to browse for the CSV file in which you entered the IBM TSM server/instance configuration details. This enables you quickly add a list of IBM TSM instances or servers. See also Importing IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Information.
Click Export to create and download a comma-separated values (CSV) file containing all the host/instance information listed in the IBM TSM Instances table. This enables you to extract your IBM TSM server information and transfer it easily into a spreadsheet or some other media. See also Exporting IBM TSM Server Information.
Backup Software Location*
The home directory of the TSM Admin Client software—that is, the dsmadmc command on the Data Collector server.
Typically C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient for Windows, or /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin for Linux
Active Probes and Schedules
Click the clock icon to create a schedule. Every Minute, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly schedules may be created. Advanced use of native CRON strings is also available.
Note: Explicit schedules set for a Collector policy are relative to the time on the Collector server. Schedules with frequencies are relative to the time that the Data Collector was restarted.
Backup Policy Details
Collects backup policy details including policy name, policy identifier, date and time as it relates to the specified IBM TSM instances/servers.
Backup Event Details
Collects backup event details including backup type, client names, duration, dates, size, files, directories and so on.
Restore Event Details
Collects restore event details such as job duration, number of files backed up and also skipped, amount of data restored, and restore job status.
Database Details
Collects IBM TSM backup database details, such as total capacity, available space, cache hit percentages, and buffer requests.
Storage Pool Details
Collects IBM TSM storage pool information, such as migration and reclamation details.
Job Summary Details
Collects IBM TSM job summary details including client name, node name, backup type, dates, duration and so on, as it relates to the specified IBM TSM instances/servers.
Client Node Details
Collects client node details covered by the selected policy domain as they relate to the specified IBM TSM instances/servers.
Drive Status Monitor
Continuously monitors the IBM TSM console for drive status messages, there is no schedule.
Drive Status Details
Collects drive status details including, drive name, library name, status, start and end times as it relates to the specified IBM TSM instances/servers.
Inventory Details
Collects IBM TSM host details including host name, IP Address, Host ID, and port number. Also collects from drives and paths such as device type, device name, library name, and ACS drive ID.
Tape Details
Collects the tape details including media type name, media status, storage pool name, and estimated capacity.
Volume Usage and Media Occupancy Details
Collects client and node information, and then for each node it retrieves the volume usage details from the IBM TSM instance or server. For each volume, collects details of media occupying the storage pool. Details include the type and size of the media.
Media Occupancy Details
Collects details of tape media occupying the storage pool. Details include the number of tapes, GBytes, and tape media status.
Filespace Management Details
Collects filespace details such as capacity, backup start/finish dates, and the percentage of the filespace that is occupied.
Storage Pool Backup Monitor
Continuously monitors the IBM TSM console for storage pool migration messages, there is no schedule.
6. Click OK to save the policy.
7. On the Data Collector server, install/update the Data Collector software.
Adding/Configuring an IBM TSM Server within the Data Collector Policy
Add IBM TSM servers/instances by clicking Add, or by importing using a .CSV file. The IBM TSM Instances table is populated using this method. Servers added to this table are also displayed under Host Management and Host Group Administration. The IBM TSM Instances table only displays available Instances that are not assigned to other policies within the domain.
Note: Data Collector policies can be in place for multiple instances but an instance cannot be assigned multiple policies within the same domain. If you try add an instance that is already assigned to another Data Collector policy, you will be prompted to remove it from its current policy and reassign it.
1. Click Add on the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Data Collector Policy screen. The Add IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Instance screen displays.
2. Enter the values:
Instance Name
The name assigned to the IBM TSM instance. This is a separate instance of the server software running on a IBM TSM server. A single IBM TSM server can run multiple IBM TSM instances. An instance is defined by instance name, host name, and port number.
Host Name
The name of the IBM TSM server. This is the host running the IBM TSM server software. This system will be known by its host name. If you do not know the Host Name, you can enter the IP Address in this field.
Host IP Address
The IP address of the host running the IBM TSM server software. By default it is set to You can revise it as required and this field is not mandatory.
Host Port
Port number used by dsmadmc to communicate with the IBM TSM Instance. Each instance will have its own specific port. By default it is set to 1500. You can revise it, but the field is required.
User ID
IBM TSM user ID with query and select privileges.
Password associated with the IBM TSM administrator account credentials.
Importing IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Information
You can quickly add a list of IBM TSM servers/instances using the Import function. The information is displayed in the IBM TSM Instances table on the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Data Collector Policy screen. Because the import is done within a policy, the host group/domain selected for the policy is used for server location.
CSV Format Specifications
Before importing, create a comma-separated values (CSV) file of IBM TSM server data. The CSV file must use the following order to populate the fields correctly when importing:
1. Instance Name
2. Host Name
3. Host Port
4. Host IP Address
5. Admin Account
6. Software Location
To Import IBM TSM Hosts
1. Prepare the CSV according to CSV Format Specifications.
2. Select Admin > Data Collection > Collectors.
3. Search for a Collector if required. See Searching for Data Collectors and Policies.
4. Select a collector.
5. Click Add Policy and select IBM Tivoli Storage Manager. The IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Data Collector Policy screen is displayed.
6. Click Import. The Import Tivoli Storage Manager Hosts dialog is displayed. You can browse for the CSV file you created.
Exporting IBM TSM Server Information
Use Export to create a comma-separated values (CSV) file containing all the server information listed in the IBM TSM Instances table.
Click Export to download the CSV file to your local system.