Working with the Dynamic Template Designer > Configure a Table Dynamic Template
Version 10.1.00
Configure a Table Dynamic Template
To view the steps to create a tabular Dynamic Template, see Dynamic Template Designer Quick Start.
To get started with examples of out-of-the-box templates, see Examples of Tabular Dynamic Templates.
Examples of Tabular Dynamic Templates
The best way to learn how to define a bar chart report template is to learn by example.
The following list includes a sampling of the out-of-the-box reports that are shipped with the product, along with a few examples of the relevant information to help you isolate an example of the functionality that you are trying to implement.
To help you identify a field in the template that contains this functionality, the following convention is used in the list of report templates.
Product:Alias combines the values listed in the template. In the following example, the selected Product is All, while the selected Alias is F.
Some templates are vendor product-specific, in which case you may have a Product:Alias such as EMC Avamar:A
Report Template
Report Type
Product: Alias
Field Type
Backup Manager Reports
Backup Executive Summary
All: E
Job Summary
All: L
Start Date
Monthly Backup Summary
All: E
Last Full Backup
Capacity Manager Reports
Array Executive Summary
All: C
Usable Internal Capacity
All: K
Array Port Utilization
All: L
Port Nbr
Array Utilization Summary
All: H
Used Capacity
LUN Utilization Summary
All: F
Device Nbr
Create a Sparkline Chart in a Tabular Dynamic Template
A sparkline presentation of the data can be added as a column to a tabular report to plot a series of values. Sparklines enable an at-a-glance view of data spikes that may indicate an issue that requires attention.
The basic requirements for a sparkline chart in a Dynamic Template include:
Table template type. Sparklines are embedded in a table cell.
Data over time. Scope Selector should have a Time Period component if you want to see values over time.
Comma-separated list of string values. Use the aptStringConcat function to achieve this.
Field Configuration Formatter: Select either Area Sparkline or Column Sparkline.
Method. A Method may provide an efficient way of including a sub-query (WITH clause) to supply a series of values to be rendered by the sparkline.
Example of a Client Backup Sparkline Chart in a Dynamic Template
The following example provides a sparkline chart to represent backup job failures over time.
To achieve this report’s backup client status results, the following settings were configured:
The client’s host name and IP address are included to retrieve data from the database.
Job Duration contains a SUM function.
Job Size contains a SUM function.
Summary Status contains an aptStringConcat function.
Summary Status has the Area Sparkline formatter selected in the Field Configuration.
Time Period is selected in the Scope Selector.
Example of Using a Method to Create a Sparkline Chart in a Dynamic Template
The following example illustrates how to create a method to supply re-usable code that can be inserted into a column of a tabular report.
To add a sparkline chart to the Job Summary Dynamic Template, take the following steps.
1. Create a Client Failure Sparkline Method.
2. Customize the Job Summary Dynamic Template.
3. From the Pre-Defined Methods folder, open the Client Failure Sparkline folder.
4. Drag the Failure Sparkline field into the report template’s list of fields.
5. Configure the Failure Sparkline field and select a Column Sparkline formatter.
6. Click Save As and supply your own report name to be saved into a specified folder.
Client Failure Sparkline Method
To enable a sparkline to be dropped into a backup job report, a user-defined method for a Job enterprise object needs to be created with the following elements. See also, Overview of Method Creation.
With Clause
with spark as (
select trunc(start_date), client_id, client_name, count(job_id) failed_count
FROM apt_v_job
WHERE client_id in(${hosts})
AND start_date between ${startDate} AND ${endDate}
AND summary_status = 2
group by client_id, client_name, trunc(start_date)
select client_id, client_name, aptStringConcat(failed_count) failed_count
from spark s
group by client_name, client_id
apt_job.client_id = ClientFailureSparkline.client_id (+)
CLIENT_NAME - Check this field so that it can be included in a Dynamic Template.
FAILED_COUNT - Check this field so that it can be included in a Dynamic Template.
CLIENT_ID - Do not check this field as it is only needed for the method’s code.