Version 10.0.00
User’s Guide
User’s Guide
The Tools tab provides access to APTARE StorageConsole Report Template Designer and the File List Export feature.
Q: Do custom reports work differently than standard reports?
A: When you create a custom report, you can provide the user with a similar experience to the out-of-the box StorageConsole reports. Then, each time a report is generated from the report template you designed, the user can select parameters to be used for report generation. See Configure SQL Template Scope Selector Components.
Q: Are there any examples of queries I can use to create a custom report?
A: Queries can serve as a starting point to give you ideas about how to create your own custom queries. In fact, you simply can copy and paste a query from the examples to demonstrate the results in the Report Template Designer. Sample queries include Report on Server Attributes, Failed Backup Job Report, Host Group Membership and Pie Charts for Job Size by Example. See Construct the SQL Query.
Q: Is there a list of functions I can use to query the StorageConsole database?
A: Yes. Functions can be used to further expand the capabilities of the custom report templates. The functions fall into the following categories: General, Backup Manager, Policy Auditing and Capacity. See Use Functions in Queries.
Q: What types of formatting can I control with the report out?
A: You can choose custom options for a variety of reporting elements. Select the output style, such as table, bar chart or pie chart, the labels, headers and footers, aggregation such as sum, average, and so on. See Format the SQL Template Output.
Q: Does APTARE StorageConsole provide any other method to analyze files that may be wasting storage?
A: The File List Exporter provides a mechanism for extracting the File Analytics collected metadata into a comma-separated values (.csv) file, enabling further analysis of files that may be wasting storage. Up to 20K rows can be exported to this CSV file. The File List Export window lists the export processes that are currently in progress, as well as those that are available for download. See File List Export.