NetApp Cluster-Mode Performance Metrics
Version 10.0.00
NetApp Cluster-Mode Performance Metrics
A large variety of NetApp Cluster-Mode performance data is collected. For example, collected data includes such metrics as system, protocols (CIFS and NFS), volume, LUN, and target port performance.
NetApp Cluster-Mode performance statistics are captured for the following intervals:
raw data, as collected
The following metrics are collected for NetApp Cluster-Mode systems.
NetApp Cluster-Mode Aggregate Performance
NetApp Cluster-Mode CIFS Performance
NetApp Cluster-Mode Fibre Channel Protocol Logical Interface Performance
NetApp Cluster-Mode LUN Performance
NetApp Cluster-Mode NFS Performance
NetApp Cluster-Mode Processor Node Performance
NetApp Cluster-Mode Processor Node Performance
NetApp Cluster-Mode Processor Node Performance
NetApp Cluster-Mode RAID Performance
NetApp Cluster-Mode SMB (Server Message Block) Performance
NetApp Cluster-Mode System Performance
NetApp Cluster-Mode Target Port Performance
NetApp Cluster-Mode Volume Performance
NetApp Cluster-Mode Aggregate Performance
# Read Blocks
Number of blocks read per second during a consistency point (CP) count check on the aggregate.
# Read Blocks HDD
Number of blocks read per second during a consistency point (CP) count check on the aggregate hard disk drive (HDD) disks.
# Read Blocks SSD
Number of blocks read per second during a consistency point (CP) count check on the aggregate solid state drive (SSD) disks.
# Reads
Number of reads per second done during a consistency point (CP) count check to the aggregate.
# Reads HDD
Number of reads per second done during a consistency point (CP) count check to the aggregate hard disk drive (HDD) disks.
# Reads SSD
Number of reads per second done during a consistency point (CP) count check to the aggregate solid state drive (SSD) disks.
Total Transfers
Total number of transfers per second serviced by the aggregate.
Total Transfers HDD
Total number of transfers per second serviced by the aggregate hard disk drive (HDD) disks.
Total Transfers SSD
Total number of transfers per second serviced by the aggregate solid state drive (SSD) disks.
# User Read Blocks
Number of blocks read per second on the aggregate.
# User Read Blocks HDD
Number of blocks read per second on the aggregate hard disk drive (HDD) disks.
# User Read Blocks SSD
Number of blocks read per second on the aggregate solid state drive (SSD) disks.
# User Reads
Number of user reads per second to the aggregate.
# User Reads HDD
Number of user reads per second to the aggregate hard disk drive (HDD) disks.
# User Reads SSD
Number of user reads per second to the aggregate solid state drive (SSD) disks.
# User Write Blocks
Number of blocks written per second to the aggregate.
# User Write Blocks HDD
Number of blocks written per second to the aggregate hard disk drive (HDD) disks.
# User Write Blocks SSD
Number of blocks written per second to the aggregate solid state drive (SSD) disks.
# User Writes
Number of user writes per second to the aggregate.
# User Write HDD
Number of user writes per second to the aggregate hard disk drive (HDD) disks.
# User Write SSD
Number of user writes per second to the aggregate solid state drive (SSD) disks.
NetApp Cluster-Mode CIFS Performance
# Active Searches
Number of active searches over SMB and SMB2.
# Auth Rejected
Authentication refused after too many requests were made in rapid succession.
# Out Change Notification
Number of active change notifications over SMB and SMB2.
Avg CIFS Latency
Average latency for CIFS operations.
CIFS Latency Operations
Total observed CIFS operations to be used as a base counter for a CIFS average latency calculation.
Total number of CIFS operations.
Total number of CIFS read operations.
Total number of CIFS write operations.
# CIFS Commands Outstanding
Number of SMB and SMB2 commands in process.
# CIFS Connected Shares
Number of SMB and SMB2 share connections.
# CIFS Connections
Number of connections.
# CIFS Connections Established
Number of established SMB and SMB2 sessions.
# Open Files
Number of open files over SMB and SMB2.
# Signed Sessions
Number of signed SMB and SMB2 session.
NetApp Cluster-Mode Disk Performance
Disk Busy
Time base for the disk-busy calculation.
Consistency Point Read Blocks
Number of blocks transferred for consistency point read operations per second.
Consistency Point Read Blocks Avg
Average number of blocks transferred in each consistency point (CP) read operation during a CP check.
Consistency Point Latency
Average latency per block in microseconds for consistency point read operations.
Consistency Point Read
Number of disk read operations initiated each second for consistency point processing.
Disk Busy %
Percentage of time there was at least one outstanding request to the disk.
Disk Capacity
Disk capacity. Values are stored as KiB in the database and rendered according to your user profile preferences.
Guaranteed Read Blocks
Number of blocks transferred for guaranteed read operations per second.
Guaranteed Read Blocks Avg
Average number of blocks transferred in each guaranteed read operation.
Guaranteed Read Latency
Average latency per block in microseconds for guaranteed read operations.
Guaranteed Read
Number of disk read operations initiated each second for RAID reconstruct or scrubbing activities.
Guaranteed Write Blocks
Number of blocks transferred for guaranteed write operations per second.
Guaranteed Write Blocks Avg
Average number of blocks transferred in each guaranteed write operation.
Guaranteed Write Latency
Average latency per block in microseconds for guaranteed write operations.
Guaranteed Write
Number of write read operations initiated each second for RAID reconstruct or scrubbing activities.
Blocks Skipped IOPS
Number of blocks skipped in skip-mask write operations per second.
# Disk IOPS
Total number of disk operations per second involving initiated data transfer.
User Read Blocks
Number of blocks transferred per second for user read operations.
User Read Blocks Avg
Average number of blocks transferred in each user read operation.
User Read Latency
Average latency per block in microseconds for user read operations.
User Read
Number of disk read operations initiated each second for retrieving data or metadata associated with user requests.
User Skip Writes
Number of disk skip-write operations initiated each second for storing data or metadata associated with user requests.
User Write Blocks
Number of blocks transferred per second for user write operations.
User Write Blocks Avg
Average number of blocks transferred in each user write operation.
User Write Latency
Average latency per block in microseconds for user write operations.
User Write
Number of disk write operations initiated each second for storing data or metadata associated with user requests.
User Skip Mask Write
Number of disk write IOs that were executed as part of a skip-mask write.
NetApp Cluster-Mode Fibre Channel Protocol Logical Interface Performance
Avg Total Latency
Average latency for fibre channel protocol (FCP) operations.
Avg Other Latency
Average latency for operations other than read and write.
Array Port ID
Name of the port.
Avg Read Latency
Average latency for read operations.
Avg Write Latency
Average latency for write operations.
Other IOPS
Number of operations that are not read or write.
Read Rate
Read rate in bits per second.
Number of read operations.
Total IOPS
Total number of operations.
Write Rate
Write rate in bits per second.
Write IOPS
Number of write operations.
NetApp Cluster-Mode LUN Performance
Avg Total Latency
Average latency in milliseconds for all operations on the LUN.
Avg Other Latency
Average other operations latency in milliseconds for all operations on the LUN.
Avg Read Latency
Average read latency in milliseconds for all operations on the LUN.
Avg Write Latency
Average write latency in milliseconds for all operations on the LUN.
Other IOPS
Number of other operations.
Queue Full Responses
Queue full responses.
Read Rate
Read rate in bits per second.
Number of read operations.
Total IOPS
Total number of operations on the LUN.
Write Rate
Write rate in bits per second.
Write IOPS
Number of write operations.
NetApp Cluster-Mode NFS Performance
Total number of NFSv3 procedure requests per second.
Total number of NFSv4 procedures per second.
Total number of NFSv4.1 operations per second.
Avg Read Latency
Average latency of read procedure requests.
Avg Read Dir Latency
Average latency of read directory procedure requests.
# Read Dir Errors
Number of erroneous read directory procedure requests.
Read Dir %
Percentage of read directory procedure requests.
Avg Read Dir Plus Latency
Average latency of read directory plus procedure requests.
# Read Dir Plus Errors
Number of erroneous read directory plus procedure requests.
Read Dir Plus %
Percentage of read directory plus procedure requests.
# Read Dir Plus Post-op Errors
Number of failed post-op read directory plus procedures.
# Read Dir Plus Success
Number of successful read directory plus procedure requests.
Read Dir Plus Total
Total number of read directory plus procedure requests.
# Read Dir Post-op Errors
Number of failed post-op read directory procedures.
# Read Dir Success
Number of successful read directory plus procedure requests.
Read Dir Total
Total number of read directory plus procedure requests. Counter for NFSv3.
# Read Errors
Number of erroneous read procedure requests.
Avg NFSv4.1 Read Link Latency
Average latency of NFSv4.1 Read Link operations.
# NFSv4.1 Read Link
The number of failed NFSv4.1 Read Link operations.
NFSv4.1 Read Link %
Percentage of NFSv4.1 Read Link operations.
# NFSv4.1 Read Link Success
The number of successful NFSv4.1 Read Link operations.
# NFSv4.1 Read Link Total
Total number of NFSv4.1 Read Link operations.
Read %
Percentage of read procedure requests.
# Read Success
Number of successful read procedure requests.
Avg Read Sym Link Latency
Average latency of Read Sym Link procedure requests.
# Read Sym Link Errors
Number of erroneous Read Sym Link procedure requests.
Read Sym Link %
Percentage of Read Sym Link procedure requests for NFSv3.
# Sym Link Success
Number of successful Read Sym Link procedure requests.
# Sym Link Total
Total number of Read Sym Link procedure requests.
# Read Total
Total number read of procedure requests.
Avg Write Latency
Average latency of write procedure requests.
# Write Errors
Number of erroneous write procedure requests.
Write %
Percentage of write procedure requests.
# Write Success
Number of successful write procedure requests.
# Write Total
Total number of write procedure requests.
NetApp Cluster-Mode Processor Node Performance
Process Busy %
Percentage of elapsed time that the processor is executing non-idle processes.
Processor Elapsed Time
Wall-clock time since boot used for calculating processor utilization.
SK Switches
Number of sk switches per second.
NetApp Cluster-Mode Processor Performance
Processor Busy %
Percentage of elapsed time that the processor is executing non-idle processes.
Processor Elapsed Time
Wall-clock time since boot used for calculating processor utilization.
SK Switches
Number of sk switches per second.
NetApp Cluster-Mode RAID Performance
Blocks Read
Blocks read per second.
Blocks Write
Blocks written per second.
Full Stripes Write
Full stripes written per second.
Partial Stripes Write
Partial stripes written per second.
Avg RAID Latency
Average latency for all reads operations sent by Write Anywhere File Layout (WAFL) to RAID in microseconds.
Read operations per second issued by Write Anywhere File Layout (WAFL) to RAID.
Number of tetrises sent to RAID per second.
AvgTetris Latency
Average latency for tetris as seen by Write Anywhere File Layout (WAFL) in microseconds.
Stripes Write
Stripes written per second.
Tetris Write
Tetrises written per second.
NetApp Cluster-Mode SMB (Server Message Block) Performance
# Active Searches
Number of active searches over SMB1/SMB2.
# SMB Commands Outstanding
Number of SMB1/SMB2 commands in process.
# SMB Connect Shares
Number of SMB1/SMB2 share connections.
# SMB Connect Established
Number of established SMB1/SMB3 sessions.
Avg SMB Latency
Average latency for SMB1/SMB2 operations.
# Observed SMB Total
Total observed SMB1/SMB2 operations to be used as a base counter for SMB average latency calculation.
Max # of Open Files
Maximum number of open files over SMB2 achieved.
# SMB Total
Number of SMB1/SMB2 operations.
Average latency for SMB1_COM_READ_ANDX operations.
Number of SMB1_COM_READ_ANDX operations used as a base for latency calculations.
Avg Read Class Latency
Average latency for SMB1/SMB2 read class operations.
# SMB Read Class
Total number of SMB1/SMB2 read class operations.
Avg Read Latency
Average latency for SMB1_COM_READ/SMB2_COM_READ operations.
# Read Latency
Number of SMB1_COM_READ/SMB2_COM_READ operations used as a base for latency calculations.
Average latency for SMB1_COM_WRITE_ANDX operations.
Number of SMB1_COM_WRITE_ANDX operations used as a base for latency calculations.
# SMB Write Class
Total number of SMB1/SMB2 write class operations.
Avg Write Latency
Average latency for SMB1_COM_WRITE /SMB2_COM_WRITE operations.
# Write Latency
Number of SMB1_COM_WRITE/SMB2_COM_WRITE operations used as a base for latency calculations.
SMB Type
Possible values: SMB1 or SMB2.
NetApp Cluster-Mode System Performance
Avg Processor Busy %
Average processor utilization across all processors in the system.
CIFS operations per second.
CPU Busy %
System CPU resource utilization.
CPU Elapsed Time
Elapsed time since boot.
CPU Elapsed Time1
Elapsed time since boot.
CPU Elapsed Time2
Elapsed time since boot.
Disk Read
Disk read rate in Kbps.
Disk Write
Disk write rate in Kbps.
FCP Data Received
Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP) data received rate in Kbps.
FCP Data Sent
Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP) data sent rate in Kbps.
Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP) operations per second.
HDD Disk Read
Hard disk drive (HDD) read rate in Kbps.
HDD Disk Write
Hard disk drive (HDD) write rate in Kbps.
HTTP operations per second.
iSCSI operations per second.
Network Data Received
Network data received rate in Kbps.
Network Data Sent
Network data sent rate in Kbps.
NFS operations per second.
# Processors
Number of active processors in the system.
Read operations per second.
SSD Disk Read
Solid state drive (SSD) disks read rate in Kbps.
SSD Disk Write
Solid state drive (SSD) disks write rate in Kbps.
System Avg Latency
Average latency for all operations in the system in milliseconds.
System Read Latency
Average latency for all read operations in the system in milliseconds.
System Write Latency
Average latency for all write operations in the system in milliseconds.
Total IOPS
Total operations per second.
Total Processor Busy %
Total processor utilization of all processors in the system.
Write IOPS
Write operations per second.
NetApp Cluster-Mode Target Port Performance
Busy %
Percentage of time that there are commands outstanding on the indicated array target port from this controller.
The average read throughput in K bytes per second read by this controller from the indicated array target port.
Read OPS
The number of I/O read operations per second performed by this controller on the indicated.
Read Latency
The average latency for I/O read operations performed by this controller on the indicated array target port.
Total Rate
The average total throughput in K bytes per second read or written by this controller to or from the indicated array target port.
Total IOPS
The total number of I/O read and write operations per second performed by this controller on the indicated array target port.
Total Latency
The average latency for I/O operations performed by this controller on the indicated array target port.
Disk Busy
Time base for the disk-busy calculation.
Waiting %
Percentage of time that there are commands queued waiting to be sent to the indicated array target port from this controller.
Write Rate
The average write throughput in K bytes per second written by this controller to the indicated array target port.
Write IOPS
The number of I/O write operations per second performed by this controller on the indicated array target port.
Write Latency
The average latency for I/O write operations performed by this controller on the indicated array target port.
NetApp Cluster-Mode Volume Performance
Avg Latency
Average latency in microseconds for the WAFL (Write Anywhere File Layout) file system to process all the operations on the volume; not including request processing or network communication time.
Avg Other Latency
Average latency in microseconds for the WAFL (Write Anywhere File Layout) file system to process other operations to the volume; does not include request processing or network communication time.
Other IOPS
Number of other operations per second to the volume.
Read Rate
Bytes read per second from the volume.
Read Latency
Average latency in microseconds for the WAFL (Write Anywhere File Layout) file system to process read requests.
Number of reads per second to the volume
Total IOPS
Number of operations per second serviced by the volume.
Write Rate
Bytes written per second to the volume.
Write Latency
Average latency in microseconds for the WAFL (Write Anywhere File Layout) file system to process write request to the volume; not including request processing or network communication time.
Write IOPS
Number of writes per second to the volume.