Viewing and Managing Your Scheduled Reports
User type defines the access to scheduled reports:
• Administrators can view, reschedule, delete and modify the export format for their scheduled reports and all users’ scheduled reports. This can be done using the Scheduled Reports Summary template. See APTARE StorageConsole Report Reference Guide for details.
• Non-Administrators can view, reschedule, delete and modify the export format for their scheduled reports and those that belong to other users in their home group.
1. Click the User Account menu and select My Scheduled Reports. The Scheduled Reports Administration dialog is displayed.
2. Select a report and click Edit to modify the export format or the schedule.
Deleting Scheduled Reports and Dashboards
To delete a scheduled report or dashboard
1. Click the User Account menu and select
My Scheduled Reports.
Your scheduled reports are displayed in the Scheduled Reports Administration window.
2. Select reports or dashboard and click Delete.