To access the StorageConsole database, a database user account is set to the following defaults:
• Database User ID: portal
• Database User Password: portal
Use the steps to change the password for this User ID. As expected, the steps impact access to the StorageConsole database, so be sure to:
• Execute these steps with caution.
• Execute all relevant steps in this process.
Steps to Modify the Database User Password
Stop the Tomcat Services
1. Log in with root access.
2. Linux: Execute the following scripts.
/opt/aptare/bin/tomcat-portal stop
/opt/aptare/bin/tomcat-agent stop
3. Windows: Stop the following services via the Windows Services Control Panel.
• APTARE Portal Tomcat
• APTARE Agent Tomcat
Alter the Portal User
1. At the command line, execute the following commands:
su - aptare
sqplplus / as sysdba
SQL> alter user <user_name> identified by <new_password>;
SQL> commit;
user_name = portal
new_password = new password
SQL> alter user portal identified by portal;
Update Configuration Files
1. Log in with root access.
2. Edit the portal.properties file.
Linux: /opt/aptare/portalconf/portal.properties
Windows: C:\opt\aptare\portalconf\portal.properties
3. Update db.password.
4. Remove the encrypted password value, leaving a null value after the equals sign.
5. Edit the datarcvrproperties.xml file.
Linux: /opt/aptare/datarcvrconf/datrarcvrproperties.xml
Windows: C:\opt\aptare\datarcvrconf\datrarcvrproperties.xml
6. Remove the value between the password tags and enter the new password.
7. Restart the services.
Note: The password will be encrypted when the services are started.
Start the Tomcat Services
1. Log in with root access.
2. Linux: Execute the following scripts.
/opt/aptare/bin/tomcat-portal start
/opt/aptare/bin/tomcat-agent start
3. Windows: Start the following services via the Windows Services Control Panel.
• APTARE Portal Tomcat
• APTARE Agent Tomcat