Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
alert_sub_type | STRING | 2048 | A string describing the Alert subtype. The Alert Subtypes are: New Login - Login was attempted. Failed Login - Login attempt failed. |
alert_type | STRING | 256 | Primary classification of the Indication. The following values are defined: 1 - Other. The Indication's Other Alert Type property conveys its classification. |
alerting_admin_domain_type | STRING | 64 | The identifying information for the admin domain (Fabric) for which this indication is generated. |
alerting_element_format | STRING | 1024 | The format of the AlertingManagedElement property is interpretable based upon the value of this property. |
alerting_managed_element_type | STRING | 64 | The identifying information of the entity (i.e., the instance) for which this Indication is generated. |
debug_level | STRING | 32 | The debug level of this event. |
description | STRING | 2048 | Textual (ASCII) description of indication. |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
event_date | DATE | The time and date the underlying event was first detected. | |
event_id | STRING | 1024 | An instrumentation or provider specific value that describes the underlying real-world event represented by the Indication. |
indication_date | DATE | The time and date of creation of the Indication. | |
indication_identifier | STRING | 1024 | Unique numeric identifier for indication. |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
message | STRING | 2048 | The formatted message. This message is constructed by applying the dynamic content of the message, described in Message Arguments, to the format string uniquely identified, within the scope of the Owning Entity, by MessageID. |
message_arguments | STRING | 1024 | An array containing the dynamic content of the message. |
message_id | STRING | 1024 | A string that uniquely identifies, within the scope of the Owning Entity, the format of the Message. |
node_fc_port_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_node_fc_port view |
other_alert_type | STRING | 512 | A string describing the Alert type - used when the AlertType property is set to 1, Other. Other Alert types include notifications that are intended as state change notifications |
owning_entity | STRING | 1024 | A string that uniquely identifies the entity that owns the definition of the format of the Message described in this instance. |
perceived_severity | STRING | 132 | The severity of the event with the following possible values: 0 - Unknown 1 - Other 2 - Information 3 - Degraded/Warning 4 - Minor 5 - Major 6 - Critical 7 - Fatal/NonRecoverable |
probable_cause | STRING | 512 | An enumerated value that describes the probable cause of the situation which resulted in the Alert Indication. |
provider_name | STRING | 1024 | The name of the Provider generating this Indication. |
san_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_san view |
switch_fc_port_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_switch_fc_port view |
switch_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_switch view |
system_creation_class_name | STRING | 512 | The scoping System's Creation Class Name for the Provider generating this Indication. |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
blade_id | NUMBER | 8 | System generated identifier for the Blade. Primary key in this view. |
blade_slot_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_blade_slot view |
can_fru | STRING | 1 | Indicates whether the module is customer-replaceable, a field-replaceable unit. |
chassis_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_chassis view |
creation_class_name | STRING | 256 | Indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. |
device_id | STRING | 256 | Device ID for the Blade |
domain_id | NUMBER | 22 | Foreign key to the apt view |
element_name | STRING | 256 | A user-friendly name for the object. |
is_beacon | STRING | 1 | True if beacon is turned on, false if off, and not populated if not supported. |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if the Blade was deleted or not |
is_powered_on | STRING | 1 | Boolean indicating whether the blade is powered on (true), or is currently off (false). |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
logical_module_type | NUMBER | 5 | Logical Module Type for the Blade |
manufactured_date | DATE | Date that this physical package was manufactured. | |
manufacturer | STRING | 256 | The name of the organization responsible for producing the blade. |
model | STRING | 132 | The name by which the Physical Element is generally known. |
module_nbr | NUMBER | 5 | Module Number for the Blade |
object_id | STRING | 1024 | Unique key to identify the object |
operational_status | STRING | 256 | Indicates the current statuses of the element. |
part_nbr | STRING | 64 | Part number of this package. The part number is assigned by the organization responsible for producing or manufacturing the part. |
san_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_san view |
serial_nbr | STRING | 128 | Assigned serial number |
slot_nbr | NUMBER | 5 | Slot number of the element. This property can be null if the blade or WWN card is in a fixed slot.For the WWN card, the Slot number indicates the unit number of the WWN card. |
system_creation_class_name | STRING | 512 | The scoping System’s Creation Class Name for the Provider generating this Indication. |
system_creation_class_name | STRING | 256 | The scoping System’s Creation Class Name. |
system_name | STRING | 256 | The scoping system's Name property |
tag | STRING | 128 | An arbitrary string that uniquely identifies the physical element and serves as the element's key. |
update_date | DATE | Date that this physical package was last updated. |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
blade_slot_id | NUMBER | 22 | System generated identifier for the Blade Slot. Primary key in this view. |
blade_slot_name | STRING | 256 | The label by which the Blade Slot is known. |
chassis_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_chassis view |
creation_class_name | STRING | 128 | Creation Class Name indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
element_name | STRING | 256 | A user-friendly name for the object. |
fru_nbr | NUMBER | 5 | FRU (field-replaceable unit) number of the blade which is inserted in the slot. |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if the Blade Slot was deleted or not |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
manufacturer | STRING | 256 | The name of the organization responsible for producing the blade Slot. |
model | STRING | 256 | The name by which the Physical Element is generally known. |
object_id | STRING | 1024 | Unique key to identify the object |
part_nbr | STRING | 256 | The part number assigned by the organization that is responsible for producing or manufacturing the Physical Element. |
purpose_description | STRING | 1024 | A free-form string describing that this slot is physically unique and may hold special types of hardware. |
san_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_san view |
serial_nbr | STRING | 256 | A manufacturer-allocated number used to identify the Physical Element. |
special_purpose | STRING | 32 | Boolean indicating that this Slot is physically unique and may hold special types of hardware, e.g. a graphics processor slot. |
tag | STRING | 256 | An arbitrary string that uniquely identifies the slot and serves as its physical key. The Tag property contains the WWN of the license switch (License WWN) and the slot index. |
vendor_equipment_type | STRING | 256 | The type of blade. Port blades are associated to port modules. |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
caption | STRING | 256 | The Caption property is a short textual description (one-line string) of the object. |
chassis_id | NUMBER | 8 | System generated identifier for the Chassis. Primary key in this view. |
chassis_name | STRING | 256 | The user-configurable symbolic name of the chassis. |
chassis_package_type | STRING | 128 | A value indicating the type of chassis. |
creation_class_name | STRING | 256 | Creation Class Name indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. |
description | STRING | 1024 | The Description property provides a textual description of the object. |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
element_name | STRING | 256 | The user-configurable symbolic name of the chassis. |
is_beacon | STRING | 1 | True if beacon is turned on, false if off and not populated if not supported. |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if the Chassis was deleted or not |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
license_wwn | STRING | 64 | WWN associated with the chassis, which is used for licensing. |
manufactured_date | DATE | Date that this chassis was manufactured. | |
manufacturer | STRING | 256 | The name of the organization responsible for producing the chassis. |
max_nbr_blades | NUMBER | 5 | Maximum number of blades that can fit in this physical chassis. |
model | STRING | 512 | The name by which the chassis is generally known. |
object_id | STRING | 1024 | Unique key to identify the object |
operational_status | STRING | 256 | Indicates the current statuses of the element. |
part_nbr | STRING | 256 | The part number assigned by the organization responsible for producing or manufacturing the physical element. |
product_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the apt_v_swi_product view |
removal_condition | STRING | 64 | The Removal Capabilities property is used to describe the conditions under which a Physical Package can be removed. |
san_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_san view |
serial_nbr | STRING | 256 | Serial number of the chassis. |
tag | STRING | 256 | An arbitrary string that uniquely identifies the chassis and serves as its physical key. The Tag property contains the WWN of the license switch. |
update_date | DATE | Update date of the chassis | |
vendor_equipment_type | STRING | 256 | A vendor-specific hardware type for the Physical Element. It describes the specific equipment type for the element, as defined by the vendor or manufacturer. |
version | STRING | 256 | A string that indicates the version of the Physical Element. |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
chassis_component_id | NUMBER | 8 | System generated identifier for the Chassis component. Primary key in this view. |
chassis_component_name | STRING | 256 | A user-friendly name for the object. |
chassis_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_chassis view |
creation_class_name | STRING | 256 | Indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
element_name | STRING | 256 | The user-friendly name for this instance |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if this chassis component was deleted or not. |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
manufactured_date | DATE | Date that this physical package was manufactured. | |
manufacturer | STRING | 256 | The name of the organization responsible for producing the component. |
model | STRING | 128 | The name by which the component is generally known. |
object_id | STRING | 1024 | Unique key to identify the object |
part_nbr | STRING | 256 | Part number of this package. |
san_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_san view |
serial_nbr | STRING | 256 | Organization assigned serial number |
slot_nbr | NUMBER | 5 | Slot number of the element. |
tag | STRING | 256 | An arbitrary string that uniquely identifies the physical component and serves as the key. |
update_date | DATE | Date that this physical package was last updated. | |
version | STRING | 256 | A string indicating the version of the physical element. |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
chassis_component_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_chassis_component view |
chassis_fan_id | NUMBER | 8 | System generated identifier for the Chassis fan. Primary key in this view. |
chassis_temp_sensor_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_chassis_temp_sensor view |
creation_class_name | STRING | 32 | Indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. |
device_identifier | STRING | 128 | An address or other identifying information to uniquely name the logical device |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
element_name | STRING | 512 | The user-friendly name for this instance |
enabled_state | STRING | 64 | Enabled State is an integer that indicates the enabled and disabled states of an element. |
fan_speed | NUMBER | 22 | Current FAN speed, in RPM. |
health_state | STRING | 64 | Indicates the current health of the element. This attribute expresses the health of this element but not necessarily that of its subcomponents. |
is_active_cooling | STRING | 1 | Active Cooling is a Boolean that indicates that the Cooling Device provides active (as opposed to passive) cooling. |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if this chassis fan was deleted |
is_variable_speed | STRING | 1 | Indication of whether the fan supports variable speeds. |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
object_id | STRING | 1024 | Unique key to identify the object |
operational_status | STRING | 64 | The operational status of the fan. No Contact indicates that the fan is missing. |
san_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_san view |
system_creation_class_name | STRING | 128 | The scoping System's Creation Class Name. |
version | STRING | 256 | The OEM/vendor-assigned version number. |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
chassis_component_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_chassis_component view |
chassis_power_id | NUMBER | 8 | System generated identifier for the Chassis power. Primary key in this view. |
chassis_temp_sensor_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_chassis_temp_sensor view |
creation_class_name | STRING | 256 | Indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. |
device_identifier | STRING | 256 | Indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
element_name | STRING | 128 | The user-friendly name for this instance |
enabled_state | STRING | 128 | Enabled State is an integer that indicates the enabled and disabled states of an element. |
health_state | STRING | 128 | Indicates the current health of the element. |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if this chassis power was deleted or not |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
object_id | STRING | 1024 | Unique key to identify the object |
operational_status | STRING | 32 | The operational status of the power supply. No Contact (12) indicates that the power supply is missing. |
san_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_san view |
system_creation_class_name | STRING | 128 | The scoping System’s Creation Class Name. |
system_name | STRING | 128 | The scoping system's Name property |
total_output_power | NUMBER | 5 | The total output for the power supply in milliwatts. 0 indicates Unknown. |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
base_units | NUMBER | 5 | The base unit of the values returned by this Sensor. All the values returned by this Sensor are represented in the units obtained by (BaseUnits * 10 raised to the power of the UnitModifier). |
chassis_temp_sensor_id | NUMBER | 8 | System generated identifier for the temperature sensor. Primary key in this view. |
creation_class_name | STRING | 256 | Indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. |
current_reading | NUMBER | 5 | Temperature sensor value, in Celsius. This value might not be populated if the sensor is not readable by the switch. |
current_state | STRING | 64 | The current state indicated by the Sensor with the following possible values: On Off Open Close Normal Upper Fatal Lower Non-Critical |
device_identifier | STRING | 256 | Index number of the sensor within the physical chassis. |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
element_name | STRING | 256 | The user-friendly name for this instance |
health_state | STRING | 256 | Indicates the current health of the element. This attribute expresses the health of this element but not necessarily that of its subcomponents. |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if this chassis temp sensor was deleted or not |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
object_id | STRING | 1024 | Unique key to identify the object |
operational_status | STRING | 64 | The operational status of the temperature sensor. No Contact indicates that the sensor is missing |
san_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_san view |
sensor_type | STRING | 32 | The type of the sensor, (for example, voltage or temperature sensor). |
system_creation_class_name | STRING | 256 | The scoping System’s Creation Class Name. |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
creation_class_name | STRING | 256 | Creation Class Name indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
element_name | STRING | 256 | Fabric Name |
enabled_state | STRING | 256 | Enabled State is an integer enumeration that indicates the enabled and disabled states of an element. |
fabric_id | NUMBER | 8 | This property identifies the virtual fabric (admin domain) ID of a fabric. Primary key in this view |
fabric_identifier | NUMBER | 5 | This property identifies the virtual fabric (admin domain) ID of a fabric. |
fabric_name | STRING | 64 | The 8-byte World Wide Name of the principal switch in the fabric. |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if the Fabric was deleted or not |
is_inter_op_mode | STRING | 1 | Switch is in interop mode or not |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
name_format | STRING | 10 | The Name Format property identifies how the name of Fabric is generated |
object_id | STRING | 1024 | Unique key to identify the object |
san_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_san view |
system_name | STRING | 64 | The scoping system’s Name property |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
address_errors | NUMBER | 20 | Count of frames received with unknown addressing. |
bbc_credit_zero | NUMBER | 20 | Amount of time that frame transmission is blocked by a transmit credit of zero. |
class_three_frames_discarded | NUMBER | 20 | Class3FramesDiscarded is the number of class 3 frames that were discarded upon reception. |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
encoding_disparity_errors | NUMBER | 20 | Count of disparity errors that are received at this port. |
fabric_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_fabric view |
frames_with_crc_errors | NUMBER | 20 | Number of frames received in which the CRC in a frame does not match the CRC computed by the receiver. |
frames_with_invalid_delim | NUMBER | 20 | Count of invalid frame delimiters that are received at this port. |
input_buffer_full | NUMBER | 20 | Total no of transitions in and out of Input Buffer Full state from the point of time the counter was reset |
instance_identifier | STRING | 256 | InstanceID is an opaque key which uniquely identifies an instance of FC Port Stats within a namespace. |
invalid_transmission_words | NUMBER | 20 | The number of transmission words that had an 8b10b code violation in one or more of its characters |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if this FC port stats were deleted or not |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
link_failures | NUMBER | 22 | The number of times a link error has occurred. This count is part of the Link Error Status Block (LESB). |
loss_of_signal_counter | NUMBER | 20 | Number of times the signal is lost on the Port since the last reset of the Device. |
loss_of_sync_counter | NUMBER | 20 | Number of times that synchronization is lost on the Port since the last reset of the Device. Synchronization is assumed lost after a time-out period is exceeded. |
node_fc_port_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_node_fc_port view |
object_id | STRING | 1024 | Unique key to identify the object |
prim_seq_protocol_error_cnt | NUMBER | 20 | Count of primitive sequence protocol errors that are detected at this port. |
sample_interval | DATE | This property provides the sample interval so that client applications can determine the minimum time that new statistics should be pulled. | |
san_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_san view |
start_statistic_date | DATE | The time, relative to managed element where the statistic was collected, when the first measurement was taken. | |
statistic_date | DATE | The time the most recent measurement was taken, relative to the managed element where the statistic was collected. | |
switch_fc_port_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_switch_fc_port view |
too_many_rdys | NUMBER | 20 | Total no of times RDYs exceed frames received from the point of time the counter was reset. |
total_bad_eof_received | NUMBER | 20 | Total no of bad EOF frames received from the point of time the counter was reset. |
total_bytes_received | NUMBER | 20 | The total number of bytes that are received, including framing characters. |
total_bytes_transmitted | NUMBER | 20 | The total number of bytes that are transmitted, including framing characters. |
total_class_one_frame_rcv | NUMBER | 20 | The number of class 1 frames received. |
total_class_three_frame_rcv | NUMBER | 20 | The number of class 3 frames received. |
total_class_two_frame_rcv | NUMBER | 20 | The number of class 2 frames received. |
total_crc_error_received | NUMBER | 20 | Number of times that the CRC in a frame does not match the CRC that is computed by the receiver. |
total_encoding_out_frame_err | NUMBER | 20 | Total no of encoding error or disparity error outside frames received from the point of time the counter was reset. |
total_f_rjt_frames | NUMBER | 20 | FRJTFrames is the number of times that FRJT was returned to the port. |
total_frames_received | NUMBER | 20 | The total number of frames received |
total_frames_too_long | NUMBER | 20 | The number of frames received that were longer than 2140 octets. |
total_frames_transmitted | NUMBER | 20 | The total number of frames transmitted |
total_invalid_ordered_sets | NUMBER | 20 | Total no of invalid ordered sets received from the point of time the counter was reset. |
total_link_control_frame_rcv | NUMBER | 20 | Total no of link control frames received from the point of time the counter was reset. |
total_link_resets_received | NUMBER | 20 | Count of Link resets. This count is the number of LRs received. |
total_link_resets_trans | NUMBER | 20 | Count of Link resets. This count is the number of LRs transmitted. |
total_multicast_frames_rcv | NUMBER | 20 | Count of Multicast Frames or Packets received. |
total_multicast_frames_tran | NUMBER | 20 | Count of Multicast Frames or Packets transmitted. |
total_multicast_timeouts | NUMBER | 20 | Total no of multicast frames that have timed out from the point of time the counter was reset. |
total_nbr_of_f_bsy_frames | NUMBER | 20 | FBSYFrames is the number of times that FBSY was returned to the port. |
total_nbr_of_p_bsy_frames | NUMBER | 20 | PBSYFrames is the number of times that PBSY was returned to the port. |
total_offline_seq_received | NUMBER | 20 | Total no of offline sequences received from the point of time the counter was reset. |
total_offline_seq_trans | NUMBER | 20 | Total no of offline sequences transmitted from the point of time the counter was reset. |
total_p_rjt_frames | NUMBER | 20 | PRJTFrames is the number of times that PRJT was returned to the port. |
total_truncated_frames_rcv | NUMBER | 20 | Total no of truncated frames received from the point of time the counter was reset. |
total_words_received | NUMBER | 20 | The total number of words received |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
element_name | STRING | 256 | The user-friendly name for this instance |
fabric_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_fabric view |
fc_port_trunk_id | NUMBER | 8 | System generated identifier for the FC port trunk. Primary key in this view. |
instance_identifier | STRING | 128 | InstanceID is an opaque key which uniquely identifies an instance of port trunk within a namespace. |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if this port trunk was deleted or not |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
load_balance_algorithm | STRING | 128 | The current load balance algorithm. |
object_id | STRING | 1024 | Unique key to identify the object |
other_load_balance_algorithm | STRING | 256 | When LoadBalanceAlgorithm is Other, this property describes the algorithm. |
redundancy_status | STRING | 64 | Redundancy Status provides information on the state of the Redundancy Set |
san_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_san view |
switch_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_switch view |
type_of_set | STRING | 64 | Indicates type of redundancy |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
blade_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_blade view |
chassis_fan_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_chassis_fan view |
chassis_power_id | NUMBER | 8 = | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_chassis_power view |
correlated_indications | STRING | 1024 | A list of Indication Identifiers whose notifications are correlated with (related to) this one. |
curr_operation_status | STRING | 128 | Current operation status |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
fabric_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_fabric view |
indication_date | DATE | The time and date of creation of the Indication. The property may be set to NULL if the entity creating the Indication is not capable of determining this information. | |
indication_identifier | STRING | 1024 | An identifier for the Indication. This property is similar to a key value in that it can be used for identification, when correlating Indications. |
indication_type | STRING | 64 | Indicates if its Creation, Modification or Deletion |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
node_fc_port_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_node_fc_port view |
node_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_node view |
other_severity | STRING | 512 | Holds the value of the user defined severity value when perceived_severity is 1 (Other). |
perceived_severity | STRING | 128 | A value that describes the severity of the Indication from the notifier’s point of view, with the following possible values: 0 - Unknown 1 - Other 2 - Information 3 - Degraded/Warning 4 - Minor 5 - Major 6 - Critical 7 - Fatal/NonRecoverable |
physical_switch_id | NUMBER | 22 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_physical_switch view |
prev_operation_status | STRING | 128 | Previous operation status |
san_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_san view |
source_instance | STRING | 1024 | A copy of the instance that changed to generate the Indication. Source Instance contains the current values of the properties selected by the Indication Filter’s Query. |
source_instance_host | STRING | 1024 | The host name or IP address of the Source Instance. |
source_instance_object_path | STRING | 1024 | Object path of the source |
source_instance_type | STRING | 64 | Source of the alert message |
switch_fc_port_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_switch_fc_port view |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
fabric_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_fabric view |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if the entity was deleted or not |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
switch_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_switch view |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | Number of times that the CRC in a frame does not match the CRC that is computed by the receiver |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
zone_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key reference to aps_v_swi_zone_member_alias |
zone_member_setting_id | NUMBER | 8 | System generated identifier for the Zone member setting. Primary key in this view |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if the entity was deleted or not |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
physical_switch_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_physical_switch view |
zone_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_zone view |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
element_name | STRING | 256 | Node symbolic name. This is populated only if returned from the device and nonzero in length. |
fabric_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_fabric view |
instance_identifier | STRING | 128 | Within the scope of the instantiating Namespace, InstanceID opaquely and uniquely identifies a Node. |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if the Node was deleted or not |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
name_format | STRING | 16 | The Name Format property identifies the format used for the device name. |
node_id | NUMBER | 8 | System generated identifier for the Node. Primary key in this view. |
node_wwn_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_wwn table |
object_id | STRING | 1024 | Unique key to identify the object |
platform_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_platform view |
zone_member_setting_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_zone_membersetting view |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
active_classes_of_service | STRING | 16 | An array of integers indicating the classes of service active for this port. |
active_fc4_types | STRING | 64 | An array of integers indicating the Fibre Channel FC-4 protocols currently running. |
creation_class_name | STRING | 256 | Indicates the name of the FC Port that, when used with the other key properties, uniquely identifies an instance of the port. |
device_identifier | STRING | 64 | An address or identifying information to uniquely name the port. This is the N_Port WWN in the case of an N_Port and the switch port WWN in the case of a switch port. |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
element_name | STRING | 128 | Symbolic name of the port. |
enabled_state | STRING | 64 | Enabled State is an integer enumeration that indicates the enabled and disabled states of an element. It can also indicate the transitions between these requested states. |
fabric_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_fabric view |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if the Node FC Port was deleted or not |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
link_technology | STRING | 32 | An enumeration of the types of links. |
max_speed | NUMBER | 20 | The maximum speed the port is capable of supporting, in bits per second. |
network_addresses | STRING | 64 | The FC port ID of the port. |
node_fc_port_id | NUMBER | 8 | System generated identifier for the Node FC Port. Primary key in this view. |
node_id | NUMBER | 22 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_node view |
object_id | STRING | 1024 | Unique key to identify the object |
operational_status | STRING | 128 | Indicates the current status of the switch port. |
permanent_address | STRING | 64 | The port ID of the port. This is the WWN of the port. |
port_nbr | NUMBER | 5 | The logical port number of the user port. |
port_type | STRING | 64 | The specific mode currently enabled for the Port with the following possible values: N = Node port NL = Node port supporting FC arbitrated loop E = Expansion port connecting fabric elements (for example, FC switches) F = Fabric (element) port FL = Fabric (element) port supporting FC arbitrated loop B = Bridge port G = Generic port LB = Loop-back port PL = Private loop port |
port_wwn_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_wwn table |
san_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_san view |
speed | NUMBER | 20 | Actual speed at which the port is currently operating. If the value is 0, the speed is unknown or cannot be determined. |
supported_fc4_types | STRING | 64 | An array of integers indicating the Fibre Channel FC-4 protocols supported. |
system_creation_class_name | STRING | 256 | The scoping system's creation class name. |
system_name | STRING | 256 | The scoping system's Name property. This property represents the WWN of the node. |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
log_date | DATE | Date the log record corresponds to. | |
loss_of_signal_counter | NUMBER | 20 | Number of times the signal is lost on the Port since the last reset of the Device |
loss_of_sync_counter | NUMBER | 20 | Number of times that synchronization is lost on the Port since the last rest of the Device.Synchronization is assumed lost after a time-out period is exceeded. |
switch_fc_port_id | NUMBER | 8 | switch_fc_port_id from aps_swi_fc_ports_stats table. |
total_bytes_rx_counter | NUMBER | 20 | The total number of bytes that are received. including framing characters. |
total_bytes_tx_counter | NUMBER | 20 | The total number of bytes that are transmitted. including framing characters. |
total_crc_error_rx_counter | NUMBER | 20 | Number of times that the CRC in a frame does not match the CRC that is computed by the receiver. |
total_encoding_error_counter | NUMBER | 20 | Total number of encoding error or disparity error outside frames received from the point of time the counter was reset. |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
creation_class_name | STRING | 256 | Indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. |
dedicated | STRING | 256 | Indicates whether the Computer System is a special-purpose System (ie, dedicated to a particular use), versus being 'general purpose'. |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
element_name | STRING | 256 | The user-friendly name for this instance |
enabled_state | STRING | 256 | It is an integer enumeration that indicates the enabled and disabled states of an element |
gateway | STRING | 15 | IP address of default gateway, formatted in dot notation. |
ip_address | STRING | 40 | The in-band or out-of-band address of the switch or address of the Physical Computer System, formatted in dot notation. |
ip_protocol_if_type | STRING | 128 | ProtocolIFType is the type of interface of this endpoint. If the interface is an out-of-band access interface, ProtocolIfType is Ethernet CSMA/CD. If the interface is an in-band access interface, ProtocolIfType is Other. |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if the physical switch was deleted or not |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
net_mask | STRING | 15 | IP subnet mask of Ethernet interface. |
object_id | STRING | 1024 | Unique key to identify the object |
operational_status | STRING | 256 | Indicates the current status of this physical computer system. OK indicates that this physical computer system instance is currently active. Dormant indicates that this physical computer system instance is currently inactive and is the spare or standby instance for failover. |
physical_switch_id | NUMBER | 8 | System generated identifier for the physical switch. Primary key in this view. |
physical_switch_name | STRING | 256 | This is a unique identifier for the physical computer system. |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
creation_class_name | STRING | 256 | Creation Class Name indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. |
dedicated | STRING | 64 | Platform type. |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
element_name | STRING | 1024 | A user-friendly name for the object. |
fabric_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_fabric view |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if the platform was deleted or not |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
name | STRING | 256 | The inherited Name serves as key of the platform in an enterprise environment. |
object_id | STRING | 1024 | Unique key to identify the object |
platform_id | NUMBER | 8 | System generated identifier for the Platform. Primary key in this view. |
san_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_san view |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
blade_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_blade view |
creation_class_name | STRING | 256 | Creation Class Name indicates the name of the port module that, when used with the other key properties, uniquely identifies a port module |
device_identifier | STRING | 256 | An address or other identifying information to uniquely name the port module or blade. |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
element_name | STRING | 1024 | A user-friendly name for the object. |
enabled_state | STRING | 128 | EnabledState is an integer enumeration that indicates the enabled and disabled states of the port module. |
fabric_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_fabric view |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if the port module was deleted or not |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
module_nbr | NUMBER | 5 | The module number of this port module. |
nbr_of_ports | NUMBER | 5 | Number of ports within this module. |
object_id | STRING | 1024 | Unique key to identify the object |
operational_status | STRING | 128 | Indicates the current status of the port module. |
port_module_id | NUMBER | 8 | System generated identifier for the Port Module. Primary key in this view. |
san_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_san view |
start_switch_port_index | NUMBER | 5 | Starting switch logical port number for ports in this port module. |
system_creation_class_name | STRING | 256 | The scoping system's creation class name. |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
element_name | STRING | 256 | Descriptive product name. |
fabric_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_fabric view |
identifying_nbr | STRING | 64 | Vendor serial number. |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if the product was deleted or not |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
name | STRING | 256 | Descriptive product name. |
object_id | STRING | 1024 | Unique key to identify the object |
product_id | NUMBER | 8 | System generated identifier for the Product. Primary key in this view. |
san_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_san view |
sku_nbr | STRING | 64 | Vendor part number. |
system_name | STRING | 256 | The scoping system's Name property. |
vendor | STRING | 256 | The name of the product's supplier or entity selling the product. |
version | STRING | 64 | Product version |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
connect_protocol_end_point_id | NUMBER | 8 | protocol_end_point_id of the port to which it is connected |
creation_class_name | STRING | 256 | Creation Class Name indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
fabric_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_fabric view |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if the end point was deleted or not |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
name_format | STRING | 16 | Name Format contains the naming heuristic that is chosen to ensure that the value of the Name property is unique. |
node_fc_port_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_node_fc_port view |
object_id | STRING | 1024 | Unique key to identify the object |
protocol_end_point_id | NUMBER | 8 | System generated identifier for the Protocol end point. Primary key in this view. |
protocol_end_point_name | STRING | 256 | A string that identifies this Protocol Endpoint with either a port or an interface on a device. |
protocol_if_type | STRING | 64 | It is an enumeration that is synchronized with the IANA ifType MIB. |
san_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_san view |
switch_fc_port_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_switch_fc_port view |
system_creation_class_name | STRING | 256 | The scoping System's Creation Class Name. |
version | STRING | 64 | Product version information. |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
creation_class_name | STRING | 256 | Indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. |
device_manager_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the aps_device_manager table |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
element_name | STRING | 256 | This is a descriptive name to identify the SAN |
enabled_state | STRING | 256 | EnabledState is an integer enumeration that indicates the enabled and disabled states of an element |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if the SAN was deleted or not |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
name_format | STRING | 32 | This property identifies how the name of the SAN is generated. |
object_id | STRING | 1024 | Unique key to identify the object |
san_id | NUMBER | 8 | System generated identifier for the SAN. Primary key in this view. |
san_name | STRING | 256 | An opaque key that identifies the SAN. |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
banner | STRING | 1024 | A message (specified by the administrator) that is displayed whenever a user logs in to a switch |
caption | STRING | 256 | The Caption property is a short textual description (one-line string) of the object. |
chassis_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_chassis view |
confirm_domain_id | STRING | 1 | Domain IDs are assigned by the principal switch at the time of fabric configuration. Domain ID Confirmed indicates whether the switch currently has a valid domain ID. |
creation_class_name | STRING | 256 | This field indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. |
dedicated | STRING | 256 | Indicates that the computer system is a switch or extender. |
description | STRING | 1024 | The Description property provides a textual description of the object. |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Domain IDs are assigned by the principal switch at the time of fabric configuration |
element_name | STRING | 256 | Switch symbolic name. |
enabled_state | STRING | 40 | EnabledState is an integer enumeration that indicates the enabled and disabled states of the switch. It can also indicate the transitions between these requested states. |
fabric_domain_id | STRING | 32 | The domain ID is a fabric-assigned identifier that uniquely identifies a switch in the fabric. |
fabric_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_fabric view |
inter_op_mode | STRING | 60 | Fabric is in interop mode or not |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property tells whether the switch has been deleted or not |
is_virtual | STRING | 1 | This property tells whether the switch is a real switch or a virtual switch. |
last_config_change_date | DATE | The period of time that has elapsed since the last configuration change. | |
last_switch_port_change_date | NUMBER | 10 | Timestamp when the fabric was last modified due to switch port joining or leaving the fabric or due to switch port status change. |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
name_format | STRING | 32 | The Name Format property identifies how Computer System Name is generated. The Name Format Value Map qualifier defines the various mechanisms for assigning the name. |
object_id | STRING | 1024 | Unique key to identify the object |
operational_status | STRING | 256 | Indicates the current status of the switch. |
physical_switch_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_physical_switch view |
reboot_reason | STRING | 2048 | The reason for most recent switch reboot. |
san_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_san view |
status_reason | STRING | 1200 | A description of the reason for switch operational status |
switch_date | DATE | The switch's notion of time-of-day (number of seconds since midnight, January 1, 1970). | |
switch_domain_name | STRING | 256 | DNS-assigned name for the switch. |
switch_id | NUMBER | 8 | Switch embedded port destination identifier. Primary key in this view |
switch_identifier | STRING | 64 | Switch embedded port destination identifier |
switch_name | STRING | 256 | The switch WWN, which is a unique numeric identifier for the switch. The WWN is factory-assigned and is typically used in license keys and digital certificates. |
switch_role | STRING | 64 | The current role of the switch. As part of the fabric coming up, one switch in the fabric assumes the role of a principal switch, every other switch assumes a subordinate role unless the principal switch is disabled. |
switch_time_zone | STRING | 256 | The time zone offset (hours and minutes). |
switch_up_time | DATE | The period of time that has elapsed since last reboot. | |
system_location | STRING | 256 | Description of location |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
associated_node_info | STRING | 1024 | Node information contains Node WWN, Node Port WWN, Port Symbolic Name, Node Port Symbolic Name |
blade_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_blade view |
caption | STRING | 32 | The Caption property is a short textual description (one- line string) of the object. |
connect_node_fc_port_id | NUMBER | 8 | node_fc_port_id of the Node to which it is connected |
connect_node_id | NUMBER | 8 | node_id of the Node it is connected to |
connect_switch_fc_port_id | NUMBER | 8 | FC port ID of the Switch to which it is connected |
creation_class_name | STRING | 256 | Indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. |
device_identifier | STRING | 64 | An address or other identifying information used to uniquely name the Logical Device. |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
domain_port_nbr | NUMBER | 5 | The port number labeled for an administrative purposes relative to the logical module. |
element_name | STRING | 256 | User-configurable friendly name of the port. |
enabled_state | STRING | 132 | EnabledState is an integer that indicates the enabled/disabled states of the port. |
fabric_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_fabric view |
fc_port_trunk_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_fc_port_trunk view |
is_auto_sense | STRING | 1 | A Boolean that indicates whether the Network Port is capable of automatically determining the speed or other communications characteristics of the attached network media. |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if the Switch FC Port was deleted or not |
is_isl_mode_enabled | STRING | 1 | Indicates whether the port is configured for ISL R_RDY mode. |
is_licensed | STRING | 1 | This property tells whether the port is licensed or not. |
is_npiv_enabled | STRING | 1 | Indicates whether the port is configured for NPIV. |
is_sfp_present | STRING | 1 | This property tells whether SFP is present or not. |
is_trunked | STRING | 1 | Whether the FC port is trunked or not |
is_virtual | STRING | 1 | This property tells whether the port is a real port or a virtual port. |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
link_technology | STRING | 64 | A list of the types of links. |
logical_object_id | STRING | 1024 | Object Id from the collector indicating if the Object is logical or physical |
max_speed | NUMBER | 22 | The maximum speed the port is capable of supporting, in bits per second. |
operational_status | STRING | 128 | Indicates the current status of the switch port. |
permanent_address | STRING | 64 | The port ID of the port. This is the WWN of the port. |
physical_object_id | STRING | 1024 | Object Id from the collector indicating if the Object is logical or physical |
physical_switch_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_physical_switch view |
port_index | NUMBER | 5 | This property gives the Port Index of the port. |
port_module_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_port_module view |
port_name | STRING | 256 | Defines the label by which the object is known. |
port_nbr | NUMBER | 5 | The logical port number of the user port. |
port_type | STRING | 132 | The specific mode currently enabled for the Port with the following possible values: N = Node port NL = Node port supporting FC arbitrated loop E = Expansion port connecting fabric elements (for example, FC switches) F = Fabric (element) port FL = Fabric (element) port supporting FC arbitrated loop B = Bridge port G = Generic port LB = Loopback port PL = Private loop port |
port_wwn_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_wwn table |
san_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_san view |
speed | NUMBER | 5 | Actual speed at which the port is currently operating. |
switch_fc_port_id | NUMBER | 8 | System generated identifier for the Switch FC Port. Primary key in this view. |
switch_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_switch view |
system_creation_class_name | STRING | 256 | The scoping system’s creation class name. |
system_location | STRING | 256 | Physical location of the Switch |
system_name | STRING | 256 | The scoping system's Name property. |
vsan_identifier | STRING | 10 | Which VSAN this switch fc port belongs to |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
can_edit_element_name | STRING | 1 | Boolean indicating whether the Element Name can be modified. |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
element_name | STRING | 256 | The user friendly name for this instance of Capabilities. |
fabric_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_fabric view |
instance_identifier | STRING | 256 | Within the scope of the instantiating Namespace, InstanceID opaquely and uniquely identifies an instance of this class. |
is_auto_sense_speed_config | STRING | 1 | A boolean indicating whether the Auto Sense Speed may be changed (TRUE), or may only be viewed (FALSE). |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if this FC Port capability was deleted |
is_speed_config | STRING | 1 | Boolean that indicates whether the Speed can be configured. |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
max_element_name_length | NUMBER | 5 | Maximum supported Element Name length. |
object_id | STRING | 1024 | Unique key to identify the object |
requested_speed_supported | STRING | 1024 | List of supported port speeds that can be configured on Logical Port Settings. |
requested_states_supported | STRING | 1024 | Requested States Supported indicates the possible states that can be requested |
requested_types_supported | STRING | 1024 | List of supported port types that can be configured |
san_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_san view |
switch_fc_port_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_switch_fc_port view |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
element_name | STRING | 256 | The user friendly name for this instance of SettingData. |
fabric_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_fabric view |
instance_identifier | STRING | 256 | Within the scope of the instantiating Namespace, InstanceID opaquely and uniquely identifies an instance of this class. |
is_auto_sense_speed | STRING | 1 | A boolean indicating whether the Logical Port should automatically negotiate an optimal bandwidth (TRUE), or attempt to communicate only at the Requested Speed (FALSE). |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if this FC Port settings was deleted or not |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
object_id | STRING | 1024 | Unique key to identify the object |
requested_speed | NUMBER | 20 | The requested bandwidth of the Port in Bits per Second. |
san_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_san view |
switch_fc_port_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_switch_fc_port view |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
element_name | STRING | 512 | The user-friendly name for this instance which can be used as an index property for a search in a query. |
fabric_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_fabric view |
instance_identifier | STRING | 256 | Within the scope of the instantiating namespace, InstanceID uniquely and opaquely identifies an instance of this class. |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if this switch service capabilities were deleted or not |
is_high_availability_enabled | STRING | 1 | Enable or disable high availability of this switch. |
is_port_log_enabled | STRING | 1 | Enable or disable port error log for all ports on this switch. True indicates that this is supported on the hardware and is enabled. False indicates this is supported on the hardware, but is not enabled. Property not populated indicates port error log is not supported on the hardware at all. |
is_ql_switch_enabled | STRING | 1 | True indicates that QuickLoop is supported on the hardware and is enabled. False indicates QuickLoop is supported on the hardware, but is not enabled. Property not populated indicates QuickLoop enabling or disabling is not supported on the hardware at all. |
is_rls_service_enabled | STRING | 1 | Enable or disable the read link error status block (RLS) service on this switch. |
is_trunking_capable | STRING | 1 | True indicates that trunking is supported on the hardware and is enabled with a valid license. False indicates trunking is supported on the hardware, but is not enabled. Property not populated indicates trunking is not supported on the hardware at all. |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
mgmt_service_capabilities | STRING | 1024 | Returns the capabilities of the switch that are interesting from a management perspective |
object_id | STRING | 1024 | Unique key to identify the object |
physical_switch_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_physical_switch view |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
element_name | STRING | 256 | The user-friendly name for this instance |
fabric_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_fabric view |
instance_identifier | STRING | 256 | InstanceID is an opaque key which uniquely identifies an instance of switch setting within a namespace. |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if this switch setting was deleted or not |
is_domain_id_locked | STRING | 1 | Boolean indicating if the switch may negotiate a new domain ID if the configured domain ID is unavailable. If this value is TRUE, a domain ID conflict will cause the fabric merge process to fail. |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
object_id | STRING | 1024 | Unique key to identify the object |
physical_switch_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_physical_switch view |
preferred_domain_id | NUMBER | 5 | The preferred domain ID for the switch. If DomainIDLocked is TRUE, then this will be the required Domain ID for the switch. |
principal_priority | NUMBER | 5 | This value affects the selection of a principal switch within the fabric. It indirectly corresponds to the FC-FS switch_priority value used during principal switch selection. Principal: Attempt to become the principal switch in the fabric. Subordinate: Attempt NOT to become the principal switch in the fabric. Any: No preference. |
san_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_san view |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
build_nbr | NUMBER | 5 | The build number of the software. |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
instance_identifier | STRING | 256 | InstanceID is an opaque key which uniquely identifies an instance of switch software within a namespace. |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if this switch software was deleted or not |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
major_version | NUMBER | 5 | The major number component of the software's version information. A newer major release is indicated by a larger numeric value. |
manufacturer | STRING | 256 | Manufacturer of this software. |
minor_version | NUMBER | 5 | The minor number component of the software's version information. A newer minor release is indicated by a larger numeric value. |
object_id | STRING | 1024 | Unique key to identify the object |
physical_switch_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_physical_switch view |
revision_nbr | NUMBER | 5 | The revision or maintenance release component of the software's version information |
san_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_san view |
version | STRING | 64 | A string representing the complete software version information |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
current_byte_receive_rate | NUMBER | 20 | The current byte receive rate since last reset. |
current_byte_transfer_rate | NUMBER | 20 | The current byte transmit rate since last reset. |
current_frame_receive_rate | NUMBER | 20 | The current frame receive rate since last reset. |
current_frame_transfer_rate | NUMBER | 20 | The current frame transmit rate since last reset. |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
element_name | STRING | 1024 | The user-friendly name for this instance of Statistical Data. |
fabric_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_fabric view |
instance_identifier | STRING | 256 | InstanceID opaquely identifies a unique instance of FC Port Rate Stats. |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if the FC Port Rate Stats were deleted or not |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
max_frame_receive_rate | NUMBER | 20 | The maximum frame receive rate since last reset. |
max_frame_transmit_rate | NUMBER | 20 | The maximum frame transmit rate since last reset. |
object_id | STRING | 1024 | Unique key to identify the object |
peak_byte_receive_rate | NUMBER | 20 | The peak byte receive rate since last reset. |
peak_byte_transmit_rate | NUMBER | 20 | The peak byte transmit rate since last reset. |
sample_interval | DATE | The intervals at which the bytes are sampled by the switch driver to calculate the rates. | |
san_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_san view |
statistic_date | DATE | The time the most recent measurement was taken, relative to the managed element where the statistic was collected. | |
switch_fc_port_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_switch_fc_port view |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
current_byte_receive_rate | NUMBER | 20 | The current byte receive rate since last reset. |
current_byte_transfer_rate | NUMBER | 20 | The current byte transfer rate since last reset. |
current_frame_receive_rate | NUMBER | 20 | The current frame receive rate since last reset. |
current_frame_transfer_rate | NUMBER | 20 | The current frame transfer rate since last reset. |
log_date | DATE | Date and time log was written | |
max_frame_receive_rate | NUMBER | 20 | The maximum frame receive rate since last reset. |
max_frame_transmit_rate | NUMBER | 20 | The maximum frame transmit rate since last reset. |
peak_byte_receive_rate | NUMBER | 20 | The peak byte receive rate since last reset. |
peak_byte_transmit_rate | NUMBER | 20 | The peak byte transmit rate since last reset. |
switch_fc_port_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_switch_fc_port view |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
fabric_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_fabric view |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
operational_status | STRING | 128 | operational_status from the aps_v_swi_switch_fc_port view |
source_host_id | NUMBER | 10 | Foreign key to the apt_host view |
source_node_fc_port_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_node_fc_port view |
source_port_wwn_id | NUMBER | 8 | port_wwn_id from either the aps_v_swi_switch_fc_port or aps_v_swi_node_fc_port view |
source_storage_array_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_storage_array view |
source_switch_fc_port_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_switch_fc_port view |
source_switch_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_switch view |
source_type | STRING | 1 | H - Host, S - Switch, D - Director Switch, A - Array |
source_zone_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_zone view |
target_host_id | NUMBER | 10 | Foreign key to the apt_host view |
target_node_fc_port_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_node_fc_port view |
target_port_wwn_id | NUMBER | 8 | port_wwn_id from either the aps_v_swi_switch_fc_port or aps_v_swi_node_fc_port view |
target_storage_array_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_storage_array view |
target_switch_fc_port_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_switch_fc_port view |
target_switch_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_switch view |
target_type | STRING | 1 | H - Host, S - Switch, D - Director Switch, A - Array |
target_zone_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_zone view |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
antecedent_element_name | STRING | 1024 | Antecedent Element Name |
antecedent_element_wwn | STRING | 64 | Antecedent Element WWN |
antecedent_fc_port | STRING | 1024 | Antecedent FC Port |
antecedent_fc_port_type | STRING | 64 | Antecedent FC Port Type |
antecedent_fc_port_wwn | STRING | 64 | Antecedent FC Port WWN |
antecedent_system | STRING | 1024 | Antecedent System |
dependent_element_name | STRING | 1024 | Dependent Element Name |
dependent_element_wwn | STRING | 128 | Dependent Element WWN |
dependent_fc_port | STRING | 1024 | Dependent FC Port |
dependent_fc_port_type | STRING | 64 | Dependent FC Port Type |
dependent_fc_port_wwn | STRING | 64 | Dependent FC Port WWN |
dependent_system | STRING | 1024 | Dependent System |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
instance_id | STRING | 128 | Instance Id |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | Identifies if this topology view was deleted |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
caption | STRING | 256 | The Caption property is a short description (one-line string) of the object. |
description | STRING | 1024 | The Description property provides a textual description of the object. |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
element_name | STRING | 256 | A user-defined name for the object. |
fabric_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_fabric view |
instance_identifier | STRING | 256 | InstanceID opaquely identifies a unique instance of Zone that is scoped (contained) by a zone set. |
is_active | STRING | 1 | Indicates whether this zone is currently active (that is, under enforcement of a fabric) or not. This property can be used to distinguish between a zone that is currently active and a snapshot of a zone (with the same Instance Name) that is for offline editing. |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if this Zone was deleted or not |
is_read_only | STRING | 1 | The access mode allowed for the zone. If ReadOnly, the zone configuration cannot be changed. |
is_undefined | STRING | 1 | Whether Zone is defined or not |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
object_id | STRING | 1024 | Unique key to identify the object |
other_zone_sub_type_desc | STRING | 32 | A string describing the zone subtype when the value of the ZoneSubType property is 1 (Other). |
other_zone_type_desc | STRING | 64 | A string describing the zone type when the value of the ZoneType property is 1 (Other). |
san_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_san view |
zone_id | NUMBER | 8 | System generated identifier for the Zone. Primary key in this view. |
zoneset_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to aps_v_swi_zoneset view |
zone_sub_type | STRING | 32 | Specifies protocol type if the zone type requires more specificity. |
zone_type | STRING | 32 | The type of zone to be enforced, including Brocade-proprietary zone types. |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
caption | STRING | 256 | The Caption property is a short description (one- line string) of the object. |
collection_alias | STRING | 512 | A user-friendly name for the zone alias that is unique within the fabric. Zone aliases are composed of zone members and are contained within zone sets. |
description | STRING | 512 | The Description property provides a textual description of the object. |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
element_name | STRING | 256 | The user-friendly name for this instance |
fabric_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_fabric view |
instance_identifier | STRING | 256 | InstanceID opaquely identifies a unique instance of Zone Alias that is scoped (contained) by a zone. |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if this Zone member alias was deleted |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
object_id | STRING | 1024 | Unique key to identify the object |
san_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_san view |
zone_member_alias_id | NUMBER | 8 | System-generated ID for the zone member alias. This is the primary key for this view. |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
caption | STRING | 512 | The Caption property is a short textual description (one- line string) of the object. |
connectivity_member_id | STRING | 256 | The identification of the member based on the type specified by connectivity_member_type. |
connectivity_member_type | STRING | 64 | Connectivity Member Type specifies the type of identification used in the connectivity_member_id field. |
description | STRING | 1024 | The Description property provides a textual description of the object. |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
element_name | STRING | 256 | The user-defined name for this instance |
fabric_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_fabric view |
instance_identifier | STRING | 256 | InstanceID opaquely identifies a unique instance of Zone Membership Setting Data. |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if this Zone member setting was deleted or not |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
node_fc_port_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_node_fc_port view |
node_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_node view |
object_id | STRING | 1024 | Unique key to identify the object |
san_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_san view |
switch_fc_port_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_switch_fc_port view |
wwn | STRING | 128 | port WWN |
wwn_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_wwn table |
zone_member_setting_id | NUMBER | 8 | System generated identifier for the Zone member alias. Primary key in this view. |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
caption | STRING | 256 | The Caption property is a short textual description (one- line string) of the object. |
description | STRING | 1024 | The Description property provides a textual description of the object. |
domain_id | NUMBER | 6 | Foreign key to the apt view |
element_name | STRING | 256 | User-defined name for Zone sets. Two zone sets can have the same name of which one may be active and other one will be inactive. |
fabric_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_fabric view |
instance_identifier | STRING | 256 | InstanceID opaquely identifies a unique instance of Zone Set that is scoped (contained) by a fabric. |
is_active | STRING | 1 | Indicates whether this zone set is currently active (that is, under enforcement of a fabric) or not. This property can be used to distinguish between a zone set that is currently active and a snapshot of a zone set (with the same Instance Name) that is for offline editing. |
is_deleted | STRING | 1 | This property identifies if this Zone set was deleted or not |
last_updated | DATE | Date and time last updated | |
object_id | STRING | 1024 | Unique key to identify the object |
san_id | NUMBER | 8 | Foreign key to the aps_v_swi_san view |
zoneset_id | NUMBER | 8 | System generated identifier for the Zone set. Primary key in this view. |
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
switch_id | NUMBER | 8 | Switch ID |
region | STRING | 128 | Region where the switch is located |
switch_type | STRING | 128 | Type of switch |