Column Name | Data Type | Description |
allowed_parallelism | NUMBER | Maximum number of saves that should be run at the same time for the client |
archive_service_enabled | CHAR | Y=Yes, N=No |
browse_period_id | NUMBER | The ID for the browser period |
browse_period_name | STRING | Browse period name |
browse_period_type | CHAR | 1-character browse period type |
client_id | NUMBER | Foreign key of the client for the NetWorker client (See apt_v_server) |
client_name | STRING | Name of the NetWorker client. |
client_resource_aliases | STRING | Native aliases of the NetWorker client resource. |
client_resource_comment | STRING | Native NetWorker client resource comments. |
client_resource_id | NUMBER | Unique client resource ID. Primary key in this view. This is the StorageConsole internal client resource ID and NOT the same as the NetWorker client resource ID. |
client_resource_name | STRING | Name of the NetWorker client resource. |
client_software_version | STRING | Version of the client software |
directive_id | NUMBER | Directive identifier |
directive_name | STRING | Directive name |
file_paths | STRING | File paths |
instance_name | STRING | The instance name |
last_updated | DATE | Last updated date |
ndmp_enabled | CHAR | Y=Yes, N=No |
networker_version | STRING | Networker Version |
priority | NUMBER | Native priority of this client resource. |
retention_period_id | NUMBER | The identifier for the retention period |
retention_period_name | STRING | Retention period name |
retention_period_type | CHAR | Retention period type |
schedule_id | NUMBER | Schedule Identifier |
schedule_name | STRING | Schedule name |
scheduled_backup | CHAR | Y=Yes, N=No |
server_instance_id | NUMBER | Server instance identifier |
server_name | STRING | The NetWorker server |
vendor_client_id | STRING | Native NetWorker client identifier. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
client_resource_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_leg_client_resource |
client_resource_name | STRING | Name of the client resource |
saveset_group_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to the NetWorker saveset group details |
saveset_group_name | STRING | Name of the NetWorker saveset group to which the saveset belongs |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
directive_comment | STRING | Free form text |
directive_id | NUMBER | Internal StorageConsole ID for the NetWorker directive. |
directive_name | STRING | Name of the directive. |
directives | STRING | This attribute contains the rules defining the directive |
instance_name | STRING | Name of the server instance |
server_instance_id | NUMBER | Server the directive is associated with. Foreign key to apt_v_server_instance |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
barcode | STRING | Barcode |
disk_media_id | NUMBER | Unique Disk Media ID |
expiration_date | DATE | Expiration date of media |
expiration_status | STRING | Expiration status of media |
first_label_date | DATE | Date when media was first labelled |
instance_name | STRING | Name of the instance |
last_access_date | DATE | Date media was last accessed |
last_relabel_date | DATE | Date when media was re-labelled |
last_updated | DATE | Date last updated |
library_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to the Tape Library that contains this piece of tape media (See apt_v_tape_library) |
library_name | STRING | Name of the Library |
library_slot_nbr | NUMBER | Slot number of the Library |
media_availability | STRING | Availability of media |
media_capacity_mbytes | NUMBER | Capacity of disk media |
media_name | STRING | Name of the media |
media_state | STRING | State of media |
media_status | STRING | Status of the media |
media_type_family | STRING | Media type family |
nbr_of_mounts | NUMBER | Number of mounts on media |
nbr_of_recycle | NUMBER | Number of recycle |
nbr_of_savesets | NUMBER | Number of save sets |
percent_used | NUMBER | Percent of disk media used |
read_kilobytes | NUMBER | Kilobytes read from disk media |
server_id | NUMBER | Foreign key of the server ID for host details |
server_instance_id | NUMBER | Unique ID for the server instance |
server_name | STRING | Server internal name |
vendor_disk_media_id | NUMBER | Vendor disk media ID |
vendor_media_status | NUMBER | Status of vendor media |
vendor_media_type | NUMBER | Type of the vendor media |
volume_flags | STRING | Volume flag |
volume_pool_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to the default volume pool for this disk media |
volume_pool_name | STRING | Volume pool name for this disk media |
written_kilobytes | NUMBER | Kilobytes written to disk media |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
browse_date | DATE | Browse date for the NetWorker job. |
client_id | NUMBER | Foreign key of the client ID for the NetWorker client (See apt_v_server) |
client_name | STRING | Host name of the NetWorker client being backed up. |
client_resource_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to the NetWorker client resource details |
client_resource_name | STRING | Name of the NetWorker client Resource. |
finish_date | DATE | Date/time that the job completed |
insertion_date | DATE | Insertion date of the NetWorker job. |
is_active | CHAR | Y=Yes, N=No |
is_save_group_active | CHAR | Y-Yes N-No |
job_id | NUMBER | Unique job ID. Primary key in this view. This is the StorageConsole internal job ID and NOT the same as the NetWorker Job ID. |
job_type | NUMBER | Enumeration field with the following possible values: 301 = Full Backup 302 = Incremental Backup 303 = Migration 304 = Manual Backup 305 = Consolidate 306 = Copy 307 = Diff 308 = 1 309 = 2 310 = 3 311 = 4 312 = 5 313 = 6 314 = 7 315 = 8 316 = 9 317 = Restore 399 = Other |
job_type_name | STRING | Enumeration field with the following possible values: Full Backup Incr Backup Migration Manual Backup Consolidate Copy Diff One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine |
kilobytes | NUMBER | For backup jobs, this is the number of kilobytes in the backup. For restore jobs, this is the number of kilobytes restored |
long_saveset_id | STRING | NetWorker specific long saveset ID. Uniquely identifies the NetWorker job. |
media_type | CHAR | This is an enumeration field with the following values: D = Disk-based backup T = Tape-based backup L = Logical backup |
nbr_of_attempts | NUMBER | Numbers of attempts for the NetWorker save set. |
nbr_of_copies | NUMBER | Number of copies (instances or clones) of the NetWorker save set, all with the same save time and save set id |
nbr_of_files | NUMBER | Number of files affected by the NetWorker job |
product_type | NUMBER | Enumeration field with the following possible values: 1 –Symantec NetBackup 2 – Symantec Backup Exec 3 – EMC NetWorker 4 – IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 5 – CommVault Galaxy 6 – HP Data Protector |
retention_date | DATE | Retention date (expiration time) for the NetWorker job. |
save_date | DATE | NetWorker client job start time |
saveset_group_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to the NetWorker save set group details |
saveset_group_instance_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to the NetWorker save set group instance details. This would provide the historical group start time, finish time, and status. |
saveset_group_name | STRING | Name of the NetWorker save set group that the save set belongs to. |
saveset_id | NUMBER | NetWorker specific saveset ID. Uniquely identifies the NetWorker job. |
saveset_name | STRING | Name of the NetWorker saveset |
saveset_status | STRING | Native NetWorker status for the save set. |
server_id | NUMBER | Foreign key of the server ID for the NetWorker Master server (See apt_v_server) |
server_name | STRING | Name of the NetWorker master server |
start_date | DATE | Date/time that the job started |
summary_status | NUMBER | This is an enumeration field with the following values: 0 =successful 1 = partial / warning 2 = failed / error |
vendor_state | NUMBER | NetWorker job state codes. This is an enumeration field with the following values: 0 = Job is completed 1 = Job is running / in-process |
vendor_state_name | STRING | NetWorker job state names. This is an enumeration field with the following values Completed Running |
vendor_status | NUMBER | This is an enumeration field with the following values: 0 =successful 1 = partial / warning 2 = failed / error 3 = in progress |
vendor_status_name | STRING | This is an enumeration field with the following values: Successful Partial / Warning Failed In Progress |
vendor_summary_status | CHAR | This is an enumeration field with the following values: B = Browsable R = Recoverable E = Expired A = Aborted I = In Progress |
vendor_summary_status_name | STRING | This is an enumeration field with the following values: Browsable Recoverable Expired Aborted In Progress |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
client_id | NUMBER | Foreign key of the client ID for the NetWorker client (See apt_v_server) |
client_name | STRING | Name of the NetWorker client being backed up. |
clone_date | DATE | Date/Time when the clone was taken |
clone_id | NUMBER | NetWorker-specific clone ID. |
clone_retention_date | DATE | Retention date/time of the clone |
current_kilobytes | NUMBER | Kilobytes backed up by this drive |
drive_id | NUMBER | Unique drive ID. This is the StorageConsole internal drive ID and NOT the same as the NetWorker drive ID |
drive_name | STRING | Name of the tape drive |
finish_readwrite | DATE | Date/time the drive finished to read/write |
is_original | CHAR | Y=Yes, N=No Yes means that this is the original backup. |
job_id | NUMBER | Primary key in this view. This is the internal job ID, NOT the same as the NetWorker Job ID. |
kilobytes | NUMBER | Kilobytes backed up for this job |
start_readwrite | DATE | Date/time the drive started to read/write |
status_name | STRING | The following is a list of the enumeration values: Abort Incomplete Suspect (Read Error) |
tape_media_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to the Tape Media (See apt_v_leg_tape_media) |
transfer_rate | NUMBER | Transfer rate of this read/write. |
vendor_status | STRING | The following is a list of the enumeration values: Complete Head Middle Tail |
volume_pool_id | NUMBER | Unique volume pool ID. This is the StorageConsole internal volume pool ID and NOT the same as the NetWorker volume pool ID |
volume_pool_name | STRING | Name of the volume pool that the tape media belongs to. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
instance_name | STRING | Name of the instance |
nbr_of_period | NUMBER | Number of periods |
period_comment | STRING | Comment for the period |
period_id | NUMBER | Unique period ID |
period_name | STRING | Name of the period |
period_type | STRING | Type of the period |
server_instance_id | NUMBER | Unique ID for the server instance |
server_name | STRING | Server internal name |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
auto_restart | CHAR | Y = Yes, N=No |
auto_start | CHAR | Y = Yes, N=No |
backup_level | CHAR | This is an explicit level the savegroup will use when started automatically by NetWorker |
backup_level_date | DATE | This is an explicit level the savegroup will use when started automatically by NetWorker. |
clone_saveset | CHAR | Y = Yes, N=No |
clone_volume_pool_id | NUMBER | The ID of the pool to which the save set clones should be sent |
force_incremental_backup | CHAR | Y = Yes, N=No |
group_comment | STRING | Free form text field |
group_name | STRING | Name of the saveset group. |
instance_name | STRING | Name of the server instance |
is_active | STRING | Y/N indicating whether the group exists in Networker or not. Y = exists, N = does not exist. |
nbr_of_retries | NUMBER | Number of retries |
printer | STRING | The printer to which the bootstrap save set information will be printed |
progress_filename | STRING | The name of a (private) file where savegrp stores the current representation of the group’s work list and completion information. |
run_interval | STRING | This attribute specifies how often this group is to be run automatically |
run_options | STRING | The values specify flags with which this group will be run |
save_group_parallelism | NUMBER | If this value is non-zero, then the savegroup program eschews all other parallelism policies and attempts to keep that number of saves running |
saveset_group_id | NUMBER | Internal ID for the saveset group |
schedule_id | NUMBER | The schedule id to use for determining what level of save to perform. |
server_instance_id | NUMBER | Server with which the saveset group is associated. Foreign key to apt_v_server_instance |
start_time | STRING | The time of day when this group will start saving |
success_threshold | CHAR | The current status of this group. |
timeout_in_minutes | NUMBER | The number of minutes that the savegrp command waits for any kind of activity on the server before concluding that a savegrp descendant is hung. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
action_type_list | STRING | String that describes the types of backup (full, incremental, etc.) to be performed on the day in the period. |
instance_name | STRING | Name of the server instance |
period_type | CHAR | M=Month and W=Week |
schedule_comment | STRING | Free form text |
schedule_id | NUMBER | Internal StorageConsole ID for the NetWorker schedule. |
schedule_name | STRING | Name of the schedule |
server_instance_id | NUMBER | Server the schedule is associated with. Foreign key to apt_v_server_instance |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
auto_media_management_enabled | CHAR | Y = Yes, N=No |
available_slots | STRING | Available slot numbers |
cleaning_slot_numbers | STRING | Cleaning slot numbers |
control_port_number | STRING | The path of the control port for the jukebox robotics |
controlling_server_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to the media server that is controlling the library. (See apt_v_server) |
controlling_server_name | STRING | Name of the controlling server. |
current_operation | STRING | The operation currently being performed on the jukebox |
current_operation_drive_id | NUMBER | Drive ID used by current operation. |
current_operation_options | STRING | The mode of the volume used when the current operation will be performed |
current_operation_slot_nbr | NUMBER | Slot number used by current operation. |
default_nbr_of_cleaning | NUMBER | The number of uses assigned to a new cleaning cartridge during an inventory of a jukebox |
description | STRING | Free-form text field |
device_name | STRING | Device name that controls the tape library |
first_slot_number | NUMBER | First slot number in the library |
internal_name | STRING | Server’s internal name |
is_auto_clean_devices_enabled | CHAR | Y = Yes, N=No |
is_enabled | CHAR | Y = Yes, N=No |
is_online | CHAR | Y = Yes, N=No |
last_slot_number | NUMBER | Last slot number in the library |
library_comment | STRING | Free form text field |
library_id | NUMBER | Unique tape library ID. |
library_name | STRING | Custom name that can be assigned to the library |
loaded_slot_numbers | STRING | Slot numbers loaded. |
media_capacity | NUMBER | Total number of tapes that could be loaded within this tape library. |
model | STRING | The jukebox model |
nbr_of_devices | NUMBER | Number of devices attached to the library |
nbr_of_drives | NUMBER | Number of tape drives within the tape library |
operation_error_msg | STRING | Error message from NetWorker log |
read_server_id | NUMBER | ID of a read server |
read_server_name | STRING | Host name that is used in selecting a storage node for recover and read side clone requests |
serial_number | STRING | The serial number of the tape library |
server_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to the server with which this library is associated (See apt_v_server) |
use_barcode_labels | CHAR | Y = Yes, N=No |
use_barcode_reader | CHAR | Y = Yes, N=No |
vendor_library_nbr | NUMBER | Unique number assigned by NetWorker to each library |
vendor_library_type | STRING | Vendor-specific library type name. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
barcode | STRING | Barcode of the tape media |
expiration_date | DATE | Date/time this tape media is set to expire. |
expiration_status | CHAR | This field contains the expiration status. The following is a list of the enumeration values: E = Expired M = Manual U = Undefined |
expiration_status_name | STRING | Expiration status name as above |
first_label_date | DATE | Date/time this tape media was first labeled. |
last_access_date | DATE | Last date/time this tape was accessed |
last_relabel_date | DATE | Date/time this tape media was relabeled. |
library_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to the Tape Library that contains this piece of tape media (See apt_v_tape_library) |
library_name | STRING | Name of the tape library |
library_slot_nbr | NUMBER | Slot number within the tape library. This will be NULL for off-site tapes or tapes that are not within a library |
media_availability | CHAR | This field contains the media availability codes. The following is a list of the enumeration values: N = Nearline (in a Jukebox) O = OV |
media_availability_name | STRING | Media availability names as above |
media_capacity_mbytes | NUMBER | Capacity of the tape media in Mbytes |
media_name | STRING | NetWorker media name |
media_state | CHAR | This field contains the media state. The following is a list of the enumeration values: E = Eligible For Recycling M = Manually-Recyclable A = Archive Or Migration Volumes X = Both |
media_state_name | STRING | Media state name as above |
media_status | CHAR | This field contains the media status. The following is a list of the enumeration values: Y = Deleted E = Empty D = Filling F = Full P = Error X = Unavailable C = Cleaning V = Status in vendor media status column |
media_status_name | STRING | Media status names as above. |
nbr_of_mounts | NUMBER | Number of mounts |
nbr_of_recycle | NUMBER | Number of recycle |
nbr_of_savesets | NUMBER | Number of savesets on this tape media |
percent_used | NUMBER | Percent of the tape media already used. |
product_type | NUMBER | Enumeration field with the following possible values: 1 – Symantec NetBackup 2 – Symantec Backup Exec 3 – EMC NetWorker 4 – IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 5 – CommVault Galaxy 6 – HP Data Protector |
product_type_name | STRING | Names as above |
read_kilobytes | NUMBER | KiB of data read from this tape. |
server_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to the master server that is managing this piece of tape media (See apt_v_server) |
server_name | STRING | Name of the master server that is managing this piece of tape media (See apt_v_server) |
tape_media_id | NUMBER | Unique ID of the tape media. This is an internal ID and not the same as the tape media name/code or barcode in backup product |
vendor_media_status | NUMBER | Vendor media status is stored in the RAW format with the bits as below: 1 = Dirty 2 = Read Only 3 = Appendable 4 = Eligible for Recycling 5 = Manually Recyclable 6 = Archive 7 = Empty 8 = Full |
vendor_media_status_name | STRING | Media status name as above |
vendor_media_type | NUMBER | This field contains the media status. The following is a list of the enumeration values: 1 = File 2 = 3590 3 = 3592 4 = 4MM 5 = 8MM 6 = DLT 7 = LTO 8 = 3480 9 = 3570 10 = 4890 11 = 4MM 12GB 12 = 4MM 20GB 13 = 4MM 4GB 14 = 4MM 8GB 15 = 4MM DAT72 16 = 8MM 20GB 17 = 8MM 5GB 18 = 8MM AIT 19 = 8MM AIT-2 20 = 8MM AIT-3 21 = 8MM AIT-4 22 = 8MM MAMMOTH-2 23 = 9490 24 = 9840 25 = 9840B 26 = 9840C 27 = 9940 28 = 9940B 29 = ADV_FILE 30 = DLT1 32 = DLT7000 33 = DLT8000 34 = HIMT 35 = LOGICAL 36 = LTO ULTRIUM 37 = LTO ULTRIUM-2 38 = LTO ULTRIUM-3 39 = Optical 40 = QIC |
vendor_media_type (continued) | 41 = SAIT-1 42 = SD3 SDLT 43 = SDLT320 44 = SKLT600 45 = SLR 46 = TKZ90 47 = TRAVAN10 48 = TZ85 49 = TZ86 50 = TZ87 51 = TZ88 52 = TZ89 53 = TZ90 54 = TZS20 55 = VXA | |
vendor_media_type_name | STRING | Media type name as above |
vendor_tape_media_id | NUMBER | NetWorker tape media id |
volume_pool_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to the volume pool that this piece of tape media belongs to |
volume_pool_name | STRING | Name of the volume pool |
written_kilobytes | NUMBER | Amount of data already written to this tape media in KiB |