Column Name | Data Type | Description |
client_hostname | STRING | Host name associated with the client ID |
client_id | NUMBER | Foreign key of the client ID for the Backup Exec client |
finish_date | DATE | Date/time that the job completed |
is_active | CHAR | Y=Yes, N=No |
job_bitflags | RAW | This is a bit field that can be “OR’ed” to represent the following bitwise variables: Bit 0 = Manually started job Bit 1 = Compressed backup job Bit 2 = DB compressed backup job Bit 3 = Encrypted backup job |
job_id | NUMBER | Unique job ID. Primary key in this view. This is the StorageConsole internal job ID and NOT the same as the Backup Exec Job ID. |
job_name_name | STRING | The unique name given to the job. |
job_type | NUMBER | Enumeration field with the following possible values: 200 = Resource Discovery 201 = Backup 202 = Duplicate 203 = Category 204 = Report 205 = Restore 206 = Test Run 207 = Inventory or Erase 208= Verify 209= Other job |
job_type_name | STRING | Enumeration field, which accompanies the job type value, with the following possible values: - Resource Discovery - Backup - Duplicate - Category - Report - Restore - Test Run - Inventory or Erase - Verify - Other job |
job_type_name | STRING | Job Type Name |
kilobytes | NUMBER | For backup jobs, this is the number of kilobytes in the backup. For restore jobs, this is the number of kilobytes restored |
media_set_id | NUMBER | ID of the media set |
media_set_name | STRING | Name of media set |
media_type | CHAR | D=Disk-based backup, T=Tape-based backup |
nbr_of_files | NUMBER | Number of files affected by the Backup Exec job |
policy_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to the Backup Exec Policy details |
policy_name | STRING | Descriptive name associated with the ID |
product_type_name | STRING | Text description of the backup product type |
resource_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to resource details |
resource_name | STRING | Resource name |
result_code | NUMBER | Result code of the backup job |
schedule_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to the Backup Exec Schedule details |
schedule_name | STRING | The name of the schedule. |
server_host_name | STRING | Server host name |
server_id | NUMBER | Foreign key of the server ID for the Backup Exec server |
start_date | DATE | Date/time that the job started |
summary_status | NUMBER | This is an enumeration field with the following values: 0 =successful 1 = partial / warning 2 = failed / error This field can be inspected to determine the overall summary status of a job. If the job was a backup and the summary status was 1 (partial), this is a result of Backup Exec skipping some of the files in a backup |
target_id | NUMBER | This field should only be used for restore jobs and contains the target client for a restore (i.e. Destination client). The client_id column above is the source and the server_id is the media server that performed the restore |
target_name | STRING | Name of the target |
vendor_job_id | STRING | Job ID, as assigned by Backup Exec |
vendor_state | NUMBER | Native Backup Exec job state codes. This is an enumeration field with the following values: 0 = Unknown 1 = On hold 2 = Active 3 = Scheduled 4 = Completed 5 = Cancelled |
vendor_state_name | STRING | Descriptive name of the job state, as shown with the vendor_state description. |
vendor_status | NUMBER | Native Backup Exec status code |
vendor_status_name | STRING | Descriptive name associated with the status |
vendor_task_type | NUMBER | Task type, as assigned by Backup Exec |