Installing the Portal on a Windows Server > Task 8: Performing a Cold Backup (Windows)
Version 9.2.00
Task 8: Performing a Cold Backup (Windows)
Prior to deploying the Portal for operational use, it is recommended that you perform a cold backup of the Oracle database. This offline, cold backup simply means that you’ll physically copy or backup the files to another location. This cold backup will simplify the restore process, in the event of unanticipated data loss. With a cold backup, you simply have to restore the files and then import the most recent database export. In addition to this initial cold backup, you may consider performing a cold backup periodically—for example, after a significant software upgrade—to re-capture the database schema.
Recommended Database Backup Process
The following sequence of backup operations is recommended:
1. Cold Backup
2. Daily Exports of the database
3. In the event of data loss, restore the database and then import the most recent database export.
Cold Backup Steps
To perform a cold backup:
1. Shut down the Oracle service: OracleServicescdb in the Windows Administrative Tools, Component Services window.
2. Backup the following files:
Note: During installation, you could choose a different drive for the oradata install, so verify its location before backing up the data.
Once the Portal is deployed and in use, the database can be exported as a backup copy. See the APTARE StorageConsole System Administrator’s Guide.