CRON Expressions and Probe Schedules
Version 9.2.00
CRON Expressions and Probe Schedules
Many Data Collector policy configurations require a schedule. Native CRON expressions are supported for fine-tuning a schedule. The format for the schedule follows the CRON standard:
day of month
day of week
Probe Schedule Allowed Values:
Allowed Values
0-59 (0 is “on the hour”)
day of month
day of week
0-6 (0 is Sunday)
Special Characters:
A field may also be an asterisk (*), which means the full range - i.e., “first” to “last”. However, a * in the minutes position is not permitted, as this would excessively trigger the probe—every minute.
A forward slash (/) can be used to specify intervals.
Use a dash (-) to specify a range.
Probe Schedule Examples
Scheduled Run Time
0 14-15 * * 1
On the hour, every Monday, between 2 and 3pm
Note: A zero in the minutes position denotes the beginning of the hour.
30 9-13 * * 1-5
9:30, 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, and 13:30, Monday through Friday.
0 */2 * * *
To run the probe every 2 hours, put */2 in the hour position. This schedules the probe at 2am, 4am, 6am, 8am, 10am, 12pm, 2pm, and so on.
*/30 * * * *
Every 30 minutes
*/20 9-18 * * *
Every 20 minutes between 9 am and 6 pm
*/30 * * * 1-5
Every 30 minutes, Monday through Friday
1 2 * * *
2:01 every day
30 9,11 * * *
9:30 and 11:30 every day