Troubleshooting > Forgotten Password Procedure
Version 9.2.01
Forgotten Password Procedure
If a user forgets a user ID or password, they can be reset using the following command, run with root/administrator privileges:
cd /opt/aptare/utils
./ <currentUserId> <modLastName> <modPassword> <modRestoreWizPassword>
updateuser.bat <currentUserId> <modLastName> <modPassword> <modRestoreWizPassword>
For example:
./ Administrator newpwd newrestpwd
Portal Login Errors
File system is out of disk space.
Fully qualified URL incorrectly set up
URL not in the local hosts file or in DNS.
Domain incorrectly specified
Values in Tomcat Application Server and Apache Web Server do not match what’s in DNS.
Cannot Log On To Portal
When a user can’t log in to the Portal, the reasons are usually one of the following:
User forgot password. Change the user’s password as outlined in the Portal Online Help.
LDAP service is not running.
There is a port conflict. Another program is listening on port 80, resulting in a port conflict. Apache Web Server needs port 80. Use the netstat command to determine the other application that’s listening on port 80, then assign that application a different port.
Troubleshooting Recommendations
The following list suggests actions you can take to determine what is causing the issue.
Review the portal log file: /opt/tomcat/logs/portal.log. Check for “Exception” or “ERROR.”
Database Tools
Use port 80 to test connectivity to web server.
Use port 25 to test connectivity to email server.