IBM Enterprise - Planning the Data Collector Deployment
Version 9.2.01
For details, refer to the APTARE StorageConsole Certified Configurations Guide and the APTARE StorageConsole Data Collector Installation Guide for Capacity Manager.
IBM Enterprise - Planning the Data Collector Deployment
1. Identify a server where the Data Collector software will be installed. Server requirements include:
64-bit OS.
Support Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.7.
For performance reasons, APTARE recommends that you do not install Data Collectors on the same server as the StorageConsole Portal. However, if you must have both on the same server, verify that the Portal and Data Collector software do not reside in the same directory.
Install only one Data Collector on a server (or OS instance).
2. On the Data Collector server, add entries to the local hosts file, both resolving to the Portal server IP address.
Example: aptareportal.<yourdomain>.com aptareagent.<yourdomain>.com
Data Collector Configurations Specific to IBM Enterprise (6000 & 8000 series arrays)
1. The IBM Enterprise Data Collector Policy is restricted to one array per policy.
2. DSCLI must be installed on the Data Collector server.
3. Gather the following required configuration details:
Array Addresses: IP addresses or name of the IBM DS Storage Frame.
Profile Name: The dscli.profile file name with its absolute path.
DSCLI Client Software Location: Location of the DSCLI executable on the Data Collector server.
User ID & Password: Credentials with monitor group privileges on the storage array.
4. Edit the DSCLI profile file (dscli.profile) and set the output format to XML.
5. Configure a Data Collector policy using the following additional details.
Typically, only one domain is listed; Managed Services Providers will have a domain for each customer.
Frequency for IBM enterprise array data collection.
Profile Name
Specify the profile filename, including the absolute path, for example:
Windows: C:\Program Files\ibm\dscli\profile\dscli.profile
Linux: /opt/ibm/dscli/profile/dscli.profile
Array Address
IP address of the IBM Storage Array. Only one array per IBM Enterprise Data Collector policy.
IBM DSCLI client software location
The location of the DSCLI executable on the Data Collector server, for example:
Windows: C:\Program Files\IBM\dscli
Linux: /opt/ibm/dscli
User ID & Password
The user ID for the account that has monitor group privileges on the storage array.
Array Details
Click the clock to set a schedule to collect array details.
6. On the Data Collector server, install/update the Data Collector software, using the instructions in the APTARE StorageConsole Data Collector Installation Guide for Capacity Manager.