Extracting File Analytics Export Folder Size
Version 9.2.01
Extracting File Analytics Export Folder Size
To extract the first-level folder size information from the File Analytics database:
1. At the Linux command prompt, run the following command:
java -classpath/opt/aptare/portal/WEB-INF/lib/*:/opt/aptare/portal/WEB-INF/classes/ ccom.aptare.sc.service.fa.FaSubDirectoryReport
This generates an output file: report.xls
Output format:
Server Name, Volume Name, Folder name, Size in GB, Last Modified
Folder name: The root-level folders in the volume
Size in GB: Sum of all the file sizes in the folder (recursively)
Last Modified: Maximum modified time stamp from within all the files in the folder (recursively)
See also Specifying the File Analytics Folder Depth.