Troubleshooting > Host Resources: Check the Status of the WMI Proxy Server
Version 9.1
Host Resources: Check the Status of the WMI Proxy Server
Use the following checkwmiproxy utility to verify that the WMI Proxy Server is up and running.
The APTARE WMI Proxy logs are written to:
C:\Program Files\Aptare\WMIProxyServer\logs\aptarewmiserver.log
Either checkinstall or updateconfig must have been run before running checkwmiproxy. Otherwise, checkwmiproxy will not have access to the proxy server settings that are saved in the collector configuration file.
checkwmiproxy.[sh|bat] [wmiProxyServer wmiProxyPort remoteWinHost DomainOfUserId UserId Password "Command"]
wmiProxyServer is the name of the APTARE WMI Proxy Server
wmiProxyPort is the proxy’s port (default is 1248)
Simple Usage:
By default, this utility will look for the WMI Proxy Server details in the Host Resources Collector section of the collector configuration file. If it does not find a Host Resources Collector section, the checkwmiproxy will terminate with an error and a recommendation to pass explicit parameters, as shown in the usage statement above.
Example 1:
[root@aptaredev3 bin]# ./
MetaDataChildThread.init(). Going to initialize.
Will try to connect to the APTARE WMI Proxy at
APTARE WMI Proxy Version: APTAREWMIServer 6.5.01 06/25/07 21:00:00
Connection to APTARE WMI Proxy server successfully validated.
Example 2: Remote WMI Queries
This utility also can be used to execute remote WMI queries, as shown in the following example.
[root@aptaredev3 bin]# ./
Administrator password "select * from Win32_OperatingSystem"
MetaDataChildThread.init(). Going to initialize.
Will try to connect to the APTARE WMI Proxy at
APTARE WMI Proxy Version: APTAREWMIServer 6.5.01 06/25/07 21:00:00
Connection to APTARE WMI Proxy server successfully validated.
APTAREWMIServer Response:
instance of Win32_OperatingSystem
BootDevice = "\\Device\\HarddiskVolume1";
BuildNumber = "3790";
BuildType = "Multiprocessor Free";
Caption = "Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Standard Edition";
CodeSet = "1252";
CountryCode = "1";
CreationClassName = "Win32_OperatingSystem";
CSCreationClassName = "Win32_ComputerSystem";
CSDVersion = "Service Pack 1";
CurrentTimeZone = -420;
DataExecutionPrevention_32BitApplications = TRUE;
DataExecutionPrevention_Available = TRUE;
DataExecutionPrevention_Drivers = TRUE;
DataExecutionPrevention_SupportPolicy = 2;
Debug = FALSE;
Description = "aptarestgrpt1";
Distributed = FALSE;
EncryptionLevel = 168;
ForegroundApplicationBoost = 2;
FreePhysicalMemory = "160264";
FreeSpaceInPagingFiles = "1967860";
FreeVirtualMemory = "2084508";
InstallDate = "20070212110938.000000-480";
LargeSystemCache = 1;
LastBootUpTime = "20080507115419.343750-420";
LocalDateTime = "20080520142117.484000-420";
Locale = "0409";
Manufacturer = "Microsoft Corporation";
MaxNumberOfProcesses = 4294967295;
MaxProcessMemorySize = "2097024";
Name = "Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard
NumberOfLicensedUsers = 10;
NumberOfProcesses = 90;
NumberOfUsers = 8;
Organization = "Aptare";
OSLanguage = 1033;
OSProductSuite = 272;
OSType = 18;
OtherTypeDescription = "R2";
PAEEnabled = TRUE;
Primary = TRUE;
ProductType = 3;
QuantumLength = 0;
QuantumType = 0;
RegisteredUser = "Aptare";
SerialNumber = "69712-OEM-4418173-93136";
ServicePackMajorVersion = 1;
ServicePackMinorVersion = 0;
SizeStoredInPagingFiles = "2039808";
Status = "OK";
SuiteMask = 272;
SystemDevice = "\\Device\\HarddiskVolume1";
SystemDirectory = "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32";
SystemDrive = "C:";
TotalVirtualMemorySize = "3256472";
TotalVisibleMemorySize = "1363400";
Version = "5.2.3790";
WindowsDirectory = "C:\\WINDOWS";