Pre-Installation Setup > Before You Install the Replication Manager Data Collector
Version 9.1.01
Before You Install the Replication Manager Data Collector
Use an existing NetApp user or create one with the necessary privileges to access the application programming interface (API):
Typically, the root, admin user has all the capabilities, but it is not advisable to use root or admin passwords.
NOTE: If api-* does not meet your security requirements, contact APTARE Global Support Services for a detailed list of exact api privileges that are required.
Creating a NetApp User with API Privileges
To create a new user, with the required privileges, on a NetApp system, use the following CLI steps:
filer> useradmin role add apirole -a login-http-admin,api-*
filer> useradmin group add apigroup -r apirole
filer> useradmin user add apiuser -g apigroup
NOTE: For the role command, do not include a space after the comma. Also, if api-* does not meet your security requirements, contact Support for a detailed list of exact api privileges that are required.
Update the Local Hosts File
1. Add the Portal IP Address to the Local Hosts file on the Data Collector server or on any available client with web-browsing capabilities.
NOTE: Only edit the local hosts file if a DNS entry hasn’t already been set up in your enterprise to resolve both and to the Portal IP address.
a. Login to the Data Collector server.
b. On a Linux server:
vi /etc/hosts
Add entries for and, both resolving to the Portal server IP address.
On a Windows server:
edit C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
Add entries for and, both resolving to the Portal server IP address.
2. On the Data Collector server, add entries to the local hosts file, both resolving to the Portal server IP address.
Example: aptareportal.<yourdomain>.com aptareagent.<yourdomain>.com