Known Issues
Version 9.1.01
Known Issues
1. Under certain circumstances, the data collector aptare.jar file may not upgrade automatically. The data collector can be upgraded manually using the download script: <HOME>/mbs/bin/ or <HOME>\mbs\bin\downloadlib.bat.
2. Exporting data is limited to the first 20,000 rows. Reports longer than 20,000 rows are truncated when exported. The report output (PDF, HTML, CSV, etc.) displays the message “Data in this report has been truncated.” [SC-446, 7871]
3. A report template exported from an earlier StorageConsole version can be imported into a later Portal software version, but the template may experience some loss of formatting when imported. [18953]
4. Occasionally, tabular reports will display mis-aligned column headings. To avoid this issue, wait for the report to finish rendering before clicking on another tab. [17759, 17287, 14949, 17285]
5. For Portals installed on Linux servers, reports that are emailed or exported as HTML images or PDF files, the image may include a black box. Verify that X Virtual Frame Buffer is installed. This graphical interface ensures that emailed and exported reports (HTML images and PDF files) are rendered correctly. [7240]
6. The File Analytics File List Export feature has an issue where the number of files exported does not match the number of files shown in the File Categories report. This occurs only if the File Categories have been modified and the user running the report belongs to more than one Domain. [13723]
7. The Capacity Manager Host Utilization Detail report for a VM displays all disks as DAS, even if the VM is using SAN storage. [7571]
8. The Portal un-install process on a Windows platform may not remove all the files in the StorageConsole package. [6956]
9. In Capacity Manager, if an array has been removed from device manager, it remains in the StorageConsole database as an inactive array and it will continued to be included in reports. Take the following steps to delete the array. [7828]
a. At the command line: select storage_array_id from aps_storage_array where array_name='<ARRAY NAME>';
b. Using the storage_array_id from the above query, execute this code:
c. Using this query, verify that the array was deleted successfully.
select count(*)
FROM aps_storage_array
WHERE storage_array_id = <STORAGEARRAYID>;
10. In Backup Manager, a backup window must be defined as a 7-day window. Defining a smaller window will be considered for a future software release. [7171]
11. In the Tape Media Summary report, selecting a Media Status does not limit the scope of the report. [7067]
12. After filtering and saving a tabular report, generation of the report reverts to the generic report title, not the custom report title. [7400]
13. Tabular reports that have been filtered no longer display column totals. [6784]
14. In certain cases, report filtering on fields that contain decimal values may return incorrect results. [7709]
15. Certain reports that include graphs may result in a report failing to load due to an “out-of-memory: Java heap space” error. This may occur when generating a report for a large set of data or exporting it to a PDF.
To work around this condition, try these changes in the Report Designer:
reduce the number of selected objects (for example, servers or arrays)
limit the time period to a shorter timeframe
select a less granular “group by” option (for example, by days instead of by hours)
see “Troubleshooting” in the APTARE StorageConsole System Administrator’s Guide
Issues Related to All Supported Browsers
During testing, APTARE sometimes uncovers certain known problems with specific browsers, and these problems might impact how the Portal displays or prints a report. These occurrences are not common and are typically isolated bugs associated with a particular browser.
1. After several reports are generated, resulting in multiple tabs across the top of the StorageConsole content pane, the browser does not re-size to accommodate additional tabs and therefore, the tabs are not displayed in the window. To work around this browser issue, close some of the tabs. [3545, 4623]
2. In the Chrome browser, under certain circumstances, the cross-reference hyperlinks in the context-sensitive help will not work. [18946]