Array Performance Cloud Policies
Version 9.1.01
Array Performance Cloud Policies
Performance profiles are securely transmitted (over https) as anonymous and aggregated with other customers’ profile data in Profile Central—the community pool hosted at APTARE, Inc., which is then imported into a customer’s profile for reporting purposes. This import/export task occurs in a single, daily scheduled Portal process. Using the aggregated community profiles, companies can better gauge if the metrics collected in their environments are within a normal performance range. Profile data cannot be associated with any contributor. No company or environment-specific details, such as storage array or server names, are transmitted. No personally identifiable information is collected, used, or disclosed.
IMPORTANT: To enable participation in Community Performance Profiling Cloud Policies, an authorized representative of your company must opt-in. Profile data cannot be associated with any contributor. No company or environment-specific details, such as storage array or server names, are transmitted. No personally identifiable information is collected, used, or disclosed. Note that you can opt-out at any time.