Replication Manager - Planning the Data Collector Deployment
Version 9.1.01
For details, refer to the APTARE StorageConsole Certified Configurations Guide and the APTARE StorageConsole Data Collector Installation Guide for Replication Manager.
Replication Manager - Planning the Data Collector Deployment
1. Identify a server where the Data Collector software will be installed. Server requirements include:
64-bit OS. See the APTARE StorageConsole Certified Configurations Guide for supported operating systems.
Support Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.7.
Reside in the same time zone as the subsystem from which data will be collected.
For performance reasons, APTARE recommends that you do not install Data Collectors on the same server as the StorageConsole Portal. However, if you must have both on the same server, verify that the Portal and Data Collector software do not reside in the same directory.
Install only one Data Collector on a server (or OS instance).
2. Create a NetApp User with API privileges.
3. On the Data Collector server, add entries to the local hosts file, both resolving to the Portal server IP address.
Example: aptareportal.<yourdomain>.com aptareagent.<yourdomain>.com
4. In the Portal, add a Data Collector: Admin > Data Collection > Collectors. The User ID and Passcode configured in this step will be used later when you install the Data Collector software on the Data Collector server. This configuration enables communication between the Portal and the Data Collector server.
5. Select the Data Collector and add a policy for each host server: Add > NetApp.
Typically, only one domain is listed; Managed Services Providers will have a domain for each customer. To find your Domain name select Admin > Hosts and Domains > Domains.
NetApp Address*
One or more IP addresses or host names to probe. Comma-separated addresses or IP ranges are supported.
User ID*
The view-only user ID for NetApp storage.
The password associated with the User ID.
Array Capacity
Click the check box to activate array capacity collection. Click the clock icon to create a collection schedule.
Array Performance
Click the check box to activate performance collection.
Note that at least one collection from this array must be performed BEFORE array performance data can be collected.
Replication - SnapVault
Click the check box if you are collecting data from your NetApp SnapVault environment.
This field is specific to environments licensed for APTARE StorageConsole Replication Manager.
Replication - SnapVault Schedule
If you check SnapVault Active, you must enter a schedule.
This field is specific to environments licensed for APTARE StorageConsole Replication Manager.
File Analytics
Click the check box to collect File Analytics data.
Minimum Volume Size (GB)
Enter the minimum volume size for File Analytics information collection. For example, a value of 1000 means that only volumes larger than 1 terabyte (1000 gigabytes) will be included in File Analytics collection.
Minimum Volume Utilization (GB)
Enter the minimum amount of utilized space for File Analytics information collection. For example, a value of 500 means that only volumes with 500 gigabytes of used disk space will be included in File Analytics collection.
Specific Volume Inclusions/ Exclusions
Enter a comma-separated list of volumes to be included or excluded.
6. On the Data Collector server, install/update the Data Collector software, using the instructions in the APTARE StorageConsole Data Collector Installation Guide for Replication Manager.