Array Capacity Utilization Reports > AWS S3 Bucket Summary
Version 10.3.00P13
AWS S3 Bucket Summary
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Access an at-a-glance view of Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3) buckets and a summary of the costs associated with an account.
This summary of S3 buckets includes data such as used capacity, month-to-date cost, and the trend of unblended costs associated with a bucket.
Use the Custom Filter in the scope selector to isolate specific types of AWS data.
Bucket Name
S3 bucket name.
Account ID
The AWS account ID, a 12-digit number.
Specifies the region in which an AWS object exists.
Specifies the Availability Zone in which an AWS object resides or a charged usage occurred.
S3 bucket owner name.
Current Object Count
Number of current objects in the S3 bucket.
Used Capacity
Used capacity of current objects in the S3 bucket.
Last Updated
Last Updated Date
Tags associated with the account.
Blended Cost
Cost for the operation listed in the line item based on the blended rate.
Last 7 Days
The sparkline chart represents the cost over the seven days prior to the end date of the report’s scope.