Virtualization Manager Reports > Physical Disk Detail
Version 10.3.00P13
Physical Disk Detail
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The raw device mapping path, with the following components:
VM Server
Name of the VM Server.
Operational state of the disk, such as ok and degraded.
Model of the disk.
Device manufacturer.
SCSI Level
The device’s SCSI level, an indicator of clock and bus speeds.
Last Updated
Last date and time of data collection.
Disk Type
SCSI device type, such as disk.
Total Capacity
Capacity of this disk.
The LUN path, with the following components
HBA, SCSI target, SCSI LUN, disk partition
Links to the LUN Utilization Summary.
Name of the array in which the disk is located; links to the Array Capacity & Utilization report to view the array from with the LUN was provisioned.
# FC Targets
Number of Fibre Channel targets; paths to the array from the host.
# iSCSI Targets
The number of paths to the iSCSI array from the host.
iSCSI Target Name
The actual target name from the array’s perspective.
iSCSI Node Name
The actual node name from the array’s perspective.
Array Node WWN
Storage array node World Wide Name.
Array Port WWN
Storage array port’s World Wide Name.
Host bus adapter node World Wide Name.
Host bus adapter port World Wide Name.