File Analytics Reports > Host Summary
Version 10.3.00P13
Host Summary
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This report lists a capacity summary for the hosts from which file data has been collected with drilldowns into Volumes and Shares. Use this report to get an overview of how devices and volumes are being used, including an indicator of how much is duplicated.
See also: File Analytics Overview
The name of the device from which file data has been collected.
The type: NetApp, Windows, Unix, CIFS.
Last Collected
The date of the last data collection.
# Volumes
Number of volumes collected, blank for Linux and Shares, links to the Volume Summary report.
# Shares
Number of shares, links to the Share Summary report.
Total Files
The total number of files collected.
The sum of the sizes of the files collected for a volume, share, or device.
Unique Owners
The total number of unique owners encountered.
The percentage of the files that have been detected as duplicates. Links to the Top Candidates for Duplicates report.