File Analytics Reports > Capacity Forecast
Version 10.3.00P13
Capacity Forecast
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File Analytics > Capacity Management & Chargeback > Capacity Forecast
See also: File Analytics Overview.
Using historical data, you can view graphs representing anticipated capacity usage by device, and volume/share.
Links to Capacity Forecast by Device.
Links to Capacity Forecast by Volume/Share.
Unique Owners
Number of unique users with files consuming capacity.
# Files
Number of files consuming capacity.
Used (6 months)
Amount of storage used by the files (from an OS perspective: ONTAP, Windows, or Linux) in the last six months displayed in an area chart. Note, six months is a default value.
# Files (6 months)
Numbers of files consuming capacity in the last six months displayed in an area chart. Note, six months is a default value.
Amount of storage used by the files (from an OS perspective: ONTAP, Windows, or Linux). For a share, this value may represent the total storage used on the device across all the shares on the device.
The sum of all the member file sizes on the Volume/Share; this sum could be different from the Volume/Share Used value when de-duplication or compression is in play.
Util %
Allocated size of the Volume/Share. For a share, this value may represent the total storage capacity allocated to the device for all the shares on the device.
Estimated Out of Space
Extrapolated days left prior to 100% used capacity (volumes).
Extrapolated date of 100% used capacity (volumes).
This is the description that was entered when the host was created in the Portal database.