Capacity at Risk Reports > Hosts at Risk
Version 10.3.00P13
Hosts at Risk
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When you generate this report, select a capacity threshold: Low, Warning, or Critical. Typically, for at risk reports, you will want to view the Critical hosts—that is, those that are at risk of breaching the critical threshold.
In the report’s scope selector, the Host Type option can be used to include virtual hosts in this host-based report: VM Server, VM Guest, VIO Server, VIO Guest, Oracle Container, Oracle Zone, Hyper-V Server, Hyper-V Guest, or Other.
This report lists only the hosts that require your immediate attention. Use the host link to view details.
Note: When reviewing the values in this report, note that hosts at risk are determined by evaluating current and projected usage.
Host Name
Click a host name to access details in the Host Utilization Detail.
Risk Date (Projected)
The date that the host is projected to exceed its threshold and will no longer be considered over-provisioned.
Usage (Projected)
Projected usage associated with the risk date.
High-Water Mark (Projected)
The high-water mark represents the maximum usage for a period. Note that this size may represent temporary usage.
FileSystem Capacity
The filesystem capacity
The host’s storage limit.
Current Usage
Storage already consumed.
A host becomes at risk when this tolerance threshold is crossed. The default thresholds are set at: Low = 30%; Warning = 70%; Critical = 90%. To modify thresholds for a particular host, go to the Portal’s Admin toolbar: Admin > Threshold Policies.