Installing the Portal on a Windows Server > Task 6: Installing the License Key File (Windows)
Version 10.3.00P13
Task 6: Installing the License Key File (Windows)
A valid license file is required to run APTARE IT Analytics.
1. Receive the License File
Save the new license file on your Portal server and then complete all of the following steps.
2. Ensure that the Oracle Processes are Running
3. Run the Installation Script
1. Open a DOS command prompt window by entering:
Start > Run > cmd
2. Run the license installer utility: C:\opt\aptare\utils\installLicense.bat
3. When prompted for the name of the license file, enter the complete path to the license key file you saved on your server. Overwrite an existing license if you are prompted to do so. A sample dialog is shown below:
Enter the name of the license file you wish to install [portal.license] : C:\opt\aptare\mycompany.license
Verifying license...
Copying license...
License installed
SystemConfig. File Name is c:\opt\aptare\portalconf\
DbPool.initilised().Entering. 25 2
GenericPool.setMaxObjectCount(). Entering 0 0 25 GenericPool.initializePool(). Entering 0 25
New JDBC connection pool established
DbHandle.init(). Initialized the DbPool.
4. Verify that the services are running by viewing the Services panel:
The install process is complete.
You can now log in to the Portal ( using the userid and password you assigned in the beginning of this process.
Troubleshooting: Removing a Portal License (Windows)
If you are having issues license installation, use the following steps to first remove the license and then reinstall.
1. On the Portal, shut down the data receiver by running:
2. Shut down the Portal by running:
3. Run the script to remove license files: