Backing Up and Restoring Data > Best Practices for Disaster Recovery
Version 10.2.01P10
Best Practices for Disaster Recovery
In the event of data loss, for whatever reason, it is critical that you have a backup of the APTARE IT Analytics system. This section lists the key files and data associated with APTARE IT Analytics that you need to protect. These should be backed up regularly to mitigate risk of data loss.
At a high level, your backup and recovery strategy will consist of:
Oracle Database Backups—the most critical component of the system
File System Backups
Each of these is discussed in detail in subsequent sections.
See Restoring the APTARE IT Analytics System for steps to recover data that has been backed up.
Oracle Database Backups
Oracle Database – Cold Backup
This should be done about once a month. A cold backup is required of the Oracle data file directories; by default, /data01, /data02, /data03, /data04, /data05, and /data06 for Linux and \oradata for Windows. Cold backups require Oracle to be shut down, thereby disrupting the Portal’s availability. Perform a cold backup, then back up (export) the database tables on a more regular basis (nightly is recommended). In addition to monthly cold backups, a cold backup is recommended after a significant software upgrade to capture the updated database schema. See Perform a Cold Backup of the Database.
Oracle Database – Export
The reporting database should be exported nightly. Exports do not require Oracle to be shut down. See Backing Up the Oracle Reporting Database.
File System Backups
File system backups are required to protect the APTARE IT Analytics application directories, files, and OS-specific settings, such as the registry and services for Windows. The file system backup should also capture the nightly database export, which resides in the file system.
APTARE recommends that you utilize your company’s backup method of choice to perform the file system backup. While we recommend a full system backup, we have identified the key files created by APTARE IT Analytics.
APTARE - Created Files and Directory Structures
The file paths are shown with Linux usage, with the Windows-specific file system noted.
.bash_profile for tomcat and users
DB server (Linux)
Contains the Oracle database files;
must be backed up using a Cold Backup. See Perform a Cold Backup of the Database.
DB server (Windows)
Contains the Oracle database files; must be backed up using a Cold Backup. See Perform a Cold Backup of the Database.
/opt/openldap*, /opt/apache*, /opt/aptare*, /opt/tomcat*
Other Files
Note: When backing up the above directories, follow the symbolic links to back up the source directory.
For example: /user/java is typically a symbolic link to /usr/java_versions/jdk<version>
Other Symbolic Links
These symbolic links may vary in your environment. Check the APTARE Certified Configurations Guide for the latest third-party and open source versions.
tomcat --> apache-tomcat-5.5.25
openldap --> openldap-2.4.37
apache --> httpd-2.4.6
New Users and Groups
Users: aptare, tomcat (all part of /etc/passwd)
Groups: aptare, dba, tomcat (all part of /etc/group)
Note: Both /etc/passwd and /etc/group should be backed up.