Backup Administration Reports > Object Details
Version 10.2.01P10
Object Details
You can only access detail reports through a link presented in the context of a main report, providing additional information that augments the main report. Detail reports cannot be generated, customized, or saved, as they are specific to the report from which they were derived. Therefore, they will not be available in search results.
Use Search to find the main report or a dashboard by name. Search is case insensitive, supports partial entries, and will display a list of potential matches.
The Object Details report provides information about backup sources other than known hosts, such as datastores, folders and so on. Access this report from numerous main reports using the Source link, such as:
Job Summary Report
Consecutive Errors by Client
Data Protection Dashboard
Failed Backup Sources
Billing and Chargeback Summary
Object Name
Name of the backup source object.
Object Identifier
Unique identifier for this protection source.
Root Object Name
If a hierarchy structure exists, displays the name of the top most parent of the object. If a hierarchy does not exist, for example in a file or a directory, this displays the object name.
Creation Date
Object creation date.
Last Collected Date
The date the last collection occurred.
Object Type
Defines the object type such as resource pool, datastore or a folder.
VM Host Name
Host name of the virtual machine which is VMWare host name. This is dispay only when VMWare is installed.
Last Backup Date
Displays the date for the last backup of the object.
Last Successful Backup
Displays the date for the last successful backup of the object.
Protected By
Policy Name
The name of protection policy associated to the protected object. A protection policy contains the list of objects to be protected. The protection policy is associated with a policy template that describes the backup retention and archive schedules.
Protected by Object Name
Name of the object protected by the policy. In case of the hierarchy, this protected object may result in protecting other objects.
Protect by Object Type
Product specific type of this protection source. For example, virtual machine, resource pool, and so on.
Policy Last Backup Date
Last backup date for the policy.
Is Enabled
Indicates if this policy is enabled.
Enabled Date
Date when this protection policy was enabled.
Retention Days
Specifies the number of days a backup (based on this policy template) needs to be retained.
Schedule Name
Schedule name configured for this policy template. The schedule name uniquely identifies the schedules available in the subsystem.
Schedule Type
Type of this schedule. For example, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Periodically, Continuous', and ScheduleAfterJob.
Storage Resource Name
Name of the storage resource where the backups of this protection policy will be saved.
Storage Resource Type
Type of this storage resource. For example, Backup Repository or Scale Out Backup Repository.
Storage Resource Capacity
Total capacity of this storage resource in KiB.
Storage Resource Used Capacity
Used capacity of this storage resource in KiB.