Capacity Chargeback Reports > Microsoft Azure Billing Summary
Version 10.2.01P10
Microsoft Azure Billing Summary
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View Microsoft Azure billing costs associated with an account.
This summary of accounts and subscriptions includes associated meters, usage, and applicable rates and costs.
The Account Administrator Email Address of Microsoft Azure Cloud account.
Subscription Name
The subscription display name.
Meter Name
The name of the meter, within the given meter category.
Meter Category
The category of the meter, e.g., Cloud services, Networking, etc..
Meter Subcategory
The subcategory of the meter, e.g., A6 Cloud services, ExpressRoute (IXP), etc..
The unit in which the meter consumption is charged, e.g., Hours, GB, etc.
The region in which the Azure service is available.
The unique identifier of the resource
Service Type
The resource type - Microsoft.Compute or Microsoft.Storage.
Usage End
UTC end time for the usage bucket to which this usage aggregate belongs.
The amount of the resource consumption that occurred in this time frame.