Array Capacity Utilization Reports > XIV Snapshot Details
Version 10.2.01P10
XIV Snapshot Details
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Next, click a link from the Snaps column.
See also: How Capacity Values are Represented in XIV Reports.
XIV Snapshot Detail
Storage Array
Array for the snapshot
Master Volume
Master volume for the snapshot
List of Snapshots
Snapshot name
Snap Time
Date/Time of Snapshot
Allocated storage is physical storage consumed, including parity overhead and system overhead. A gap between raw and allocated capacity may indicate unused capacity, such as drives in a rack that are not in use.
Used in GB or blocks
% Util
Used/Hard Limit
Either Volume name for snapshots to volumes or Snapshot Name for snapshots of snaps
Locking Status
If the field is empty, it means it is Not Locked
Serial #
Snapshot serial number
Name of the host that is using the storage
Host LUN
The Snapshot to which the host is mapped
Mount Point
The host’s filesystem mount point for this Snapshot. It is possible to have zero mount points and filesystems, in the scenario where a Snapshot has been allocated to the host, but the host has not yet made use of it by creating a filesystem and mounting it.
The host’s filesystem or drive name to which the Snapshot maps. Snapshots simply appear as disks to hosts.
Host Storage Domain
A logical group of hosts that can be accessed via the same physical storage port, with each host accessing its own unique Snapshot.
Array Port WWN
The unique identifier, World Wide Name, of the array port address.