Portal Upgrades (Win): Tomcat and Apache
Version 10.2.01P10
Portal Upgrades (Win): Tomcat and Apache
If your environment requires the latest versions of Tomcat and Apache to comply with security standards, use the following instructions to update to the latest versions. These upgrades are required only if you must satisfy security audit requirements. The Tomcat and Apache upgrades are independent—that is, you can do one without the other.
To simplify the upgrade process, these third-party component upgrades should be done after the portal upgrade.
Note: These upgrade instructions apply to the standard, default Portal environments. If you have a multi-tenancy environment (for example, services providers) or if there are multiple tomcat instances for the Data Receiver, you may have to contact APTARE Global Support Services to assist in customizing the instructions.
Note: If your upgrade fails because of an Apache version conflict, contact the APTARE Global Support Services for instructions and a link to download a new version.
Upgrading from Tomcat 7 to Tomcat 8 (Win)
1. Stop all services by running:
2. Remove portal services by running:
3. Rename C:\opt\tomcat to C:\opt\tomcat-old
4. Log into the Customer Portal to retrieve the distribution files that are used in these instructions:
5. Download the latest Tomcat binary (apache-tomcat 8 8.5.xx.zip).
6. Unzip apache-tomcat-8.5.xx.zip to C:\opt folder
The new path should be: C:\opt\tomcat folder
7. Copy the aptare-instances folder from:
C:\opt\tomcat-old to C:\opt\tomcat
8. Locate the folder C:\opt\aptare\utils\
9. Modify the following files by renaming all occurrences of tomcat7.exe to tomcat8.exe:
10. Install the portal services by running:
11. Start all services by running:
Upgrading the Apache Web Server to 2.4.xx to 2.4.yy (Windows)
Verify that the C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 is installed. If not, you can download the vc_redist.x64.exe from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145 and install it before you attempt to upgrade Apache.
1. Stop all services by running:
2. Remove Apache services by running:
C:\opt\apache\bin\httpd -k uninstall -n "APTARE Apache"
3. Log into the Customer Portal to retrieve the distribution files that are used in these instructions:
4. Download the latest binary apache.zip.
5. Rename C:\opt\apache to C:\opt\apache-old
6. Unzip apache.zip into C:\opt
The new path should be: C:\opt\apache
7. Copy httpd.conf and worker.properties from C:\opt\apache-old\conf to C:\opt\apache\conf
If https/SSL is Installed:
8. Copy httpd-ssl.conf from C:\opt\apache-old\conf\extra to C:\opt\apache\conf\extra
9. If the certificates and key files are now located under C:\opt\apache-old\conf copy them to C:\opt\apache\conf
Note: This is the default location. These files may be in a different custom location in your system. The location of the files will be indicated by httpd-ssl.conf.
10. Install Apache Services by running:
C:\opt\apache\bin\httpd -k install -n "APTARE Apache"
a ) If upgrading to Apache 2.4.33 comment out the following lines in httpd-ssl.conf with hash as follows:
#SSLSessionCache "shmcb:C:/opt/apache/logs/ssl_scache(512000)"
#SSLSessionCacheTimeout 300
#SSLMutex default
11. Start all services by running: