Adding and Editing Policies > Adding/Editing a Cloud Policy to Share Performance Statistics
Version 10.1.01
Adding/Editing a Cloud Policy to Share Performance Statistics
Customers can elect to share their benchmark data with the APTARE, Inc. community of users who share their performance profiles of configured arrays. From the performance profiles, APTARE StorageConsole issues reports of the community’s aggregated performance profiles to those customers who opt-in. These reports enable customers to compare their performance with similarly configured arrays in the broader community, for customers to gauge if their environmental metrics are within a normal performance range.
Performance profiles are securely transmitted (over https) as anonymous and aggregated with other customers’ profile data in Profile Central—the community pool hosted at APTARE, Inc., which is then imported into a customer’s profile for reporting purposes. This import/export task occurs in a single, daily scheduled Portal process. Using the aggregated community profiles, companies can better gauge if the metrics collected in their environments are within a normal performance range. Profile data cannot be associated with any contributor. No company or environment-specific details, such as storage array or host names, are transmitted. No personally identifiable information is collected, used, or disclosed.
The StorageConsole Administrator can enable participation in two different ways—either will enable participation for the arrays in the specified Domain:
Configure Community Participation for a Domain: This enables participation in the Cloud community for array performance profiling for the Domain associated with your User ID and Home Group.
Publish Benchmark Data: This enables a multi-domain organization (such as a Managed Services Provider) to configure participation on a Domain-by-Domain basis, selecting only the Domains that are authorized to participate in community array performance profiling.
Configure Community Performance Profiling
To enable participation in Community Performance Profiling Policies, an authorized representative of your company must opt-in by following these steps:
Using the aggregated community profiles, companies can better gauge if the metrics collected in their environments are within a normal performance range. Profile data cannot be associated with any contributor. No company or environment-specific details, such as storage array or host names, are transmitted. No personally identifiable information is collected, used, or disclosed.
This Publish Benchmark Data feature enables a multi-domain organization (such as a Managed Services Provider) to configure participation on a Domain-by-Domain basis, selecting only the Domains that are authorized to participate in community array performance profiling.
1. In the Portal Toolbar, select Admin > Advanced > Publish Benchmark Data.
2. Check the box for the Domain that will share data with the community, confirming that you are authorized on behalf of your company to opt-in. Typically, only one Domain is listed. Multiple Domains are listed in Managed Services Provider Portals.
**Note that you may opt-out at any time by de-selecting the Domain.**
3. Click Connect Now to verify the connection and to export any existing Performance Profiles, aggregate with the Cloud, and return to the Portal.