Capacity Forecasting Reports > Host Volume Growth and Forecast
Version 10.1.01
Host Volume Growth and Forecast
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This report lists from the host perspective, all discovered file systems, capacities, growth rates and projected out-of-space conditions allowing you to monitor system (physical and virtual) volume usage and avoid service outages. The time frame for the forecast is set in scope selector when you generate a report.
Device Name
Host name.
Volume Name
Volume name.
Amount of used capacity for the file system from host perspective. The value for the Used column is always the current used, but the projection is based on the time period set in the scope selector.
Total allocated capacity of the file system from host perspective.
Current Used %
Thermometer 0% to 100%, colored green, yellow, red according to the current utilization of the file system.
Average daily growth of the file system.
Rate %/Day
Average daily percentage increase or decrease for the file system.
Expected date when the file system will reach 80% capacity, or an indication it has been reached.
Expected date when the file system will reach 90% capacity, or an indication it has been reached.
Expected date when the file system will reach 100% capacity, or an indication it has been reached.