Portal Upgrades (Win): Tomcat and Apache
Version 10.1.01
Portal Upgrades (Win): Tomcat and Apache
If your environment requires the latest versions of Tomcat and Apache to comply with security standards, use the following instructions to update to the latest versions. These upgrades are required only if you must satisfy security audit requirements. The Tomcat and Apache upgrades are independent—that is, you can do one without the other.
To simplify the upgrade process, these upgrades should be done after the upgrade.
Note: These upgrade instructions apply to the standard, default Portal environments. If you have a multi-tenancy environment (for example, services providers) or if there are multiple tomcat instances for the Data Receiver, you may have to contact APTARE Global Support Services to assist in customizing the instructions.
Upgrading to Tomcat 7 (Windows)
1. Stop Apache and Tomcat services.
2. Rename /opt/tomcat as tomcat_old. Extract the new tomcat 7 binaries from http://customer.aptare.com/?view=login&url=downloads/customercare/downloads/updates/apache-tomcat-7.0.50_x64.zip to C:\opt.
3. Run the script to delete old portal and agent Tomcat services.
4. Run the scripts to set up portal and agent Tomcat services which now point to the new tomcat7.exe
5. Unzip aptare-instances.zip from attachment aptare-instances.zip to C:\opt\tomcat.
6. Copy server-portal.xml and server-agent.xml from tomcat_old\conf to your folder for editing:
a Open server-agent.xml and server-portal.xml.
b Search for "ServerLifecycleListener", and then delete the definition of ServerLifecycleListener:
<Listener className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener"
c Save server-portal.xml and server-agent.xml
7. Copy server-portal.xml from you folder to Tomcat:
a Copy server-portal.xml to C:\opt\tomcat\conf
b Copy server-portal.xml to C:\opt\tomcat\aptare-instances\portal\conf\server.xml
8. Copy server-agent.xml from your folder to Tomcat:
a Copy server-agent.xml from your folder to C:\opt\tomcat/conf
b Copy server-agent.xml from your folder to C:\opt\tomcat\aptare-instances\agent\conf\server.xml
9. Restart Apache and Tomcat services.
Upgrading the Apache http web server (Windows)
1. Stop Apache and Tomcat Services.
2. Download the Apache Win32 binary from:
3. Unzip the downloaded file (httpd-2.2.25-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.8y.zip).
4. Run the binary and provide the appropriate values for the server name and domain name during installation process.
5. Retain the default selection of Port 80 when prompted for the port number for Apache.
6. Retain the default selected installation option as Typical.
7. Copy Apache2.2 from installed Apache binary files (C:\Program Files(x86)\Apache Software Foundation\) to C:\opt.
8. Rename the old apache folder under C:\opt from apache to apache_old.
9. Rename the new apache folder under C:\opt from Apache2.2 to apache
10. Copy httpd.conf and workers.properties from C:\opt\apache_old\conf to C:\opt\apache\conf.
11. Copy httpd-ssl.conf to conf\extra from C:\opt\apache_old\conf\extra to C:\opt\apache\conf\extra
12. Copy mod_jk-apache-2.2.4.so from C:\opt\apache_old\modules to C:\opt\apache\modules
13. Stop Apache2.2 service if running, and set startup type to disabled.
14. Restart Apache and Tomcat services.