Load Historic Events > Load Commvault Simpana Events
Version 10.1.01
Load Commvault Simpana Events
Collecting Missed Events
Occasionally, there may be data that was missed by the scheduled Data Collection process. For example, the server may have been unavailable for a period of time. Or, you may want to capture data that was available before you actually installed the Commvault Simpana Data Collector software.
Note: You can only collect historic Commvault Simpana data if you have not already done a Simpana data collection.
C:\Program Files\Aptare\mbs\bin\commvault\cvsimpanadetails.bat
<APTARE HOME>/mbs/bin/commvault/cvsimpanadetails.sh
To capture data from a specific period, use the following utility:
cvsimpanadetails.{sh|bat} <output_dir> <cvdb_username> <cvdb_password> <cvdb_hostname>[:port] [max_hours [cv_username cv_password [cv_hostname]]]
This utility will write data to a set of files in the output directory specified in output_dir.
The cvdb_username, cvdb_password and cvdb_hostname refer to the CommServ database system (this is usually the same as the CommServ server) from which you are collecting data.
An optional port number can be appended to the cvdb_hostname, separated by a colon. If a port number is not specified, it will default to port 1433.
An optional maximum number of hours from which to start the collection can be specified. This value is used to calculate the current time minus the number of hours that was entered. If you do not enter a maximum number of hours, then all details retained by the Commvault Simpana database will be retrieved.
The last set of cv_username, cv_password and cv_hostname are required only if you are collecting Skipped File Details from a Windows-based CommServ Server.