Pre-Installation Setup for NetApp Cluster > Prerequisites for Adding Data Collectors (NetApp Cluster)
Version 10.1.00
Prerequisites for Adding Data Collectors (NetApp Cluster)
64-bit OS. See the APTARE StorageConsole Certified Configurations Guide for supported operating systems.
Support Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.7.
For performance reasons, APTARE recommends that you do not install Data Collectors on the same server as the StorageConsole Portal. However, if you must have both on the same server, verify that the Portal and Data Collector software do not reside in the same directory.
Install only one Data Collector on a server (or OS instance).
Note the port used by the NetApp Cluster-Mode Data Collector: TCP 443.
Create a NetApp Cluster-Mode read-only user:
security login create -username monitor -application ontapi -authmethod password -role readonly
security login role create -role apt_readonly -cmddirname security -access readonly
security login create -username apt_user -application ontapi -authmethod password -role apt_readonly