Changing the Database User Password > Overview
Version 10.0.00
To access the StorageConsole database, a database user account is set to the following defaults:
Database User ID: portal
Database User Password: portal
Use the steps to change the password for this User ID. As expected, the steps impact access to the StorageConsole database, so be sure to:
Execute these steps with caution.
Execute all relevant steps in this process.
Steps to Modify the Database User Password
Stop the Tomcat Services
1. Log in with root access.
2. Linux: Execute the following scripts.
/opt/aptare/bin/tomcat-portal stop
/opt/aptare/bin/tomcat-agent stop
3. Windows: Stop the following services via the Windows Services Control Panel.
APTARE Portal Tomcat
APTARE Agent Tomcat
Alter the Portal User
1. At the command line, execute the following commands:
su - aptare
sqplplus / as sysdba
SQL> alter user <user_name> identified by <new_password>;
SQL> commit;
user_name = portal
new_password = new password
SQL> alter user portal identified by portal;
Update Configuration Files
1. Log in with root access.
2. Edit the file.
Linux: /opt/aptare/portalconf/
Windows: C:\opt\aptare\portalconf\
3. Update db.password.
4. Remove the encrypted password value, leaving a null value after the equals sign.
5. Edit the datarcvrproperties.xml file.
Linux: /opt/aptare/datarcvrconf/datrarcvrproperties.xml
Windows: C:\opt\aptare\datarcvrconf\datrarcvrproperties.xml
6. Remove the value between the password tags and enter the new password.
7. Restart the services.
Note: The password will be encrypted when the services are started.
Start the Tomcat Services
1. Log in with root access.
2. Linux: Execute the following scripts.
/opt/aptare/bin/tomcat-portal start
/opt/aptare/bin/tomcat-agent start
3. Windows: Start the following services via the Windows Services Control Panel.
APTARE Portal Tomcat
APTARE Agent Tomcat