Attribute Bulk Load Utilities
The Attributes feature provides the ability to define a scope for a report based on specific characteristics, such as operating system or host criticality. In effect, when you generate a report, you can select a set of objects that share the same attribute or characteristic.
Often, large enterprise environments need to configure attributes for many objects, such as hosts, arrays, and switches. Bulk load utilities assign attributes to objects. While the Portal has capabilities for assigning attributes to certain objects, the utilities described in this section fulfill the large-scale requirement for assigning attributes to a large number of objects.
To facilitate bulk loading and configuration of attributes, several utilities are provided. These utilities load attributes and values into the StorageConsole database from comma-separated-values (CSV) files.
Note: Currently, there are no utilities available for the bulk load of Datastore attributes.
For Managed Service Providers (MSPs)
Attributes are StorageConsole domain-specific; therefore, you can configure different object attributes for different clients without impacting the reports and environments of your other clients.