Automating Host Group Management > Veritas NetBackup Utilities
Version 10.0.00
Veritas NetBackup Utilities
The following utilities apply only to Veritas NetBackup environments.
Organize Clients into Groups by Management Server
Set Up an Inactive Clients Group
Set Up a Host Group for Clients in Inactive Policies
Set Up Clients by Policy and Set Up Clients by Policy Type
Organize Clients into Groups by Management Server
This utility enables you to create a hierarchy of management servers and links all clients that are members of the management server into the respective host group. For example, in a Veritas NetBackup environment if you have two master servers called master1 and master2, this utility creates host groups named master1 and master2 and links the master server’s clients into the corresponding group. Two versions of this utility are available:
Move clients into a Master Server Group: Basic Usage with 4 Parameters
Move clients into a Master Server Group & Exclude the Policy Client & Cascade to Sub-groups: Usage with 6 Parameters
Basic Usage with 4 Parameters
execute nbu_adaptor_pkg.moveClientsIntoMasterGroups( <source_group_id>,<destination_group_id>, <move_clients>, <latest_master_only> );
Example: execute nbu_adaptor_pkg.moveClientsIntoMasterGroups(300000, 300010, 1, 1);
source_group_id is the internal group ID of the host group hierarchy to traverse.
destination_group_id is the group ID in which the host group for your master servers groups will be created. APTARE recommends that you create a host group under source_group_id called Masters or Management Servers and use the group ID of this new host group for the second parameter.
When you organize by master server, if a host group exists anywhere under the source group hierarchy with the name of the master server, the routine associates the clients with that folder and does not create a new folder under the destination folder. This association occurs whether you explicitly specify the destination folder or if the destination is NULL. However, if you pass a source folder that is at a lower level, the routine only checks for a folder under that hierarchy. If you specify NULL as the destination, the routine will create (if it does not exist already) a group called “NetBackup” under the Source group ID. It then creates a host group called “Master Servers” under the “NetBackup” group.
move_clients If set to 0, the clients link into the respective host group and remain in their original host group location. If set to 1, all the clients move from the source host group and into the respective host groups.
The utility processes and organizes all clients of the source group hierarchy into the target master server grouping. However, if the move_clients flag is set to 1, the utility removes only clients in the top level source_group_id group—and those already organized in lower level sub-groups remain.
latest_master_only defaults to 0, but can be set to 1, indicating organization by the latest master server. If a client is backed up by two master servers, or if a client was backed up by master server A in the past, but is now backed up by master server B, setting this flag to true will result in the client being organized by the latest master server.
Usage with 6 Parameters
execute nbu_adaptor_pkg.moveClientsIntoMasterGroups( <source_group_id>,<destination_group_id>, <cascade_source_group>, <move_clients>, <latest_master_only>, <exclude_policy_client>);
Example: exec moveClientsIntoMasterGroups(300000, 300010, 1, 1, 1, 0);
source_group_id is the internal group ID of the host group hierarchy to traverse.
destination_group_id is the group ID in which the new host group for your master servers will be created. APTARE recommends that you create a host group under source_group_id called Masters or Management Servers and use the group ID of this new host group for the second parameter.
When you organize by master server, if a host group exists anywhere under the source group hierarchy with the name of the master server, the routine associates the clients with that folder and does not create a new folder under the destination folder. This association occurs whether you explicitly specify the destination folder or if the destination is NULL. However, if you pass a source folder that is at a lower level, the routine only checks for a folder under that hierarchy. If you specify NULL as the destination, the routine will create (if it does not exist already) a host group called “NetBackup” under the Source group ID. It then creates a host group called “Master Servers” under the “NetBackup” host group.
cascade_source_group can be set to 0 = Do not include sub-groups, 1 = Include sub-groups. Use cascade_source_group to find and re-sort all of the defined host groups that are under the source group. Use this parameter so that you do not have to move all of your clients to the top before re-sorting.
move_clients If set to 0, the clients link into the respective host group and remain in their original host group location. If set to 1, all the clients move from the source group and into the respective management server host groups.
The utility processes and organizes all clients of the source group hierarchy into the target master server grouping. However, if the move_clients flag is set to 1, the utility removes only clients in the top-level source_group_id group—and those already organized in lower-level sub-groups remain.
latest_master_only defaults to 0, but can be set to 1, indicating organization by the latest master server. If a client is backed up by two master servers, or if a client was backed up by master server A in the past, but is now backed up by master server B, setting this flag to true will result in the client being organized by the latest master server.
exclude_policy_client defaults to 0, but can be set to 1, indicating that you want to organize the clients based on backups and exclude policy-based clients. If this flag is set to 0, the utility finds the clients that are backed up by the master server and also clients that are in the policy that is controlled by the master server.
Set Up an Inactive Clients Group
This utility enables you to automatically generate a list of all clients that are not a member of any policy and move or link the clients into a user-definable host group.
execute server_mgmt_pkg.setupInactiveClientsGroup (‘<host_group_to_traverse>’, ‘<inactive_clients_group>’, <move_or_copy_flag>);
Example: exec setupInactiveClientsGroup(‘/Global/Corp’,NULL,0);
host_group_to_traverse is the full pathname to the host group hierarchy to traverse looking for inactive clients, for example /Aptare/hostgroup1.
inactive_clients_group is the full pathname to the host group into which the inactive clients will be moved or linked. The default value for this parameter is NULL (which should not be within quotes). If set to NULL, the utility automatically creates a host group called Clients Not In Policy within host_group_to_traverse.
move_or_copy_flag can be set to 0=Link (copy) clients or 1=Move clients. If set to 0, the utility links the clients to the inactive_clients_group and keeps the clients in their original host group location. If set to 1, the utility moves all the inactive clients from their current host group location and consolidates them into the inactive_clients_group.
Set Up a Host Group for Clients in Inactive Policies
This utility enables you to automatically generate a list of all clients that are members of a policy, but the policy is NOT active. These clients are then linked or copied into a user-definable host group.
execute server_mgmt_pkg.setupInactivePolicyClients (‘<host_group_to_traverse>’, ‘<inactive_clients_group>’, <move_or_copy_flag>, <include_deleted_flag>);
Example: exec setupInactivePolicyClients(‘/Global/Corp’,NULL,1,0);
host_group_to_traverse is the full pathname to the host group hierarchy to traverse looking for inactive policies, for example /Aptare/hostgroup1.
inactive_clients_group is the full pathname to the host group into which the clients in an inactive policy will be moved or linked. The default value for this parameter is NULL (which should not be within quotes). If set to NULL, the utility automatically creates a host group called Inactive Policy Clients within host_group_to_traverse.
move_or_copy_flag can be set to 0=Link (copy) clients or 1=Move clients. If set to 0, the utility links the client to the inactive_clients_group and keeps the client in the original host group location. If set to 1, the utility moves all the clients in inactive policies from their current host group location and consolidates them into the inactive_clients_group.
include_deleted_flag can be used in conjunction with the move_or_copy_flag can be set to 1 to include policies deleted from NetBackup while organizing inactive policy clients into the inactive_clients_group.
Set Up Clients by Policy
This utility enables you to automatically organize clients by the Veritas NetBackup Policy (or Policies) to which they belong. The utility automatically creates host groups for each Veritas NetBackup Policy and links clients that are members of these policies to the host group(s) accordingly.
execute nbu_adaptor_pkg.setupClientsByPolicy ( ‘<source_host_group>’, ‘<destination_host_group>’);
Example: exec setupClientsByPolicy(‘/Global/Corp’, NULL);
source_host_group is the full pathname to the host group hierarchy to traverse for clients, for example /Aptare/hostgroup1. The default value for this parameter is NULL (which should not be within quotes). If set to NULL, the utility automatically locates the highest level host group to traverse.
destination_host_group is the full pathname to the host group under which the new groups by policy name will be automatically created. The default value for this parameter is NULL (which should not be within quotes). If set to NULL, the utility automatically creates a host group called NetBackup Policies within source_server_group.
If a client is removed from a Veritas NetBackup policy, added to a new policy and the utility is subsequently run again, the client will appear in the new policy group but will not be deleted from the old policy group. To remove the client from the old policy group and completely re-synchronize the grouping structure, simply delete the Policy grouping hierarchy via the deleteEntireGroupContents utility, referenced in Delete Host Group, and then run the setupClientsByPolicy utility again.
Set Up Clients by Policy Type
This utility enables you to automatically organize clients by the type of the Veritas NetBackup policy to which they belong; for example, Standard, NDMP, ORACLE. The utility automatically creates host groups for each Veritas NetBackup policy type and links clients that are members of these policy types to the host group(s) accordingly.
execute nbu_adaptor_pkg.setupClientsByPolicyType ( ‘<source_host_group>’, ‘<destination_host_group>’);
Example: exec setupClientsByPolicyType(‘/Global/Corp’, NULL);
source_host_group is the full pathname to the server group hierarchy to traverse for clients, for example /Aptare/hostgroup1. The default value for this parameter is NULL (which should not be within quotes). If set to NULL, the utility automatically locates the highest level host group to traverse.
destination_server_group is the full pathname to the server group under which the new groups by Policy type will be automatically created. The default value for this parameter is NULL (which should not be within quotes). If set to NULL, the utility automatically creates a host group called NetBackup Policy Types within source_host_group.
If a client is removed from one Veritas NetBackup policy type, added to a new policy type and the utility is subsequently run again, the client will appear in the new policy type host group but will not be deleted from the old policy group. To remove the client from the old policy group and completely re-synchronize the grouping structure, simply delete the Policy Type grouping hierarchy via the deleteEntireGroupContents utility, referenced in Delete Host Group, and then run the setupClientsByPolicy utility again.