Backing Up and Restoring Data > Restoring the StorageConsole System
Version 10.0.00
Restoring the StorageConsole System
If you experienced data loss due to hardware failure or administrative error, or any of many reasons that may have resulted in a loss that requires some form of restore, APTARE strongly recommends that you contact the APTARE Global Support Services to assist you with determining how to proceed.
The following steps provide guidelines for restoring your system; however, depending on your circumstances, all of these steps may not be relevant.
Performing a Full StorageConsole System Restore
To perform a full system restore, you need to:
1. Follow your company’s process to perform a system restore from the full system backup that you took, as described in the previous sections. This should restore the application directories and files, in addition to any OS level-specific files, such as the Windows registry, boot sectors, etc.
2. Restore the Oracle Reporting Database, as described in Restoring the Oracle Reporting Database.
If you do not have a full system backup, it still may be possible to recover by re-installing the StorageConsole application, re-installing the Oracle binaries, and then restoring the Oracle Reporting Database. APTARE recommends that you contact the APTARE Global Support Services if you need to follow this recovery method.
If your data loss is isolated to the Oracle Reporting Database, it may be possible to skip Step 1 above and proceed to Step 2.
Restoring the Oracle Reporting Database
IMPORTANT: Before you try to restore the Reporting Database, contact the APTARE Global Support Services. APTARE prefers to walk you through this process step-by-step. The following steps provide guidance for restoring your database; however, once again, depending on your circumstances, all of these steps may not be relevant.
1. Import the most recent version of the database that you exported. See Importing the Oracle Database.
2. If the import of the database fails in Step 1, it is likely that there are issues with your Oracle environment that are preventing Oracle from starting. In this case you will need to restore the database files from your Cold Backup.
a. Using the backup software that you used to Perform a Cold Backup of the Database, restore the database with the most recent successful Cold Backup. If you do not have a successful Cold Backup of the Oracle database, see Restoring When a Cold Backup is NOT Available.
b. Import the most recent version of the database that you exported. See Importing the Oracle Database.
Importing the Oracle Database
IMPORTANT: The process described below deletes your existing StorageConsole database. Before you try to import the Reporting Database, you should verify that you have no other options for recovery and that you have a valid database export. Contact the APTARE Global Support Services, as APTARE prefers to walk you through this process step‑by-step.
Some common problems include:
Importing unsuccessful backups. Ensure that your backups were successful before you accidently import old data.
Importing more than what you need. Don’t restore the entire database or import all database tables if you only need to restore one database table. Import only what you need.
IMPORTANT: Before restoring user objects, stop the Tomcat and Portal processes using Starting and Stopping Portal Server Software.
To import your latest successful export of the Oracle database:
1. Log on to the database server.
In a Linux environment, log on to the database server as user aptare.
In a Windows environment, log on to the database server as a user who is a member of the ORA_DBA group.
2. At the command line (Linux):
SQL> sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
SQL> drop user portal cascade;
SQL> drop user aptare_ro cascade;
SQL> @/opt/aptare/database/ora_scripts/create_portal_user.plb;
SQL> @/opt/aptare/database/ora_scripts/create_aptare_ro_user.plb
At the command line (Windows):
SQL> sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
SQL> drop user portal cascade;
SQL> drop user aptare_ro cascade;
SQL> @C:\opt\oracle\database\ora_scripts\create_portal_user.plb
SQL> @C:\opt\oracle\database\ora_scripts\create_aptare_ro_user.plb
3. Edit the import_scdb.par file to specify a value for path_to_backup_directory. The import_scdb.par file contains the following parameters:
Table 2 import_scdb.par File
4. Run the following commands:
On Linux (as user, aptare):
/opt/aptare/oracle/bin/imp {full_path_and_file_name_of_export_file} parfile=/opt/aptare/database/tools/import_scdb.par
On Windows:
C:\opt\oracle\bin\imp {full_path_and_file_name_of_export_file} parfile= C:\opt\oracle\database\tools\import_scdb.par
Restoring When a Cold Backup is NOT Available
If you do not have a successful cold backup of your Oracle database, take the following steps to recover your APTARE StorageConsole Oracle database.
1. Re-install the Oracle binaries. See the APTARE StorageConsole Installation and Upgrade Guide.
2. Re-install the database schema. See “APTARE StorageConsole Schema Installation” in the Portal Installation Guide for Linux or the Portal Install section in the APTARE StorageConsole Installation and Upgrade Guide for Linux.
3. Import the latest successful export of your Oracle database to restore the Portal user objects. See Importing the Oracle Database.