Managed Application Security
Version 10.0.00
Managed Application Security
Communication: The APTARE StorageConsole Data Collector communicates with a managed Oracle instance by using JDBC to initiate a TCP connection to the Oracle TNS listener port. By default this port is 1521.
Authentication: The data collector requires a user account within the target Oracle instance. This user account must have the role granted: SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE
Microsoft SQL
Communication: The APTARE StorageConsole Data Collector communicates with a managed SQL instance by initiating a TCP connection on port 1433.
Authentication: The data collector requires a user account with permissions to execute the stored procedures: sp_helpdb and sp_spaceused
Microsoft Exchange
Communication: The APTARE StorageConsole Data Collector communicates using JMS (Java Message Service) to communicate with the Microsoft Active Directory (default port 389), which provides certain information about Exchange. The WMI Proxy is used to retrieve additional Exchange information.
Authentication: The data collector requires a user account with privileges to search under the base DN within the Active Directory.