Host Capacity Utilization Reports > Host Executive Summary
Version 10.0.00
Host Executive Summary
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StorageConsole provides different navigation options to slice and examine your collected data. You can explore the data by using the APTARE customizable report templates or by using parts of your IT infrastructure as entry points. The Inventory Navigator serves as a browser for your infrastructure by object type. See also Exploring Your Inventory.
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The Host Executive Summary provides a single view of hosts’ thick and thin storage usage by operating system.
In the report’s scope selector, the Host Type option can be used to include virtual hosts in this host-based report: VM Guest, VM Server, VIO Guest, VIO Server, or Others.
In this report, the following definitions apply:
Thick - Capacity that has been allocated by a traditional array group LUN
Thin - Capacity that has been allocated by a thin-provisioned LUN
Operating System
Each row represents the hosts, by operating system, and the storage that they are consuming.
The number of hosts for this operating system; click on the link to view the Host Capacity and Utilization report.
Estimated In Use
The amount of used SAN filesystem capacity used by hosts.
The total amount of storage allocated to hosts of this operating system.
The percentage of the total storage for hosts (by operating system) that is in use, calculated as In-Use divided by Total Capacity.
Overall LUNs Allocated
Host Allocated
Total amount of recognized capacity allocated to the hosts in this report scope.
Host In Use
Total amount of recognized capacity actually in use by the hosts in this report scope.
Host Usage %
Percentage of total capacity used, calculated as Host In-Use divided by Host Allocated.
Thick LUN Utilization
Host Allocated
The total amount of recognized thick capacity that has been allocated to hosts in this report scope.
Host in Use
The amount of recognized thick storage that has been written to by the hosts in this report scope.
Host Usage %
Thick Host In-Use divided by Thick Host Allocated.
Thin LUN Utilization
Host Allocated
The amount of thin-provisioned storage that has been presented to hosts.
Host In Use
The total amount of thin-provisioned (dynamically provisioned) storage that has been written to by hosts.
Host Usage %
Thin Host In-Use divided by Thin Host Allocated.
Thin Consumed
The total amount of thin-provisioned storage that has been written to by hosts.
Consumed Usage %
Percentage of consumed thin capacity. Thin Host In-Use divided by Thin Consumed.