Column Name | Data Type | Description |
account_identifier | STRING | The unique ID of the account, as collected from OpenStack Swift |
array_name | STRING | Name of the array |
container_count | NUMBER | The number of containers in the OpenStack Swift account |
created_timestamp | DATE | The time and date, when the account was initially created |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the OpenStack Swift account data was created in the database |
object_count | NUMBER | The number of objects in the OpenStack Swift account |
oss_account_id | NUMBER | OpenStack Swift Account ID, for internal use by the database |
oss_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database |
oss_tenant_id | NUMBER | ID of the OpenStack Swift tenant/account |
quota_gb | NUMBER | Quota in GiB |
quota_kb | NUMBER | Quota collected in bytes and converted to KiB |
tenant_identifier | STRING | ID of the tenant/account, as collected from OpenStack Swift |
used_gb | NUMBER | Amount of space currently used by the object store in GiB |
used_kb | NUMBER | Amount of space currently used by the object store in KiB |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
account_identifier | STRING | The unique ID of the account, as collected from OpenStack Swift |
array_name | STRING | Name of the array |
container_count | NUMBER | The number of containers in the OpenStack Swift account |
log_date | DATE | The date and time the samples were collected |
object_count | NUMBER | The number of objects in the OpenStack Swift account |
oss_account_id | NUMBER | OpenStack Swift Account ID, for internal use by the database |
oss_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database |
used_gb | NUMBER | Amount of space currently used by the object store in GiB |
used_kb | NUMBER | Amount of space currently used by the object store in KiB |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
account_identifier | STRING | The unique ID of the account, as collected from OpenStack Swift |
array_name | STRING | Name of the array |
container_name | STRING | The name of the container. The same name can be used for containers in different accounts |
created_timestamp | DATE | The time and date, when the container was initially created as a current version |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the OpenStack Swift container data was created in the database |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the OpenStack Swift container data was last updated in the database |
object_count | NUMBER | The number of objects in the OpenStack Swift account |
oss_account_id | NUMBER | A foreign key reference to the OpenStack Swift account data in the database |
oss_container_id | NUMBER | OpenStack Swift Container ID, for internal use by the database |
oss_storage_policy_id | NUMBER | Name of the storage policy applied to the container |
oss_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database |
quota_gb | NUMBER | Quota in GiB |
quota_kb | NUMBER | Quota collected in bytes and converted to KiB |
storage_policy_name | STRING | Name of the storage policy |
sync_to | STRING | Indicates the cluster to which the container is syncing |
used_gb | NUMBER | Amount of space currently used by the object store in GiB |
used_kb | NUMBER | Amount of space currently used by the object store in KiB |
versions_location | STRING | The value of this flag indicates the container where the versions are stored |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Name of the array |
container_name | STRING | The name of the container. The same name can be used for containers in different accounts |
log_date | DATE | The date and time the samples were collected |
object_count | NUMBER | The number of objects in the OpenStack Swift account |
oss_container_id | NUMBER | OpenStack Swift Container ID, for internal use by the database |
oss_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database |
used_gb | NUMBER | Amount of space currently used by the object store in GiB |
used_kb | NUMBER | Amount of space currently used by the object store in KiB |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Name of the array |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the OpenStack Swift device data was created in the database |
device_name | STRING | Name of the device |
file_system_name | STRING | Name of the file system |
filesystem_id | NUMBER | A foreign key reference to the file system data in database |
host_disk_id | NUMBER | Disk name of the device in the host system |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the OpenStack Swift device data was last update in the database |
node_ip_address | STRING | IP of the storage/proxy node |
oss_device_id | NUMBER | OpenStack Swift device ID, for internal use by the database |
oss_node_id | NUMBER | A foreign key reference to the OpenStack Swift node data in the database |
oss_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database |
partitions | NUMBER | Number of partitions in the ring |
pdev_id | NUMBER | Identifies the physical device |
region_identifier | STRING | Region in which the device resides |
volume_partition_id | NUMBER | Volume partition ID |
weight | NUMBER | The weight of the physical device |
zone_identifier | STRING | Zones are used to isolate data and to define device failure boundaries |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Name of the array |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the OpenStack Swift user-tenant map data was created in the database |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the OpenStack Swift user-tanent map data was last updated in the database |
name | STRING | The name of the OpenStack Swift user |
oss_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database |
oss_tenant_id | NUMBER | A foreign key reference to the OpenStack Swift tenant data in the database |
oss_user_id | NUMBER | A foreign key reference to the OpenStack Swift user data in the database |
role | STRING | A user’s role specifies the level of access that is authorized for the identity |
tenant_identifier | STRING | ID of the tenant/account, as collected from OpenStack Swift |
tenant_name | STRING | Name of the tenant/project |
user_identifier | STRING | User ID, as collected from OpenStack Swift |
user_name | STRING | OpenStack Swift user name |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
account_identifier | STRING | The unique ID of the account, as collected from OpenStack Swift |
array_name | STRING | Name of the array |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the OpenStack Swift account metadata was created in the database |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the OpenStack Swift account metadata was last updated in the database |
meta_name | STRING | Metadata name |
meta_value | STRING | The descriptive information about the account |
oss_account_id | NUMBER | A foreign key reference to the OpenStack Swift account database table |
oss_meta_data_acc_id | NUMBER | OpenStack Swift metadata account ID, for internal use by the database |
oss_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Name of the array |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the OpenStack Swift node was created in the database |
host_id | NUMBER | The host ID of the node |
is_storage_node | STRING | Indicates that the host is a storage node |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the OpenStack Swift node data was last updated in the database |
node_ip_address | STRING | IP of the storage/proxy node |
node_type | STRING | The type of node, represented by a comma-separated string of services |
oss_node_id | NUMBER | OpenStack Swift node ID, for internal use by the database |
oss_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
account_identifier | STRING | The unique ID of the account, as collected from OpenStack Swift |
array_name | STRING | Name of the array |
container_count | NUMBER | Per-policy container count |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the OpenStack Swift policy was created in the database |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the OpenStack Swift policy was last updated in the database |
object_count | NUMBER | The number of objects in the OpenStack Swift account |
oss_account_id | NUMBER | A foreign key reference to the OpenStack Swift account data in the database |
oss_storage_policy_id | NUMBER | OpenStack Swift policy ID, for internal use by the database |
oss_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database |
storage_policy_name | STRING | Name of the storage policy |
used_gb | NUMBER | Amount of space currently used by the object store in GiB |
used_kb | NUMBER | Amount of space currently used by the object store in KiB |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Name of the array |
container_count | NUMBER | Per-policy container count |
log_date | DATE | The date and time the samples were collected |
object_count | NUMBER | The number of objects in the OpenStack Swift account |
oss_storage_policy_id | NUMBER | OpenStack Swift policy ID, for internal use by the database |
oss_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database |
storage_policy_name | STRING | Name of the storage policy |
used_gb | NUMBER | Amount of space currently used by the object store in GiB |
used_kb | NUMBER | Amount of space currently used by the object store in KiB |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Name of the array |
cluster_ip_address | STRING | IP address of the cluster, which actually is the IP address of the proxy server |
cluster_name | STRING | Name of the cluster |
controller_ip_address | STRING | IP address of the controller (keystone) node, as entered in the Data Collector policy |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the OpenStack Swift storage system data was created in the database |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the OpenStack Swift storage system data was last updated in the database |
oss_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Name of the array |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the OpenStack Swift tenant data was created in the database |
description | STRING | The description of the tenant, if a description has been provided |
is_enabled | STRING | Indicates if the tenant is enabled |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the OpenStack Swift tenant data was last updated in the database |
oss_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database |
oss_tenant_id | NUMBER | OpenStack Swift Tenant ID, for internal use by the database |
tenant_identifier | STRING | ID of the tenant/account, as collected from OpenStack Swift |
tenant_name | STRING | Name of the tenant/project |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Name of the array |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the OpenStack Swift user data was created in the database |
email_address | STRING | Email ID of the user |
is_enabled | STRING | Indicates if the user is enabled |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the OpenStack Swift user data was last updated in the database |
name | STRING | The name of the OpenStack Swift user |
oss_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database |
oss_user_id | NUMBER | OpenStack Swift User ID, for internal use by the database |
user_identifier | STRING | User ID, as collected from OpenStack Swift |
user_name | STRING | OpenStack Swift user name |