Column Name | Data Type | Description |
active_aao_controller | STRING | The connectivity status for the LUN. |
active_aao_visibility | STRING | The date and time the VPLEX backend logical unit data was created in the database. |
alua_support | STRING | The date and time the VPLEX backend logical unit data was last updated in the database. |
array_name | STRING | The logical unit numbers for the LUNs. |
backend_logical_unit_name | STRING | The passive controller for the logical unit. |
backend_lun_id | NUMBER | List of all directors that have a passive path to this logical unit. |
backend_storage_system_name | STRING | The storage array name associated with the storage volume. |
connectivity_status | STRING | The visibility of the logical unit to controllers; indicates if it is active or not. |
creation_date | DATE | Backend logical unit ID, for internal use by the database. |
last_updated | DATE | Backend storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
luns | STRING | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
passive_aan_controller | STRING | Storage volume ID, for internal use by the database. |
passive_aan_visibility | STRING | The connectivity status for the LUN. |
storage_volume_name | STRING | The date and time the VPLEX backend logical unit data was created in the database. |
visibility | STRING | The date and time the VPLEX backend logical unit data was last updated in the database. |
vpl_backend_logical_unit_id | NUMBER | The logical unit numbers for the LUNs. |
vpl_backend_storage_system_id | NUMBER | The passive controller for the logical unit. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | List of all directors that have a passive path to this logical unit. |
vpl_storage_volume_id | NUMBER | The storage array name associated with the storage volume. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Array name |
auto_switch | STRING | Indicates if auto-trespass will occur for the logical units on the storage array after a failure. |
backend_array_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to the backend storage array |
backend_storage_array_ports | STRING | List of array ports to which VPLEX is connected. |
backend_storage_system_name | STRING | Name of the storage array. |
connectivity_status | STRING | The connectivity status for the LUN. |
controllers | STRING | List of controller names. |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the data was created in the database. |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time when data was last updated in the database. |
logical_unit_count | NUMBER | Number of logical units exported from the array. |
vpl_backend_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Backend storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Array name |
connectivity_name | STRING | Connectivity name. |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX connectivity data was created in the database. |
discovery_ip_address | STRING | The multicast address that the local directors should use to discover the cluster. |
discovery_port | NUMBER | The port local directors should use, along with the discovery address, to discover the cluster. |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX connectivity data was last updated in the database. |
listening_port | NUMBER | The port local directors should use to communicate with the cluster. |
remote_cluster_address | STRING | A list of reachable remote clusters. |
remote_cluster_id | STRING | Remote cluster ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Array name |
block_count | NUMBER | The number of blocks in the extent. |
block_offset | NUMBER | The block offset of the local device on the underlying storage. |
block_size | NUMBER | The size of a single block, in kilobytes. |
capacity_gb | NUMBER | The total capacity of the extent in GiB |
capacity_kb | NUMBER | The total number of bytes in the extent. |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX device data was created in the database. |
device_name | STRING | Name of the device. |
device_system_id | STRING | The internal system ID for the storage. |
geometry | STRING | Indicates the geometry or redundancy of this device (RAID level). |
health_indications | STRING | Indicates the reason for a health state that is not OK. |
health_state | STRING | Represents an overview of the health of the extent. |
is_application_consistent | STRING | Indicates if the device is application consistent. |
is_auto_resume | STRING | Indicates if this device, if globally visible, will automatically resume at remote clusters. |
is_rebuild_allowed | STRING | Indicates if this device is allowed to rebuild. |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX device data was last updated in the database. |
locality | STRING | This value will always be set to local for this kind of device. |
logical_unit_id | NUMBER | Logical unit ID for internal use by the database. |
operational_status | STRING | The operational status for the device. |
rebuild_eta | STRING | The estimated time remaining for the current rebuild to complete. |
rebuild_progress | STRING | The percentage of this device that has been rebuilt. |
rebuild_status | STRING | The rebuild status of this device. |
rebuild_type | STRING | The rebuild type. |
ruleset_name | STRING | The rule set applied to this device when the link fails or is restored. |
service_status | STRING | Indicates whether I/O can proceed on the device. |
stripe_depth | NUMBER | The depth of a stripe in bytes,when the geometry is set to raid-0. |
transfer_size | NUMBER | The transfer size, in bytes, during a rebuild. |
virtual_volume_name | STRING | Name of the virtual volume. |
visibility | STRING | Indicates if this device is being made available to remote clusters. |
vpl_device_id | NUMBER | Device ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Array name |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX DIMM (dual in-line memory module) data was created in the database. |
dimm_name | STRING | DIMM (dual in-line memory module) name. |
director_name | STRING | Name of the VPLEX director. |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX DIMM (dual in-line memory module) data was last updated in the database. |
operational_status | STRING | The current operational status of the dual in-line memory module (DIMM). |
serial_number | STRING | The serial number of the DIMM (dual in-line memory module) unit. |
vpl_dimm_id | NUMBER | DIMM (dual in-line memory module) ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_director_id | NUMBER | Director ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
application_status | STRING | Current status of this application instance. |
array_name | STRING | Array name |
cimom | STRING | The low-level SMI-S interface to the storage firmware. |
communication_status | STRING | The connectivity status between this director instance and the firmware. |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX director data was created in the database. |
description | STRING | Describes the director’s system type. |
director_count | NUMBER | The number of directors this director expects at its cluster. |
director_family | STRING | The hardware family to which this director belongs. |
director_id | STRING | The system-generated unique identifier for this director. |
director_name | STRING | Name of the VPLEX director. |
director_type | STRING | The type of VPLEX director. |
engine_name | STRING | Name of the VPLEX engine. |
failover_hostname | STRING | If available, the hostname of the failover connection. |
failover_port | NUMBER | If available, the port of the failover connection. |
firmware_name | STRING | Firmware name. |
firmware_uid | STRING | Unique ID for the application instance. |
firmware_uptime | STRING | Uptime for the application instance. |
firmware_version | STRING | The version information of the application. |
health_indications | STRING | Indicates the reasons that a health-state that is not OK. |
health_state | STRING | Indicates the overall health of the director. |
hostname | STRING | Host name or IP address of the remote system. |
is_auto_boot | STRING | Indicates whether the application is automatically booted on power up. |
is_auto_restart | STRING | Indicates whether the application is automatically rebooted after a failure. |
is_commissioned | STRING | Indicates if the director is commissioned: true or false. |
is_temp_threshold_exceeded | STRING | Indicates if the temperature of the director has exceeded the threshold. |
is_voltage_threshold_exceeded | STRING | Indicates if the voltage of the director has exceeded the threshold or not. |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX director data was last updated in the database. |
markerled | STRING | The current status of the marker LED of the director. |
operational_status | STRING | Indicates the current status of the director. |
part_number | STRING | The EMC part number of this director component. |
port | NUMBER | Remote system port used for communication. |
revision_number | STRING | The EMC revision number of this director component. |
run_level | NUMBER | The current firmware run level. A higher run level enables more features. |
serial_number | STRING | The EMC serial number of this component. |
sp_id | STRING | The SP ID of the director. |
vpl_director_id | NUMBER | Director ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_engine_id | NUMBER | Engine ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
vplex_status | STRING | The state of the VPLEX splitter on this director. |
xml_trace_enabled | STRING | For future use. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Array name |
cluster_ipseed | STRING | The cluster IP seed for this engine. |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX engine data was created in the database. |
enclosure_id | STRING | The enclosure ID for this engine. |
engine_family | STRING | The hardware family to which this engine belongs. |
engine_id | STRING | The system-generated unique engine ID for this engine. |
engine_name | STRING | Name of the VPLEX engine. |
health_indications | STRING | Indicates the reasons that a health-state that is not OK. |
health_state | STRING | Indicates the overall health of the engine. |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX engine data was last updated in the database. |
markerled | STRING | The current status of the marker LED of the engine. |
operational_status | STRING | Indicates one or more pieces of current status information for the VPLEX engine. |
part_number | STRING | The EMC part number of the engine. |
revision_number | STRING | The EMC revision number of the engine. |
serial_number | STRING | The EMC serial number of the engine. |
top_level_assembly | STRING | The top-level-assembly of the engine. |
vpl_engine_id | NUMBER | Engine ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
wwn_seed | STRING | The wwn-seed that will be used to generate various wwn values by the directors in this engine. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Array name |
config_status | STRING | Indicates how the port is configured. |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX Ethernet port data was created in the database. |
director_name | STRING | Name of the VPLEX director. |
ethernet_port_name | STRING | Name of the Ethernet port. |
ip_address | STRING | IP address of the Ethernet port. |
is_enabled | STRING | Indicates if the port is enabled for use. |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX Ethernet port data was last updated in the database. |
mac_address | STRING | Media Access Control (MAC) address of the Ethernet port. |
mtu | NUMBER | Maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the Ethernet port. |
operational_status | STRING | Indicates one or more pieces of current status information for the Ethernet port. |
option_set | STRING | The option set available for this Ethernet port. |
port_status | STRING | The status of this Ethernet port. |
protocols | STRING | The protocols supported on this port. |
role | STRING | Role of the port: initiator or target. |
speed | STRING | Speed of the Ethernet port. |
subnet | STRING | Subnet mask for the Ethernet port. |
vpl_director_id | NUMBER | Director ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_ethernet_port_id | NUMBER | Ethernet Port ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Array name |
block_count | NUMBER | The number of blocks in the extent. |
block_offset | NUMBER | The block offset of the extent on the storage volume. |
block_size | NUMBER | The size of a single block in the extent, in kilobytes. |
capacity_gb | NUMBER | The total capacity of the extent in GiB |
capacity_kb | NUMBER | The total number of bytes in the extent. |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX extent data was created in the database. |
device_name | STRING | Name of the device for the VPLEX extent. |
extent_description | STRING | The description of the extent’s underlying storage volume. |
extent_itls | STRING | The initiator target LUN (ITL) triplets by which the underlying storage volume is accessed. |
extent_name | STRING | Name of the extent. |
extent_system_id | STRING | The internal system ID for the storage. |
extent_use | STRING | Indicates how the system is currently using the extent. |
health_indications | STRING | Indicates the reasons for the extent’s health state that is not OK. |
health_state | STRING | Represents an overview of the health of the extent. |
io_status | STRING | Indicates the I/O status of the underlying storage volume. |
is_application_consistent | STRING | Whether or not this extent is application-consistent. |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX extent data was last updated in the database. |
locality | STRING | Indicates how this extent relates to its cluster. |
operational_status | STRING | The operational status for the extent. This indicates whether the extent is functioning and how well it is functioning. |
storage_volume_name | STRING | The storage array name associated with the storage volume. |
storage_volume_type | STRING | Indicates whether the underlying storage volume is data-protected |
vendor_specific_name | STRING | The vendor-specific name for the underlying storage volume. |
vpl_device_id | NUMBER | Device ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_extent_id | NUMBER | Extent ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_storage_volume_id | NUMBER | Storage_Volume_ID, for internal use by the database. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Array name. |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX FC (Fibre-Channel) port data was created in the database. |
current_speed | STRING | Current speed of the FC (Fibre-Channel) port. |
director_name | STRING | Name of the VPLEX director. |
fc_port_name | STRING | Name of the FC (Fibre-Channel) port. |
is_enabled | STRING | Indicates if the FC (Fibre-Channel) port is currently enabled. |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX FC (Fibre-Channel) port data was last updated in the database. |
max_speed_bps | STRING | The maximum speed of the FC (Fibre-Channel) port. |
node_wwn | STRING | World Wide Name for the node. |
node_wwn_id | NUMBER | Node WWN of the FC (Fibre-Channel) port. |
operational_status | STRING | Indicates the current detailed status of the FC (Fibre-Channel) port. |
physical_address | STRING | A unique protocol-specific identifier for the end point. For example for a Fibre Channel communication end point this would be a port world wide name (WWN). |
port_status | STRING | Indicates the current detailed status of the port in port-specific terminology. |
port_wwn | STRING | World Wide Name for the port |
port_wwn_id | NUMBER | Port WWN of the FC (Fibre-Channel) port. |
protocols | STRING | The communication protocols supported on this endpoint. |
target_port_name | STRING | Name of the target port. |
topology | STRING | The topology of the target port. |
vpl_director_id | NUMBER | Director ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_fc_port_id | NUMBER | FC (Fibre-Channel) port ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_target_port_id | NUMBER | Target port ID, for internal use by the database. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
backend_array_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to storage array details (backend array) |
backend_array_name | STRING | Backend array name |
backend_logical_unit_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to logical unit details (backend logical unit) |
backend_logical_unit_name | STRING | Backend logical unit name |
backend_lun_total_capacity_gb | NUMBER | Backend LUN total capacity in GiB |
backend_lun_total_capacity_kb | NUMBER | Backend LUN total capacity in KiB |
frontend_array_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to the storage array details (VPLEX array) |
frontend_array_name | STRING | VPLEX array name |
frontend_logical_unit_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to logical unit details (VPLEX Virtual Volume) |
frontend_logical_unit_name | STRING | VPLEX Virtual Volume name |
host_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to host details |
host_lun | NUMBER | Logical unit number, as seen on the host side |
host_name | STRING | Host name |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Array name |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX initiator port data was created in the database. |
initiator_port_name | STRING | Name of the initiator port. |
initiator_port_type | STRING | Initiator port type |
iqn | STRING | International Qualification Network (IQN). For future use. |
is_suspend_on_detach | STRING | If false I/O will fail on the detached site after wan-com link failure in VPLEX Metro/Geo. If true I/O will suspend on the detached site after wan-com link failure in VPLEX Metro/Geo. |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX initiator port data was last updated in the database. |
node_wwn | STRING | World Wide Name for the node |
node_wwn_id | NUMBER | This port node’s WWN. |
port_wwn | STRING | World Wide Name for the port |
port_wwn_id | NUMBER | This port’s WWN. |
vpl_initiator_port_id | NUMBER | Initiator port ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Array name |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX internal disk data was created in the database. |
director_name | STRING | Name of the VPLEX director. |
internal_disk_name | STRING | Internal disk name |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX internal disk data was last updated in the database. |
marker_led | STRING | The current status of the marker LED of the internal disk. |
operational_status | STRING | The current operational status of the internal disk. |
part_number | STRING | The EMC part number of the internal disk. |
serial_number | STRING | The EMC serial number of the internal disk. |
vpl_director_id | NUMBER | Director ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_internal_disk_id | NUMBER | Internal disk ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Array name |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX I/O module data was created in the database. |
director_name | STRING | Name of the VPLEX director. |
family_fru_id | STRING | Family field-replaceable unit (FRU) ID for the I/O module. |
fc_io_module_type | STRING | Type of the FC (Fibre-Channel) I/O module |
io_module_name | STRING | Name of the I/O module |
io_module_type | STRING | Type of the I/O module |
is_present | STRING | Indicates if the I/O module is present in the hardware: Y or N. |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX I/O module data was last updated in the database. |
marker_led | STRING | This LED indicates if the I/O module is on or off. |
operational_status | STRING | The current operational status of the I/O module. |
part_number | STRING | Part number of the I/O module. |
revision_number | STRING | Revision number of the I/O module. |
serial_number | STRING | Serial number of the I/O module. |
slot_number | NUMBER | Slot number for the I/O module. |
vpl_director_id | NUMBER | Director ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_io_module_id | NUMBER | I/O module ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Array name |
biggest_free_seg_block_count | NUMBER | The block count of the largest remaining free segment in the logging volume. |
block_count | NUMBER | The number of blocks in the logging volume. |
block_size | NUMBER | The size of a single block, in kilobytes. |
capacity_gb | NUMBER | The total capacity of the logging volume in GiB. |
capacity_kb | NUMBER | The total number of bytes in the logging volume. |
component_count | NUMBER | The number of mirrors in this logging volume. |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX log system volume data was created in the database. |
free_capacity_gb | NUMBER | The total number of free bytes in the extent in GiB. |
free_capacity_kb | NUMBER | The total number of free bytes in the extent. |
geometry | STRING | Indicates the geometry or redundancy of this device. |
health_indications | STRING | Indicates the reasons for a health state that is not OK. |
health_state | STRING | Represents an overview of the health of the logging system volume. |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX log system volume data was last updated in the database. |
locality | STRING | Will always be set to local for this kind of device. |
log_sys_vol_system_id | STRING | The name/ID for this volume. |
log_system_volume_name | STRING | Logging system volume name. |
operational_status | STRING | Operational status of the log system volume. |
supporting_device | STRING | The local |
volume_type | STRING | Always set to logging-volume. |
vpl_log_sys_volume_id | NUMBER | Log system volume ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Array name. |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX initiator and target port-mapping data was created in the database. |
initiator_port_name | STRING | Name of the initiator port. |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX initiator and target port-mapping data was last updated in the database. |
target_port_name | STRING | Name of the target port. |
vpl_initiator_port_id | NUMBER | Initiator port ID, for internal use by the database for internal use by the database. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_target_port_id | NUMBER | Target port ID. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Array name |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX log system volume and extent mapping data was created in the database. |
extent_name | STRING | Name of the extent. |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX log system volume and extent mapping data was last updated in the database. |
log_system_volume_name | STRING | Logging system volume name. |
vpl_extent_id | NUMBER | Extent ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_log_sys_volume_id | NUMBER | Log system volume ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
Column Name | Data Type | Array name |
array_name | STRING | The date and time the VPLEX meta and storage volume mapping data was created in the database. |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX meta and storage volume mapping data was last updated in the database. |
last_updated | DATE | Meta-system volume name. |
meta_sys_volume_name | STRING | The storage array name associated with the storage volume. |
storage_volume_name | STRING | Meta-system volume ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_meta_sys_volume_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage volume ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_storage_volume_id | NUMBER | Array name |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Array name |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX storage view and initiator port mapping data was created in the database. |
initiator_port_name | STRING | Name of the initiator port. |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX storage view and initiator port mapping data was last updated in the database. |
storage_view_name | STRING | Name of the storage view. |
vpl_initiator_port_id | NUMBER | Initiator port ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_storage_view_id | NUMBER | Storage view ID, for internal use by the database. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Array name |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX storage view and target port-mapping data was created in the database. |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX storage view and target port-mapping data was last updated in the database. |
storage_view_name | STRING | Name of the storage view. |
target_port_name | STRING | Name of the target port. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_storage_view_id | NUMBER | Storage view ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_target_port_id | NUMBER | Target port ID, for internal use by the database. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Array name |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX storage view and virtual volume mapping data was created in the database. |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX storage view and virtual volume mapping data was last updated in the database. |
logical_unit_id | NUMBER | Logical unit ID, for internal use by the database. |
lun_nbr | NUMBER | LUN ID. |
storage_disk_id | STRING | LUN’s storage disk ID. |
storage_view_name | STRING | Name of the storage view. |
virtual_volume_name | STRING | Name of the virtual volume. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_storage_view_id | NUMBER | Storage view ID, for internal use by the database. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Array name |
block_count | NUMBER | The number of blocks on the meta-system volume. |
block_size | NUMBER | The size of the blocks on the meta-system volume. |
capacity_gb | NUMBER | The size of the meta-volume in GiB. |
capacity_kb | NUMBER | The size of the meta-volume. |
cluster_id | STRING | VPLEX cluster ID. |
component_count | NUMBER | The number of mirrors in this RAID-1 meta-data volume. |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX meta-system volume data was created in the database. |
free_slots | NUMBER | The number of free slots for storage volume headers in this meta-volume. |
geometry | STRING | Indicates the geometry or redundancy of this device. Will always be RAID-1. |
health_indications | STRING | For the meta-system volume |
health_state | STRING | Health state of the meta-system volume. |
is_active | STRING | Indicates if this is the currently active metadata volume. |
is_application_consistent | STRING | Indicates if this storage volume is application-consistent. |
is_ready | STRING | Indicates if this meta-system volume is ready: Y or N. |
is_rebuild_allowed | STRING | Indicates if this meta-system volume is allowed to rebuild: Y or N. |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX meta-system volume data was last updated in the database. |
locality | STRING | Locality of the supporting device. |
meta_sys_volume_name | STRING | Meta-system volume name. |
metasys_vol_system_id | STRING | Name assigned to the meta-system volume. |
operational_status | STRING | Operational status of the meta-system volume. |
rebuild_eta | STRING | The estimated time remaining for the current rebuild to complete. |
rebuild_progress | STRING | The percentage of this device that has been rebuilt. |
rebuild_status | STRING | The rebuild status of this meta-system volume. |
rebuild_type | STRING | The rebuild type. |
slots | NUMBER | The total number of slots for storage-volume headers in this meta-system volume. |
stripe_depth | NUMBER | The depth of a stripe |
transfer_size | NUMBER | The transfer size during rebuild |
volume_type | STRING | For meta-system volumes, this value is always set to meta-volume. |
vpl_meta_sys_volume_id | NUMBER | Meta-system volume ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
address | STRING | The IP address of this management Ethernet port interface. |
array_name | STRING | Array name |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX management Ethernet port data was created in the database. |
gateway | STRING | The gateway address for this management Ethernet port interface. |
inet6_address | STRING | The IPv6 address for this management Ethernet port interface. |
inet6_gateway | STRING | The IPv6 gateway for this management Ethernet port interface. |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX management Ethernet port data was last updated in the database. |
mgmt_enet_port_name | STRING | Name of the Ethernet port. |
net_mask | STRING | The net mask of this management Ethernet port interface. |
vpl_mgmt_ethernet_port_id | NUMBER | Ethernet port ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Array name |
auto_expel_count | NUMBER | Number of Auto expel count by the cluster. |
auto_expel_period | NUMBER | The period for which the cluster cannot participate in the VPLEX. |
auto_join_delay | NUMBER | The delay before the cluster can rejoin the system. |
cluster_ipseed | STRING | The cluster IP seed for the storage system. |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX storage system data was created in the database |
default_cache_mode | STRING | Default cache mode. |
default_director | STRING | Name of the default director. |
default_director_id | NUMBER | Default directors ID. |
health_indications | STRING | If the cluster health state is not OK additional information is provided. |
health_state | STRING | Health state of the storage system. |
is_allow_auto_join | STRING | If the clusters allow-auto-join attribute is set to true the cluster automatically rejoins the system. |
is_connected | STRING | Defines if the command-line interface is connected to at least one director in the cluster. |
is_default_caw_template | STRING | Indicates that this is the default compare-and-write (CAW) template. |
island_id | NUMBER | ID of the island. For current release always 1. |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX storage system data was last updated in the database |
mgmt_server_name | STRING | Management server name for the VPLEX storage system. |
mgmt_server_serial_number | STRING | The EMC serial number of management server name for the VPLEX storage system. |
nbr_of_backend_arrays | NUMBER | Number of back-end arrays in the cluster. |
nbr_of_connected_clusters | NUMBER | Number of connected clusters. |
nbr_of_engines | NUMBER | Number of engines in the cluster. |
nbr_of_extents | NUMBER | Number of Extents in the cluster. |
nbr_of_global_devices | NUMBER | Number of global devices in the cluster. |
nbr_of_local_devices | NUMBER | Number of local devices in the cluster. |
nbr_of_storage_views | NUMBER | Number of storage views in the cluster. |
nbr_of_storage_volumes | NUMBER | Number of storage volumes in the cluster. |
operational_status | STRING | Operational status of the cluster. |
storage_volume_claim_cap_gb | NUMBER | Claimed capacity of the storage volume in GiB. |
storage_volume_claim_cap_kb | NUMBER | Claimed capacity of the storage volume in KiB. |
storage_volume_total_cap_gb | NUMBER | Total capacity of the storage volume in GiB. |
storage_volume_total_cap_kb | NUMBER | Total capacity of the storage volume. |
storage_volume_unclaim_cap_gb | NUMBER | Unclaimed capacity of the storage volume in GiB. |
storage_volume_unclaim_cap_kb | NUMBER | Unclaimed capacity of the storage volume. |
storage_volume_used_cap_gb | NUMBER | Used capacity of the storage volume in GiB. |
storage_volume_used_cap_kb | NUMBER | Used capacity of the storage volume. |
transition_indications | STRING | Additional information if the transitioning progress is anything other than blank. |
transition_progress | STRING | Indicates the progress for supported transitions. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Array name |
controller_tag | STRING | Controller Tag |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the data was created in the database. |
health_state | STRING | Health state of the storage system. |
is_caw_enabled | STRING | The compare-and-write (CAW) enabled flag for the view. |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time when data was last updated in the database. |
nbr_of_virtual_volumes | NUMBER | Number of virtual volumes in the cluster. |
operational_status | STRING | Operational status of the cluster. |
storage_view_name | STRING | Name of the storage view. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_storage_view_id | NUMBER | Storage view ID, for internal use by the database. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Array name |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the data was created in the database. |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time when data was last updated in the database. |
path_name | STRING | The name of the storage path. |
storage_path_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to storage path details |
storage_view_name | STRING | Name of the storage view. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_storage_view_id | NUMBER | Storage view ID, for internal use by the database. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Array name |
block_count | NUMBER | The number of blocks in the VPLEX storage volume. |
block_size | NUMBER | The size of a single block in kilobytes. |
capacity_gb | NUMBER | The total capacity of the storage volume in GiB. |
capacity_kb | NUMBER | The total number of bytes in the storage volume. |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX storage volume data was created in the database. |
description | STRING | The description of the storage volume. |
free_chunks | STRING | The block ranges on this storage volume that are available for use. |
health_indications | STRING | Displays reasons for particular health states. |
health_state | STRING | Displays an overview of the extent health. |
io_status | STRING | Indicates the I/O status of the storage volume. |
is_application_consistent | STRING | Defines if this storage volume is application-consistent. |
is_thin_rebuild | STRING | Indicates if thin rebuild has been configured for storage volumes. |
itls | STRING | The (ITLS) initiator-target-LUN triples by which this volume is accessed. |
largest_free_chun | NUMBER | The total number of bytes for the largest free chunk. |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX storage volume data was last updated in the database. |
locality | STRING | Indicates how this extent relates to its cluster. |
nbr_of_claimed_volumes | NUMBER | Number of claimed volumes in the storage volume. |
nbr_of_extents | NUMBER | Number of extents in the storage volume. |
nbr_of_global_devices | NUMBER | Number of global devices in the storage volume. |
nbr_of_local_devices | NUMBER | Number of local devices in the storage volume. |
nbr_of_unclaimed_volumes | NUMBER | Number of unclaimed volumes in the storage volume. |
nbr_of_used_volumes | NUMBER | Number of used volumes in the storage volume. |
operational_status | STRING | The operational status for the storage volume. This indicates if the entity is functioning and how well it is functioning. |
storage_vol_system_id | STRING | The internal system ID for the storage. |
storage_volume_name | STRING | The storage array name associated with the storage volume. |
storage_volume_type | STRING | Indicates whether the storage volume has an associated storage volume header and whether that header is stored on the storage volume or on a metadata volume. |
total_free_space_gb | NUMBER | The total amount of free space on the storage volume in GiB. |
total_free_space_kb | NUMBER | The total amount of free space on the storage volume in bytes. |
vendor_specific_name | STRING | The vendor-specific name for the storage volume. |
volume_use | STRING | Indicates how the system is currently using the storage volume. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_storage_volume_id | NUMBER | Storage volume ID, for internal use by the database. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Array name |
block_count | NUMBER | The number of blocks in the storage volume. |
block_size | NUMBER | The size of a single block in kilobytes. |
capacity_gb | NUMBER | The total capacity of the storage volume in GiB. |
capacity_kb | NUMBER | The total number of bytes in the storage volume. |
largest_free_chun | NUMBER | The total number of bytes for the largest free chunk. |
log_date | DATE | The date and time the samples were collected. |
nbr_of_claimed_volumes | NUMBER | Number of claimed volumes in the storage volume. |
nbr_of_extents | NUMBER | Number of extents in the storage volume. |
nbr_of_global_devices | NUMBER | Number of global devices in the storage volume. |
nbr_of_local_devices | NUMBER | Number of local devices in the storage volume. |
nbr_of_unclaimed_volumes | NUMBER | Number of unclaimed volumes in the storage volume. |
nbr_of_used_volumes | NUMBER | Number of used volumes in the storage volume. |
storage_volume_name | STRING | The storage array name associated with the storage volume. |
total_free_space_gb | NUMBER | The total amount of free space on the storage volume in GiB. |
total_free_space_kb | NUMBER | The total amount of free space on the storage volume in bytes. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_storage_volume_id | NUMBER | Storage volume ID, for internal use by the database. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Array name |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX target port data was created in the database. |
director_id | STRING | Director ID associate with this array port. |
director_name | STRING | Name of the VPLEX director. |
export_status | STRING | This port’s export status. |
hard_address_acquisition | STRING | The hard address acquisition flag for the port. |
hard_address_acquisition | STRING | Name of the target port. |
iqn | STRING | International Qualification Network (IQN). For future use. |
iqn | STRING | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
is_enabled | STRING | Indicates if the port is enabled. |
is_enabled | STRING | Target port ID, for internal use by the database. |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX target port data was last updated in the database. |
node_wwn | STRING | World Wide Name for the node |
node_wwn_id | STRING | This port’s node World Wide Name (WWN). |
port_id | STRING | The target port ID. |
port_wwn | STRING | World Wide Name for the port |
port_wwn_id | STRING | This port’s World Wide Name (WWN). |
status | STRING | Port status. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Array name |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX target port export data was created in the database. |
export_status | STRING | This target port’s export status. |
host_id | NUMBER | Host ID, for internal use by the database. |
host_name | STRING | Host Name. |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX target port export data was last updated in the database. |
logical_unit_id | NUMBER | Logical unit ID, for internal use by the database. |
lun_nbr | NUMBER | The number of the LUN. |
target_port_name | STRING | Name of the target port. |
virtual_volume_name | STRING | Name of the virtual volume. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_target_port_id | NUMBER | Target port ID, for internal use by the database. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Array name. |
block_count | NUMBER | The number of blocks in the extent. |
block_size | NUMBER | The size of a single block in kilobytes. |
cache_mode | STRING | Indicates if the cache flushes dirty data synchronously or asynchronously. |
capacity_gb | NUMBER | The total capacity of the virtual volume in Gib |
capacity_kb | NUMBER | The total number of bytes in the virtual volume. |
consistency_group | STRING | The name of the consistency group to which this volume belongs if any. |
creation_date | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX virtual volume data was created in the database. |
health_indications | STRING | Indicates the reasons for a health state that is not functioning normally. Represents an overview of the health of the underlying devices. |
health_state | STRING | Health state of the virtual volume. |
is_expandable | STRING | Indicates if the virtual volume can be expanded. |
last_updated | DATE | The date and time the VPLEX virtual volume data was last updated in the database. |
locality | STRING | Locality of the virtual volume. |
logical_unit_id | NUMBER | Logical unit ID, for internal use by the database. |
nbr_of_devices | NUMBER | Number of devices in the virtual volume. |
operational_status | STRING | Operational status of the virtual volume. |
recoverpoint_usage | STRING | The replication role this virtual volume is being used for by any attached recover point clusters. |
scsi_release_delay | NUMBER | A SCSI release delay time in milliseconds. |
service_status | STRING | The service status of the virtual volume. |
storage_tier | STRING | The storage tier for the virtual volume. |
supporting_device | STRING | The local remote or distributed device underlying this volume. |
virtual_volume_name | STRING | Name of the virtual volume. |
virtual_volume_system_id | STRING | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
volume_type | STRING | Volume type which is always set to virtual volume. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
array_name | STRING | Array name |
block_count | NUMBER | The number of blocks in the extent. |
block_size | NUMBER | The size of a single block |
capacity_gb | NUMBER | The total capacity of the virtual volume in GiB. |
capacity_kb | NUMBER | The total number of bytes in the virtual volume. |
log_date | DATE | The date and time the samples were collected. |
logical_unit_id | NUMBER | Logical unit ID, for internal use by the database. |
nbr_of_devices | NUMBER | Number of devices in the virtual volume. |
stripe_depth | NUMBER | Array name |
transfer_size | NUMBER | The number of blocks in the extent. |
virtual_volume_name | STRING | Name of the virtual volume. |
virtual_volume_name | STRING | The size of a single block |
visibility | STRING | The total capacity of the virtual volume in GiB. |
vpl_device_id | NUMBER | The total number of bytes in the virtual volume. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | Storage system ID, for internal use by the database. |
vpl_storage_system_id | NUMBER | The date and time the samples were collected. |