Exploring Your Inventory
Version 10.0.01
Exploring Your Inventory
Serving as browser mode for your infrastructure, the Inventory Navigator offers an accurate picture of the assets discovered within your data center. Objects in the APTARE StorageConsole database can be seen and manipulated through this single navigation window providing access to information in the form of summaries and reports. This inventory of your data center allows you to view asset counts, explore trends, and monitor capacity and system-level information.
Inventory objects and groups are associated with default reports that offer relevant data or information for the selected object. Custom report templates created using the Dynamic Template Designer are also displayed. If you’ve assigned a category, report templates are grouped and if not, they are shown as uncategorized report templates.
You can customize the display of specialized reports associated with the object. For groups of objects, you can review data for short-term goals such as performance and longer term goals, such as trends in backup storage failures. You can also quickly toggle between the Inventory reports and an Inventory list view which displays all the collected inventory objects for a category.
See the following for related topics:
Inventory Privileges
Getting Started with the Inventory Navigator
Working with the Inventory Reports View
Working with the Inventory List View