Setting a Host’s Priority
APTARE StorageConsole can collect host data from multiple vendor products (subsystems), such as Veritas NetBackup and IBM XIV. When host data is collected from more than one subsystem, host reports will display the data from the primary subsystem. StorageConsole provides a default ranking for subsystems. When a host is collected, that rank order is referenced to determine if the collected host is coming from the primary subsystem.
An Administrator can override that default ranking and configure a different source subsystem as primary by using the following instructions to customize the ranking for your enterprise.
1. Log on to the Portal Server as user aptare.
2. At the command prompt, type: sqlplus <pwd>/<pwd>
3. Execute the following at the SQL prompt to view the default host ranking. In this table, the Product Types translate to: 1 = backup, 2 = capacity, 4 = virtualization, 8 = replication, 16 = fabric, 32 = file analytics.
SQL> SELECT * from apt_host_source_rank;
Table 1 Default Host Source Ranking Table
aptare_product_type | product_vendor | priority | product_vendor_name |
| | 100 | UI |
1 | 1 | 202 | Veritas NetBackup |
1 | 4 | 203 | Tivoli Storage Manager |
1 | 3 | 204 | EMC NetWorker |
1 | 5 | 205 | CommVault Simpana |
1 | 6 | 206 | HP Data Protector |
1 | 2 | 207 | Veritas Backup Exec |
1 | 9 | 208 | Generic Backup |
1 | 7 | 209 | EMC Avamar |
4 | 51 | 301 | VMware |
4 | 52 | 302 | IBM VIO |
2 | 41 | 201 | Host Resource |
2 | 21 | 401 | Hitachi Data Systems |
2 | 211 | 402 | Hitachi NAS |
2 | 22 | 403 | EMC |
2 | 221 | 404 | EMC CLARiiON |
2 | 222 | 405 | EMC Symmetrix |
2 | 223 | 406 | EMC VNX (Celerra) |
2 | 225 | 407 | EMC Isilon |
2 | 231 | 408 | NetApp Cluster-Mode |
2 | 23 | 409 | NetApp |
2 | 24 | 410 | HP |
2 | 241 | 411 | HP 3PAR |
2 | 25 | 412 | IBM |
2 | 26 | 413 | NetApp E-Series |
2 | 27 | 414 | IBM SVC |
2 | 28 | 415 | HP EVA |
2 | 254 | 416 | IBM XIV |
2 | 29 | 417 | Dell Compellent |
8 | 61 | 501 | NetApp SnapMirror |
8 | 62 | 502 | NetApp SnapVault |
16 | 701 | 601 | Brocade Switch |
16 | 702 | 602 | McData Switch |
16 | 703 | 603 | Cisco Switch |
32 | 801 | 700 | File Analytics |
1 | 32 | 701 | EMC Data Domain |
| | 800 | HBA CSV Load |
| | 801 | CSV Load |
4. Execute the following to customize the host source subsystem ranking for your enterprise. This command can be repeated for as many vendor products (subsystems) as needed in your environment. It updates a custom host source ranking table, which is specific to your environment. See
Determining Host Ranking.
SQL> INSERT INTO apt_host_user_source_rank (domain_id, aptare_product_type, product_vendor, priority, product_vendor_name) VALUES (<domain_id_value>, <aptare_product_type_value>, <product_vendor_value>, <priority_value>, '<product_vendor_name_value>');
SQL> Commit;
<domain_id_value> | Most environments have only one Domain ID, however, Managed Service Providers (MSPs) will have a different Domain ID for each of their customers. To list the currently configured Domain IDs, use the following SQL SELECT statement: SQL> SELECT * from apt_domain; |
<aptare_product_type_value> | The product type is a number that represents the StorageConsole product, such as Capacity Manager. 1 = backup, 2 = capacity, 4 = virtualization, 8 = replication, 16 = fabric, 32 = file analytics |
<product_vendor_value> | This number represents the vendor and subsystem from which the host data is collected. |
<priority_value> | This number sets the priority ranking for the host. Priority numbers used by customers should be between 1 and 99. |
'<product_vendor_name_value>' | This name corresponds to the vendor_number; for example, EMC Avamar. This must be entered exactly as it is listed in the Default Host Ranking Table. See Default Host Source Ranking Table. Note: The product vendor name is not mandatory when the product vendor (number) is available. In this case, a null value within single quotes can be used for the product vendor name value. |
INSERT INTO apt_host_user_source_rank (domain_id, aptare_product_type, product_vendor, priority, product_vendor_name) VALUES (100396, 1, 1, 88, 'Veritas NetBackup');
5. Execute the following to view the host ranking that you customized for your enterprise:
SQL> SELECT * from apt_host_user_source_rank;
SQL> update apt_host_user_source_rank set <column_name> = <value> where <column_name> = <Value>;
update apt_host_user_source_rank set priority = 91 where product_vendor = 1;
Determining Host Ranking
The user-specific host ranking table differs from the default ranking table, as it has a Domain ID column that enables Domain-specific ranking for hosts. You can override host ranking with a Null Domain ID; this becomes a system-wide override.
When determining the priority of a host, StorageConsole checks the ranking in the following order of priority:
1. User host source rank with a Domain ID populated
2. User host source rank with a Null Domain ID