Defining NetBackup Estimated Tape Capacity > Updating the Estimated Capacity Table
Version 10.0.01
Updating the Estimated Capacity Table
Use the following procedure to insert rows into the NetBackup Estimated Capacity database table.
1. Log on to the Portal Server as user aptare.
2. Type the following command:
sqlplus portal/portal
3. Insert a row into the apt_nbu_tape_capacity_est table. The following example shows how to insert the values.
INSERT INTO apt_nbu_tape_capacity_est (volume_pool_id, media_type, estimated_mbyte_capacity)
VALUES (100304, 10, 35850);
In this example, both the volume_pool_id and media_type will be used to establish the estimated capacity.
4. You also can insert a row into this table using media_type only (omitting the volume_pool_id), as shown in the following example.
INSERT INTO apt_nbu_tape_capacity_est (volume_pool_id, media_type, estimated_mbyte_capacity)
VALUES (NULL, 9, 30000);
In this example, only the media_type will be used when the calculation searches for an estimated capacity override.
5. To verify estimated capacities after updating the database table, execute the following commands, supplying the NetBackup Master Server ID:
sqlplus portal/portal
execute media_package.setupTapeMediaCapacity(<master server ID>);
Listing Volume Pool IDs and Media Types
Using the Report Template Designer, create a custom report using the following query to identify Volume Pool IDs and Media Type codes:
select DISTINCT n.vendor_media_type, t.vendor_media_type_name, n.volume_pool_id
from apt_v_nbu_tape_media_detail n, apt_v_tape_media t
where n.tape_media_id = t.tape_media_id
and t.server_id in ($(hosts))
When you create this custom report via the Report Template Designer, configure the Report Designer to include the selection of a host group, enabling users to narrow the scope of the report when they generate the report.